Allow me to introduce you to AMGeneX DNA (Dynamic Nutrition Advantage). AMGeneX is Amega Global’s superior nutritional epigenetic food, which helps your own cells to rebuild their protective genes and maintain optimum wellness. AMGeneX DNA is infused with Amega's proprietary Amized Fusion Technology, which is charged with Zero Point Energy.
AMGeneX DNA (Dynamic Nutrition Advantage) is Amega Global’s superior nutritional epigenetic food, which helps your own cells to rebuild their protective genes and maintain optimum wellness. AMGeneX DNA is infused with Amega's proprietary Amized Fusion Technology, which is charged with Zero Point Energy.
Zero Point Energy enables the body to be infused with high levels of life force energy or Qi/Chi (Chee), which include consciousness, energy, information, frequency and vibrations. It is the building blocks of everything in nature, our bodies and the universe.
AMGeneX is said to be the world's first Epigenetic product. Epigenetic is fairly new term in nutritional-based science from Quantum Physic thus Quantum Medicine. It has to do with the interaction of food compounds with the DNA inside the body's cells.
In the old science it was believed that our DNA was hard wired and couldn't be changed. Today it is a fact that this belief is not true. Our DNS can be re-shaped given the proper food and nutrition. When we consume foods real whole foods, we cleanse, balance, and influence our genes and are rich sources of phytochemicals that tell our DNA to switch on our cellular defense mechanisms, which repair, rejuvenate and regenerate at the cellular level. This is the path of health, wellness and longevity.
Zero Point Energy Therapy is part of the Self-Care Wellness Evolution and the Alternative Medicine for the New Millennium from Quantum Physic. Anyone can use energy to address health and wellness in prevention, maintenance and recovery. Zero Point Energy is a self-care approach that is available to everyone.
Zero Point Energy Therapy is part of the Self-Care Wellness Evolution and the Alternative Medicine for the New Millennium from Quantum Physic. Anyone can use energy to address health and wellness in prevention, maintenance and recovery. Zero Point Energy is a self-care approach that is available to everyone.
Zero Point Energy provides a broad spectrum of multi-disciplines and protocols to address the complexities of maintaining health and vitality for prevention, to facilitate energy, to address dis-harmonies, as well as chronic illness and pain. Energetic therapies are available and NURA is one of the first Energtic Wellness Centers in the world located in Singapore. Imagine a NURA Energtic Wellness Center in the United States. One is coming soon and we will be able to re-energize our body, mind and spirit right here without having to travel to Singapore.
The is all about Qi. Everything is energy or Qi. This is an exciting time to be in the healing arts. As a student of Quantum Medicine there is an English word that can accurately translate the Chinese Medicine word or concept of Qi or Chi. What is Chi? It is Qi often translated as energy. Qi and Zero Point Energy include energy, consciousness, information, frequency and vibration. We do not see, hear or feel energy but we do experience it. Everything is energy including the air we breath.
Quantum Medicine is our new medicine using energy technologies from ancient natural medicines to facilitate and remind the body back to its original state of balance and harmony. All natural medicines including Ayurvedic Medicine, Chinese Medicine, Native American Medicine, Homeopathic Medicine and a host of other natural alternative medicines use principals and practices of energy healing. Image Self-Care with energy products. Image not only health and wellness, but a face lift with Zero Point Energy Therapy!
I have never seen a product demonstrate its power immediately as Zero Energy Infusion products. This is a Self-Care Zero Energy infused wand and pendant. Image getting immediate benifits from your own Self-Care approach to wellness. The power of Zero Point Energy infused wand works!
Believe in the power of Zero Point Energy products. Test them for yourself. See it work on food, on wine and yourself. Zero Point Energy Infused products will change the taste of a a sour lemon to a sweet taste, change cheap wine to please the palette and instantly affect ones strength, flexibility and balance - not to mention reduce symptoms. Please take the time to watch the videos to get a glimpse of Zero Point Energy. (It works on animals too).
Zero Point Energy or Qi/Chi is the source and building blocks of all energy and is reflected in everything we see and experience. Zero Point Energy is sourced from Zero Point Field or simply the Field. In Chinese Medicine Qi is sourced from the Tao.
Quantum Medicine and energy healing is your health and wealth potential. Do some research. Test it out for yourself. Join the new Self-Care Evolution.
Thank you for your insight and contribution:
Dr. David Williams
To your Health, Wealth and Prosperous 2011
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor