Prosperity is a state of being and a state of mind being in abundance. By definition, prosperity is a state of being prosperous or propitious. That is being financially successful and flourishing in high economic activity. It also means being presented with favorable circumstances, being disposed to the promise of success or having an advantageous position such as: a propitious omen or a moment propitious for action. Prosperity relates to more than money. One can be rich with money, land and property and miserly with a poverty mentality. One can steal from others to acquire riches, but lives in fear of being discovered. One can have amassed material wealth, but in the process be a lost soul.
A prosperity doctor is qualified to use the Universal Laws of Prosperity in their practice to guide and assist one in the development, cultivation and transformation to the higher levels of ones self-awareness to awaken the soul and set the spirit free to create from one's true higher-self. One becomes a creator by intention to create the life and reality of health, wealth and prosperity.
To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity DoctorTM