Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Favorite book - The Celestine Prophecy

See the beauty where others do not.

A Celestine Universal Truth
- An Insight

In the rain forests of Peru, an ancient manuscript has been discovered. Within its pages are 9 key insights into life itself - insights each human being is predicted to grasp sequentially, one insight then another, as we move toward a completely spiritual culture on Earth.
-  The Celestine Prophecy . ~ James Redfield .

This is manifesting now. Are you aware?

See the movie.

The Nine Insights
1) There are no coincidences - all encounters have a purpose
2) Be open and aware to change - see into the millennium
3) We are all energy/Chi - experience, see, exchange and share it
4) Source is from within - let go of control and power struggle
5) Open your eyes to the higher source for energy - be in the mystery
6) Past - let go of it and drama - live in the present, draw from the future
7) Engage and step into the flow - stay centered guided from within
8) Be and let be - interpersonal relationships are of the highest value
9) Oneness with all one sourced by love - you are pure spirit - a creator

  A must read:


Saquina Akanni

The Prosperity Doctor

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Favorite book - The Alchemist

 "To realize one's destiny is a person's only obligation."

The entire universe conspires in helping you achieve what you want. It is nourished by people's happiness or unhappiness, joy and jealousy, pain and pleasure. All things are one and we create our reality. The story of Santiago in The Alchemist in its simplicity and wisdom is about an Andalusian shepherd boy whose dream is to travel. He takes the leap on a journey to the Egyptian desert in search of a treasure buried in the Pyramids seen in a dream. He is confronted with challenges and obstacles from thieves to the desert and along the way he meets a Gypsy woman, an old man who calls himself King of Salem, and an alchemist who assist Santiago on his quest.
The boy discovers the treasures found within his own soul and transforms on his adventure seeking to fulfill his Personal Legend. A must read!

"None of what the old man was saying made much sense to the boy. But he wanted to know what the "mysterious force" was... 
 It's a force that appears to be negative, but actually shows you how to realize your Personal Legend. It prepares your spirit and your will, because there is one great truth on this planet: whoever you are, or whatever it is that you do, when you really want something, it's because that desire originated in the soul of the universe. It's your mission on earth."

The Alchemist
Paulo Choelho

Saquina Akanni

The Prosperity Doctor

Friday, March 26, 2010

Artist Quote - Hare Brain, Tortoise Mind

 Everything is gestation and bringing forth.  To let each impression and each germ of a feeling come to completion wholly in itself, in the dark, in the inexpressible, the unconscious, beyond the reach of one's own intelligence, and await with deep humility and  patience the birth hour of a new clarity: that alone is living the artist's life.  Being an artist means not reckoning and counting, but ripening like the tree which does not force it sap, and stands confident in the storms of spring without the fear that after them may come no summer.  It does come.  But it comes only to the patient, who are there as though eternity lay before them, so unconcernedly still and wide.
-Rainer Maria Rilke


Guy Claxton's most successful book to date, critically and commercially, is Hare Brain, Tortoise Mind: Why Intelligence Increases When You Think Less (Fourth Estate, UK, 1997, HarperPerennial, USA, 1999).  "It brought together for the first time a wide range of scientific evidence for the existence of 'the intelligent unconscious'.  Very different from the wild, subversive unconscious of the Freudians, he showed that most of our everyday intelligence belongs not to the screen of consciousness, but to the invisible 'motherboard' behind it. " - Guy Claxton

Thank You Michael Dorovich

Saquina Akanni

The Prosperity Doctor

Favorite Quote - Jonathan Winters

We are all one spirit, but every so often one meets a soul rooted in spirit of like mind... 
they awaken the soul and inspiration flows... 
what a delight to experience. - Saquina Akanni

Met a kindred spirit in Clay Covey
@ XanGoTM ...  
where inspiration flows!

I couldn't wait for success ... 

so I went ahead without it.
  ~Jonathan Winters

Some people dream
of success... while others
wake up and
work hard at it.

~Author Unknown

Thank You Clay Coveyyou inspire me.

 Go XanGo!

Saquina Akanni

The Prosperity Doctor

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Favorite Quote - Kindness








How beautiful a day can be, When kindness touches it!

~George Elliston 


 A bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that gives roses.

~Chinese Proverb



from Clay Coveyat XanGoTM

Thank You

 GO XanGo!

Saquina Akanni

The Prosperity Doctor

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Favorite - Just A Minute

 Just A Minute Said A Voice
"Just a minute," said a voice in the weeds.

So I stood still...
in the day's exquisite early morning light

so I didn't crush with my great feet
any small or unusual thing

just happening to pass by
where I was passing by
on my way to the blueberry fields,

and maybe it was the toad
and maybe it was the June beetle
and maybe it was the pink and tender worm
who does his work without limbs or eyes
and does it well
or maybe it was the walking stick, still frail
and walking humbly by, looking for a tree.
or maybe, like Blake's wondrous meeting,

it was the elves, carrying one of their own
on a rose-petal coffin away, away
into the deep grasses.

After awhile the quaintest voice said,
"Thank you."  And then there was silence
For the rest, I would keep you wondering.                 

   - Mary Oliver

Sent to me today.

by my friend Reuben
Thank You.

Saquina Akanni

The Prosperity Doctor

Friday, March 19, 2010

Avatar - Never too Late

Ken, it is never too late for transformation... 

Expression already is!


Saw Avatar yesterday on my birthday.

It was awesome. Just loved it.


 It’s never too late to be

what you might have been. 


~ George Eliot


 To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity

Saquina Akanni

The Prosperity Doctor

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Favorite Quote - Good in Every Failure

One of the things successful people have in common is their ability to perceive the good in every failure while others see only shame. 

~ Robert G Allen 

 Book Tour

What is your greatest treasure?

You are your wealth.

The money is just a by-product.

~ Robert G Allen

No Money Down
Multiple Streams of Income
One Minute Millionaire
Crack the Millionaire Code
Cash in a Flash

 One of my mentors.

Saquina Akanni

The Prosperity Doctor

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Favorite Quote - Free Enterprise

 Free enterprise means that the more enterprising you are
the freer you are.
 ~ Mark Victor Hansen

Book Tour

~ Mark Victor Hansen
Chicken Soup for the Soul
One Minute Millionaire
Crack the Millionaire Code
Cash in a Flash
From one of my mentors.

Saquina Akanni

The Prosperity Doctor

Sunday, March 14, 2010

What is Transformational Technology?

Transformational Technology is a term used to describe educational training used to awaken our innate intelligence, intuition and insight of self-awareness, self-development and self-cultivation to create a new level of consciousness, observation, attention and intention - often call; seeing with the "Third Eye".
These basic concepts are the standard teachings in Eastern philosophy from Taoism, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Buddha Enlightenment to Ayurveda and Ayurvedic Medicine which originated in ancient times. Both medicines can trace their origins to books such as:  I Ching for Chinese Medicine and Sanskrit books called the Vedas (the oldest and most important scriptures of India).

U. S. Anderson, The Contemporary Mystic,  wrote Three Magic Words in 1954 and used transformational technology to demonstrate the power of the words, "I AM". Ull Stanley Anderson's concept of reality as explained in his various books is very much inline with the Eastern philosophy and New Wave Thought teachings: "Universal Mind is a vast and all-encompassing mental and spiritual being in whom all things and events exist. The principal quality of this Mind is that it is just one, infinite in size, eternal in scope, and nothing exists outside It. It is an enormous sea of consciousness, pervading all, supporting all, and individual consciousness grows out of It. All things are made from It; It is rock, sea, bird, beast, man. All things in their true essence, then, are mental, or spiritual, and the rock itself is not a rock at all but merely an example of enclosed or restricted consciousness. Awareness is in the rock. Universal Mind is there."  (The Secret of Secrets,  1958.)

Werner Erhard, without any formal credentials, degrees or advanced educational training used his own innate intelligence, intuition and insight to promote self-awareness in the United States through transformational programs starting with Est, then the Forum and later the Landmark Education stating in the 1970’s.

I have a Masters in Traditional Chinese Medicine and completed The Landmark Education starting with the Forum, Advanced Education, and ILP or Introduction Leadership Program. It was indeed transforming. I have also participated in other transformation programs including; Anthony Robins, T. Harv Eker and Enlighten Wealth Institute.

There is now technology that can greatly accelerate all the key areas of training that a person needs to become empowered. This core training is called Alchemy training and is the training of consciousness both in its scope, content and context. There already exist a number of technologies that can support and greatly accelerate aspects of consciousness training by positively influencing the physical correlation related to states of consciousness and states of being related to the mind.

These new technologies play a key role in Project Global Alchemy because they offer great potential to accelerate many dimensions of growth at an integral fashion. They offer supports for help to guide people to become the change they want to see in the world much more rapidly.

The use of these technologies has already been shown to be effective in enhancing the effectiveness of many alchemy's for cultivating the "Visionary Heart" which alone is of very profound significance to anyone wishing to "Be the Change" they want to see in the world or even simply being and knowing how to tap into the happiness soured from within.

Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

See original article: Intro to Transformational Technology Blog
See:  Life Technology™ 
See Wikipedia: Transformation Technology
See  The Three Magic Words, US Anderson,
See Warner Erhard: self-awareness, spirituality, empowerment, perception and enhancement of personal enlivenment and contribution. [5]

Thursday, March 11, 2010

EWI - Carpe Diem - Seize the Moment

Carpe Diem - Seize the Moment

The EWI Success Summit with Robert G Allen is amazing.
Reminded of things I learned in the past, refreshed on things I am working on now, and learned a lot of new stuff.

I am a Screaming Eagle at your service.
I did the CIAF program and was part of the case study
for the Cash in a Flash book.

I did the book tour with Bob and Mark.

I am acknowledged in the book - go check Page 360.
Click the link: To get FREE stuff; like a FREE book, or CD or DVD. Go join and get started for FREE.

People asked me how did I get picked for that training and how did I do. There were thousands of people on the call.
EWI Question? The price is low, only $5,000 so why should they chose me?
My answer: "Because I am coachable, I will do what you tell me to do." Money is tight so I did everything I could for FREE. I finshed the book I started. Submitted it to the publisher. Opened a Twitter and Facebook account. I started building my database, tweeted and invited friends to Facebook.
I started a blog and set up a PayPal account.
I am a blogger and blog something five times a week.

I set up a blog to sell a product and service on four blogs.

How can I help you get started?  Need a blog?
I can set you up a template to get you started.
I can do your first blog and then you can fill in the rest.

Need Twitter or Facebook?
Can give you an hour or so to get you going.

You are on my information blog:

Here is a product blog.
Here is a service blog.

See my other blogs and accounts below.

Give me a call or email me.

Saquina Akanni

The Prosperity Doctor


Capstone Ambassador
Salu International

Consultant, Speaker, Author, Healer
Something Wonderful is Unfolding for You
310-936-9294 c
877-936-9294 b
Cash in a Flash – FREE book and DVD 

Favorite Quote - Close Your Eyes on Yesterday

Close your eyes on yesterday and
sleep as if for the very first time. - Saquina Akanni

Consider these tips:
Turn off the TV an hour before going to sleep. Let your mind rest and relax. Better yet, remove the TV and all electrical devices out of your bedroom or sleep area. Those items give off electrical energy that bombard you at night.

Don't eat late at night. The Yi/mind lives in the Stomach. If the stomach has to work all night digesting food, how can it rest? That is why you are thinking, thinking and thinking all night!

Meditate. Create a Reality...
Just before going to sleep - clear your mind of all negative thoughts from the past, empty your heart of all hurt and rejection from the past and release all stress from your body through your feet and finger tips. Take a deep breath and let all negative energy go.

In this way you can sleep well knowing you are not taking the past with you to sleep, you are honoring the present of this moment and can visualize your future - what you desire - before falling off to sleep...  Smiling:-)

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Favorite Quote - Open Your Eyes to Possibilities

Sometimes, in order to open your eyes to the possibilities of today, you have to close your eyes on yesterday. - David Baird 
... from his book A Thousand Paths to Happiness.

Create every situation as new and fresh. Seize the opportunity to create a new relationship with someone in the past or strike up a conversation to create a new relationship with someone for your future. 

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Favorite Quote - Teachers open the door...

Teachers open the door but you must enter yourself. - David Baird

David Baird is the author of one of my favorite
books.  A Thousand Paths to Happiness.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Favorite Quote - Fountain of Youth

If there is a fountain of youth, it is circulating in live whole foods flowing through bok choy, the likes of shitake mushrooms, high quality supplements and the Five Tibetan exercises 
- Saquina Akanni

A simple diet can help cleanse, harmonize, balance, repair and regenerate any damage that was done in the past. Supplements can be used to enhance, maximize and accelerate the benefits from whole foods intake. The Five Tibetan exercises can revitalize and re-energize you.

I have a Fountain of Youth Health Regime that will restore, repair and regenerate your health. We can "tune you up", revitalize you or flush "toxic waste" out of your body right down the toilet!

Stop letting life live you.  Live Life!
Contact me for more information and details.

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor
To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Fountain of Youth is Enhanced with Supplements

Food supplements are of extreme value to maintain repair and regeneration process.
Free radicals are the culprit in the aging process.
What are Free Radicals?

Many molecules made of atoms follow the octet rule which states that most covalently bonded atoms represented by a Lewis Structure have eight electrons in their valence shells. That is, an element participating in a chemical reaction seeks to end up with a filled valence energy level or bonding pairs with eight electrons in the valence energy level or each atom acquires shares in electrons until its valence shell achieves eight electrons. An exception to the Octet Rule are molecules with an odd number of valence electrons and therefore cannot have an octet. Atoms and molecules with unpaired electrons are called free radicals.

Most free radicals are highly reactive and have only trnsitory existence as intermediates in chemical reactions. Free radicals produce harmful oxidation that can damage and kill cell membranes, in turn accelerating the aging process and leading to diseases such as Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes and Alzheimer's. Free radicals are a result of lifestyle meaning stress, poor diet, smoking, alcohol, lack of sleep and event excessive expose to sunlight.

Here are my Premium Select Favorites:
 XangoTM mangosteen juice is a whole food puree and cleanses the Liver/Gallbladder system one of the Five Elements. It is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Chronic inflammation is an underlying cause of many diverse age-related diseases and pain.

Traditions of Tao are Superior food grade herbs, vegetables and repair food formulated according to the Five Element System. It is an intense nutritional supplement. Traditions of Tao High Performance are Superior food grade herbs, rice, yams and seeds which are carbohydrates and provide nutrition and fuel energy at the cellular level.

Eleviv is a nutritive formula of supplements for the heart and kidney relationship for stress, vitality and vigor for Four of the Five Elements.

Resveratrol is a supplement from grape skin and seeds for repair and regeneration all Elements. It is an anti-inflammitory and antioxidant.

MSM (Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane) is an organic source of sulfur found in organic fruits and mother's milk replaces the moister back into the cells, skin and hair of all Elements.

A simple diet with whole foods and high quality supplements can help cleanse, harmonize, balance, repair and regenerate any damage that was done in the past. Supplements can be used to enhance the diet to maximize and accelerate the benefits from whole foods intake and reduce the harm from "free radicals".

I have a Fountain of Youth Health Regime that will restore, repair and regenerate your health.We can revitalize you, "tune you up"and flush "toxic waste" right out of your body and down the toilet!

Contact me for more information and details.

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor