Friday, June 25, 2010
Prosperity - Being Your True Self
Prosperity is a state of being, a form of abundance. Being in a state of gratitude, love and intention creates abundance in all aspects of ones life in health and wealth. You see prosperity in your life when you are being your true self, walking in the unshaken path of your own vision, purpose and dreams. - Saquina Akanni
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Prosperity - Health and Cancer
Discovered a site today that I found very interesting.
There is a place for questions and answers.
One of the questions, "Is cancer genetic?"
Food for thought. Check it out.
I posted my answer.
No. Cancer is not genetic. Cancer is a label in Western Medicine used for many things. Regardless of what they call it or where it is located in the body one did not catch cancer. One grows cancer over a long period of time. Today it is being called one of the "Lifestyle" diseases along with Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Stroke and Heart Disease. One does not catch these diseases they are grown. How? Stress and diet! Breast Cancer - stress and diet!
Consider that just recently diet had little value in Western Medicine, as long as you don't have a disease your diet didn't matter. However, once you have one of these diseases you are given a restrictive diet and drugs. Prevention is the easy cure. Start with knowing the difference between "real food" and chemicals called food.
We've been duped into believing better living through chemicals, but not in our foods! All refined, reconstituted things from refined white sugar to Splenda are not food - they are chemicals. Real sugar is in it's natural state is not white and found in fruit and vegetables. Pomegranates, blackberries and blueberries have real sugar. It is called complex-carbohydrates. An orange has real Vitamin C, which is used in cancer therapies. Butter is a food and margarine is a chemical - a roach won't eat it. Margarine is a wax, don't throw it away - use it to wax the tires on your car. Read the label on bottles and packages. If you can't pronounce it, it probably is not a food. Be ware of word like reconstructed and reconstituted - it is no longer a food. It is a chemical - free radicals destroying your cells. It is the chemicals that you eat knowing or unknowingly that grow cancer.
I am of the opinion that health and prosperity go together. One can not feel prosperous with poor health. Take charge of your health. Be prosperous in all matters of your life.
To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Prosperity - Quantum Medicine and Healing with Energy video
Healing the Body With Energy,
Quantum Healing and Medicine
Healing the body with energy has been around for centuries notably it is what we do in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Quantum Medicine synthesizes quantum theory with Eastern Taoist philosophy in order to explain the human life experience. The here mission is to educate, inform and popularize, while doing further research on alternative medicine so people can be aware of there own ability for self-care. The intention is for people to live a better life, physically, mentally, emotionally and en-compose their spiritual life as a whole. Everyone has the power within.
World Society is now in an era where the most vibrant and the most destructive forces lie in our ability to manipulate atoms and molecules at will. Knowledge of the quantum theory that governs the behavior of atoms and molecules is known to a very educated few. It is essential that every educated person understands the philosophy of quantum theory to empower themselves, not feel helpless or a victim, and to realize each of us can control your own health, wellness and our own destiny.
Quantum Health Research Institute is on the forefront with a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible and are used for programs and research.
To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor
Monday, June 21, 2010
Prosperity - Quantum Medicine
Quantum Medicine is spreading rapidly in the USA. Zero Point Field Energy Infusion technology is being used in many products. It is a Light energy used to remind the body of it's original source to accelerate the body's own innate ability to re-balance, repair, rejuvenate and regenerate itself. That is what the energy source in Amega wand is - Zero Point Energy Field.
Zero-point energy is the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical physical system may have and is the energy of the ground state. The quantum mechanical system that encompasses this energy is the zero point field.
Qi/Chi or Energy is the source of used in Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda Medicine and other natural healing methods that have been around for centuries. Chinese Medicine uses acupuncture to manipulate Qi/Chi or energy. The needle is a tool used to manipulate and direct the energy flow in the body along the meridians. The body's own Qi/Chi or energy does the work necessary to balance, strengthen, tonify or repair itself.
Einstein's theory of relativity as well as quantum mechanics, established a new area of science called quantum physics and quantum electrodynamics, which allows us to define the effects of light - matter reactions, especially those with charged subatomic molecules such as electrons. Electrons are molecules with wave properties. A photon carries electromagnetic power transmitting energy from one electron to another, which translates to the photo-biological and biochemical phenomena in living organisms. Using light - a stream of photons - for treatment purposes has been known since medieval times. A spectacular example is the use of arch lamp light to treat incurable skin tuberculosis by Finsen, who received the Nobel Prize in 1903 for his invention.
Quantum medicine realizes the connectedness of everything and therefore devices and methods that claim to apply quantum principles must first and foremost be connected themselves with that which they claim to treat. Real connection however is always a two-way process, which means the treatment process is adapted according to the signals that are received back from the recipient.
Quantum Taoist Medicine and Acupuncture
Quantum Chinese (Taoist) Medicine promotes the study of the cycle of the four seasons in depth to facilitate the understanding of human psychology and the appropriate use of formulas and homeopathic remedies. A description of the "anatomy of meridians" is presented to enable the personalization of the meridians and to understand the genesis of disease from an energetic point of view. The integration of acupuncture with advanced concepts in biofeedback (EPFX/SCIO) is covered, as well as an understanding of the "marvelous vessels" and their correlation with the five organ systems. The acupuncture meridians and the concepts of the "atomic heart" and the "creation yin-yang," are discussed to understand the multiple relationships between the meridians and the visera.
American Academy of Quantum Medicine (AAQM) is said to "promote the study of the bioelectrical and bioresonance systems and subsystems in the human body with the purpose of correlating appropriate therapeutic protocols that promote the human body's own self-healing and self regeneration capacities." Its president is Paul Yanick, Jr., Ph.D, N.D, C.N.C., C.Q.M
Thank you to the following for your work and insight:
The Prosperity Doctor
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Prosperity - A state of Being - on
Now this is an example of my statement and quote:
What does that mean?
Prosperity starts with ones belief system and their state of being will manifest as their reality. Therefore, one must believe, then feel it in your heart, think it in your mind, speak it with your language, move toward opportunities that present themselves, and Do It! Being it first is - BE-Do-HAVE manifestation.
Be it first. Do what it takes to create what you want. Have the reality of your dreams.
Congrats to AJ and Jordan! Rising Stars.
"Prosperity is a state of being." - Saquina Akanni
What does that mean?
Prosperity starts with ones belief system and their state of being will manifest as their reality. Therefore, one must believe, then feel it in your heart, think it in your mind, speak it with your language, move toward opportunities that present themselves, and Do It! Being it first is - BE-Do-HAVE manifestation.
Be it first. Do what it takes to create what you want. Have the reality of your dreams.
Congrats to AJ and Jordan! Rising Stars.
Samsung's 9th Annual Four Seasons of Hope Gala - Red CarpetSaquina Akanni - saw this on and thought you would be interested. "What an awesome pic. Congrats to AJ and Jordan:-)" —Saquina Akanni The Prosperity Doctor |
Prosperity - Being Open to Infinite Possibilites - Quantum Medicine
What if there were a way your body was able to use Zero Point Field Infusion technology to accelerate the body's innate ability to repair, rejuvenate and regenerate itself. Quantum Medicine presents just that in extraordinary discoveries in healing energies that actualize our body's own energy medicine for healing, repair, endurance, vitality and longevity.
I had a "light-hearted" discussion at breakfast with my brother on Zero Point Field Infusion technology in the Amega wand. To my surprise he didn't believe the technology or that one could put it into a product such as a wand and anyone who did believe had a "weak mind as it is a placebo effect - a trick on the mind." Of course, I disputed that, and encouraged him to Google Zero Point Field Energy and Quantum Medicine.
Energy is the source of healing in Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda Medicine and other natural healing methods that have been around for centuries. Western Medicine is exceptional in treating traumatic injuries, however lags far behind in preventive medicine, and yet to acknowledge the power of energy healing. Chinese Medicine use an acupuncture needle to manipulate Qi/Chi or energy. The needle is just a tool. It is the body's energy that does the work in healing and repair. Yet, there are many that are skeptics to both acupuncture and Zero Point Field Infusion technology.
There is a new day dawning however, and on this very same day - today June 19, 2010 at my optometrist appointment visit Dr. Dayyani in Santa Monica told me of his interest in Quantum Medicine and he would be investigating it to enhance the effectiveness of products for his clients. There is light at the end of the tunnel!
Here is some research FYI, see credits below.
In 1928 Dirac found a connection between Maxwell's equations and Einstein's theory of relativity as well as quantum mechanics, establishing a new area of science called quantum electrodynamics, which allows us to define the effects of light - matter reactions, especially those with charged subatomic molecules such as electrons. Electrons are molecules with wave properties. A photon carries electromagnetic power transmitting energy from one electron to another, which translates to the photo-biological and biochemical phenomena in living organisms. Using light - a stream of photons - for treatment purposes has been known since medieval times. A spectacular example is the use of arch lamp light to treat incurable skin tuberculosis by Finsen, who received the Nobel Prize in 1903 for his invention.
Quantum medicine realizes the connectedness of everything and therefore devices and methods that claim to apply quantum principles must first and foremost be connected themselves with that which they claim to treat. Real connection however is always a two-way process, which means the treatment process is adapted according to the signals that are received back from the recipient.
American Academy of Quantum Medicine (AAQM) is said to "promote the study of the bioelectrical and bioresonance systems and subsystems in the human body with the purpose of correlating appropriate therapeutic protocols that promote the human body's own self-healing and self regeneration capacities." Its president is Paul Yanick, Jr., Ph.D, N.D, C.N.C., C.Q.M
Thank you to the following for your work and insight:
I had a "light-hearted" discussion at breakfast with my brother on Zero Point Field Infusion technology in the Amega wand. To my surprise he didn't believe the technology or that one could put it into a product such as a wand and anyone who did believe had a "weak mind as it is a placebo effect - a trick on the mind." Of course, I disputed that, and encouraged him to Google Zero Point Field Energy and Quantum Medicine.
Zero-point energy is the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical physical system may have and is the energy of the ground state. The quantum mechanical system that encompasses this energy is the zero point field.
Energy is the source of healing in Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda Medicine and other natural healing methods that have been around for centuries. Western Medicine is exceptional in treating traumatic injuries, however lags far behind in preventive medicine, and yet to acknowledge the power of energy healing. Chinese Medicine use an acupuncture needle to manipulate Qi/Chi or energy. The needle is just a tool. It is the body's energy that does the work in healing and repair. Yet, there are many that are skeptics to both acupuncture and Zero Point Field Infusion technology.
There is a new day dawning however, and on this very same day - today June 19, 2010 at my optometrist appointment visit Dr. Dayyani in Santa Monica told me of his interest in Quantum Medicine and he would be investigating it to enhance the effectiveness of products for his clients. There is light at the end of the tunnel!
Here is some research FYI, see credits below.
In 1928 Dirac found a connection between Maxwell's equations and Einstein's theory of relativity as well as quantum mechanics, establishing a new area of science called quantum electrodynamics, which allows us to define the effects of light - matter reactions, especially those with charged subatomic molecules such as electrons. Electrons are molecules with wave properties. A photon carries electromagnetic power transmitting energy from one electron to another, which translates to the photo-biological and biochemical phenomena in living organisms. Using light - a stream of photons - for treatment purposes has been known since medieval times. A spectacular example is the use of arch lamp light to treat incurable skin tuberculosis by Finsen, who received the Nobel Prize in 1903 for his invention.
Quantum medicine realizes the connectedness of everything and therefore devices and methods that claim to apply quantum principles must first and foremost be connected themselves with that which they claim to treat. Real connection however is always a two-way process, which means the treatment process is adapted according to the signals that are received back from the recipient.
American Academy of Quantum Medicine (AAQM) is said to "promote the study of the bioelectrical and bioresonance systems and subsystems in the human body with the purpose of correlating appropriate therapeutic protocols that promote the human body's own self-healing and self regeneration capacities." Its president is Paul Yanick, Jr., Ph.D, N.D, C.N.C., C.Q.M
Thank you to the following for your work and insight:
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Health Wealth and Prosperity - Amega Global Wand
I joined the Self Care evolution and Revolution.
I love the Amega Global wand. The wand works!
The Amega Global wand is amazing. It is like using an acupuncture needle without the needle. We manipulate energy with the acupuncture needle and there are different techniques to get the results one wants. Most people think of acupuncture to relieve or disperse pain, but we can also strengthen the Qi/Chi with a needle. We can tonify or disperse Qi/Chi or energy with a needle and of course we need a license to use a needle. With the wand one does not need a license or a special technique. A child could do it and one could "wand" ones self and get results.
I love my Amega Global wand. The wand works! I wand myself and have been "wanding" my food, our cat Lucky (who always wants attentions) plants and of course my water until I get the AMWater Unit.
I have been "wanding" friends and family since the Pre-launch. I have "wanded" 16 people and all have had some relief. My first experience with my wand was a young man at the Pre-launch. His friend asked me to "wand" him as he had injured his left knee playing basketball. He told me the pain was at a level 8 and he really did not want to stay. I "wanded" him for about 3 minutes and he said the pain was down to about a level 5. I asked if he wanted to get rid of it and he said, "Yes." I "wanded" him for about another 2-3 minutes and asked him to stand up. He did and said the pain was gone that he just had an awareness of it. He thanked me and walked away.
My second experience with my wand was with my sister. I use the face-lift technique which requires two wands on her with my own natural herbal regenerating cream. She was so tired as she came in late and I was "wanding" her at 1AM. She just wanted to go to bed. When she woke up the next morning, she explained that the pain that was in her neck and lymph node was gone. She didn't tell me she had any pain, because she has a high tolerance for pain and just endured it.
Food for thought. Amega Global is one of the world’s recognized wellness companies producing Zero Point Field infusion product.There are already fakes out there. They are cheap and have low frequencies. They do not work so be careful.
I am having fun. I am Wanding my World!
To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor
Friday, June 11, 2010
Prosperity - Includes Good Health
Good health starts with water. Most Americans are drinking less than 1 liter or about 34 ounces of water per day. Therefore, dehydration is one of the leading causes of disease. Many experience symptoms such as: acid reflux, heartburn,
joint and back pain, migraines, fibromyalgia, constipation, colitis, and angina and are clueless to the cause. Serious dehydration is also linked with asthma, allergies, diabetes, hypertension, and skin problems such as eczema, rashes and acne. In essences lack of water can dehydrate and kill you.
Many Americans are overweight due to our high acidic diet in the types of foods we ingest. Fast foods, refined foods, reconstructed and reconstituted foods are acidic. The bottom line, we are not overweight from fat alone, we are over acidic. Observe that the same acidic lifestyle and environment from the foods we eat and the water we drink also affect those who are under-weight or too thin. These harmful organisms feed off nutrients that would be nourishing the body which can put one at even a greater risk of serious illness.
Pick up the book The pH Miracle For Weight Loss by Robert O Young, PhD. Ordered from . Dr. Robert Young is a renowned microbiologist and nutritionist. He states on the inside jacket of the book, "Despite what you may believe, weight loss is not about fat grams, cholesterol, carbs, or calories. It is all about acid." Dr. Young also states that by making a simple change in our drinking water from acidic to alkaline and drinking much more of it, one can turn ones health around in a rather short period of time. The body will begin to flush the toxic waste and one will shed those extra pounds as a side effect. Now that is a side effect I can live with.
Just received a report from Linda and Bob, "I have been drinking water from our new Amega AMWater Actify machine not quite 2 weeks now. We have increased our intake to 4 quarts or 1 gallon of water a day for the last week.
Bob weighed this morning and he has lost 9 pounds and I have lost 4. We were shocked to say the
least but we are very excited.
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Prosperity - A form of Abundance
Prosperity is a state of being - a form of abundance.
- Saquina Akanni
In the realm of infinite possibilities their are unlimited opportunities and you are the source of pure potentiality. Something Wonderful is unfolding for you.
Prosperity is the manifestation of abundance in all aspects of your life in health and in wealth. You see prosperity in your life when you become detached from the needing it and know it already is; follow your path and move toward manifesting it as your reality. - Saquina Akanni
When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.
- Lao Tzu
The subtle Way of the universe
appears to lack strength,
yet its power is inexhaustible.
Fathomless, it could be the origin of all things.
It has no sharpness,
yet it rounds off all sharp edges.
It has no form,
yet it unites all tangles.
It has no glare,
yet it merges all lights.
It harmonizes all things
and unites them as on integral whole.
It seems so obscure,
yet it is the Ultimate Clarity.
Whose offspring it is can never be known.
It is that which existed before any divinity.
- Translated by Master Hua-Ching Ni

Saquina Akanni
- Saquina Akanni
In the realm of infinite possibilities their are unlimited opportunities and you are the source of pure potentiality. Something Wonderful is unfolding for you.

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.
- Lao Tzu
The subtle Way of the universe
appears to lack strength,
yet its power is inexhaustible.
Fathomless, it could be the origin of all things.
It has no sharpness,
yet it rounds off all sharp edges.
It has no form,
yet it unites all tangles.
It has no glare,
yet it merges all lights.
It harmonizes all things
and unites them as on integral whole.
It seems so obscure,
yet it is the Ultimate Clarity.
Whose offspring it is can never be known.
It is that which existed before any divinity.
- Translated by Master Hua-Ching Ni
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor
HEALTH WEALTH and PROSPERITY - Father's Day Prosperity Day

Two Robes in One
Highest Quality
Flying Dragon
Angle Length
Extra Long 49"
Black and Red
Red and Black
Black and Gold
Unisex One Size
Matching Belt
ADULT Silk $167.00
The Dragon occupies a very important position in Chinese mythology. It shows up in art, literature, architecture and many aspects of Chinese culture. The Dragon is part of the Chinese consciousness is loved and revered. The Dragon is the ultimate representation of power, the forces of Mother Nature and the greatest divine force on Earth.
Women wear with Elegance an Grace when...
"A little black dress won't due!"
The world is your oyster, so live it in luxury and style.
Men ware when opulence and romance is the order of the day or night!
You are a Dragon filled with power and intention.
You can feel the power and energy of the Dragon.
It is unique and so much fun to wear.
It makes a perfect gift for any holiday.
Mother's Day just pasted, but it is not too late!
Prom, Father's Day is coming up...
or any special occasion that calls for unique and elegant.
Go to my site and order today in time to wear for YOUR Special Event.
100% SILK - $167.00
Rayon Adult - $97.00To Your Health, Wealth, Good Fortune and Prosperity
Wear the Ultimate Dragon Robe
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor
Monday, June 7, 2010
Prosperity starts with good health.
- The Prosperity Doctor
It is June 2010 - How is your health?

There is a fountain of youth, and it is circulating in the Qi/Chi of live whole foods flowing through bok choy, the likes of shitake mushrooms, high quality supplements and the Five Tibetan exercises.
"What do antioxidants do, exactly? Why does the metal or steel on a car rust or oxidize easitly? Because it enters into a combination with oxygen and moister and converts into an oxide.Over time oxygen starts to wear the the metal or steel down, allowing for damage in vulnerable places. Oxygen works on your body over time, too, and causes a sort of rusting of the human. We call it "free radicals": dehydration, wrinkles, cancers or heart disease.
Antioxidants work to capture “free radicals” or unstable molecules that are a byproduct of oxygen. These free radicals damage your body’s cells, tissues and DNA. Consider constant exposure to radiation, cell phones, heavy metals, cigarette smoke and excess sun exposure can also form free radicals. We can bind the action of these free radicals by eating a variety of antioxidant-rich foods. We can protect our cells and organ systems as well as our skin from the sun and kicking the smoking habit.
To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
- The Prosperity Doctor
It is June 2010 - How is your health?
Give me 6 weeks.
I'll give you back your youth and vigor.
That's a promise.

There is a fountain of youth, and it is circulating in the Qi/Chi of live whole foods flowing through bok choy, the likes of shitake mushrooms, high quality supplements and the Five Tibetan exercises.
- Saquina Akanni
One's skin, hair, energy, mood, attitude, vitality and vigor can be impacted by the level of nutrition we get with our diet. The Fountain of Youth starts from the inside -out at the cellular level.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) a diet is all about nutrition and longevity. Everything in nature has a value, property, taste and attributes. In essence everything is an herb!
Superior food grade herbs are unique foods that cleanse, nourish and repair. Premium or medicinal grade herbs are used by a practitioner to disperse pathogens, strengthen and tonify organ systems. Toxic or fine grade herbs have adverse effect and used with caution.
Western medicine differentiate at an isolated level such as categorizing foods that are rich sources of antioxidants—food substances that slow down cell damage and may improve immune function and lower cancer risks. Every day more research emerges that supports the health benefits of an antioxidant-rich diet. So whether you want to know more about foods that grow you young from the Chinese or Western point of view - read on to find out how you can get more of them.
"What do antioxidants do, exactly? Why does the metal or steel on a car rust or oxidize easitly? Because it enters into a combination with oxygen and moister and converts into an oxide.Over time oxygen starts to wear the the metal or steel down, allowing for damage in vulnerable places. Oxygen works on your body over time, too, and causes a sort of rusting of the human. We call it "free radicals": dehydration, wrinkles, cancers or heart disease.
Antioxidants work to capture “free radicals” or unstable molecules that are a byproduct of oxygen. These free radicals damage your body’s cells, tissues and DNA. Consider constant exposure to radiation, cell phones, heavy metals, cigarette smoke and excess sun exposure can also form free radicals. We can bind the action of these free radicals by eating a variety of antioxidant-rich foods. We can protect our cells and organ systems as well as our skin from the sun and kicking the smoking habit.
Food for Thought, in Traditional Chinese Medincine:
Black berries and citrus fruits like lemon or tangerine are cleansing foods.
Green leafy vegetables like bok choy and spinach are repair foods.
Millet, yams are carbohydrates and fuel foods.
Fish, Shitake mushroom and tofu are building foods.
Food supplements are of extreme value to maintain repair and regeneration process.
Here are my Premium Select Favorites:
Xango brand mangosteen juice is a whole food puree and is an excellent cleansing food.
Eleviv is a formula of supplements for the heart and kidney relationship for stress, vitality and vigor.Salu International Resveratrol Blend is a supplement from grape skin for repair and regeneration.
MSM (Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane) is an organic source of sulfur found in organic fruits and mother's milk replaces the moister back into the cells, skin and hair.
According to TCM food also have tastes that impact the body and can be used to guide foods or herbs to specific parts of the body. Her are the five tastes: sour, bitter, sweet, acrid and salty.
Sour for the Liver and Gallbladder.
Bitter for the Heart and Small Intestines.
Sweet for the Spleen and Stomach.
Acrid for the Lungs and Large Intestines.
Salty for the Kidney and Urinary Bladder.
To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor
Friday, June 4, 2010
Prosperity Dragon Robe - Father's Day Coming

Two Robes in One
Highest Quality
Flying Dragon
Angle Length
Extra Long 49"
Black and Red
Red and Black
Black and Gold
Unisex One Size
Matching Belt
ADULT Silk $167.00
Member Discount 10% Off - $167.00
Rayon Available - $97.00
Teen and Children Rayon - $47.00
The Dragon occupies a very important position in Chinese mythology. It shows up in art, literature, architecture and many aspects of Chinese culture. The Dragon is part of the Chinese consciousness is loved and revered. The Dragon is the ultimate representation of power, the forces of Mother Nature and the greatest divine force on Earth.
Worn with Elegance an Grace
Women ware when - "A little black dress won't due!"
The world is your oyster, so live it in luxury and style.
Men ware when opulence and romance is the order of the day or night!
You are a Dragon filled with power and intention.
You can feel the power and energy of the Dragon.
It is unique and so much fun to wear.
It makes a perfect gift for any holiday.
Mother's Day just pasted, but it is not too late!
Prom, Father's Day is coming up...
or any special occasion that calls for unique and elegant.
This large pattern is no longer available.
I have shown it as I have found a similar pattern in Chinese black/gold with the Tao symbols. See the red silk fabric and design above.
Go to my site and order today in time to wear for YOUR Special Event.
Credit Cards and PayPal
100% SILK - $167.00
Rayon Adult - $97.00To Your Health, Wealth, Good Fortune and Prosperity
Wear the Ultimate Dragon Robe
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Prosperity Doctor - What is a Prosperity Doctor?
Many times people ask me,
"What is a Prosperity Doctor?"
A Prosperity Doctor is one who can guide and direct using the Universal Laws of Prosperity to a state of abundance in mind, body, soul, spirit and emotions.
Prosperity is a state of being in mind, body and spirit of flourishing and thriving in joy and happiness. It is a knowing and feeling.
By definition, prosperity is a state of being prosperous or propitious. Often we think of it as favorable circumstances or being disposed to the promise of success. Often we believe it relates to money or having an advantageous position such as: a propitious omen or a moment propitious for action.
Prosperity is a feeling of success or good fortune in all aspects of ones life. In other words, it is a state of bliss. In essences a state of abundance.
Prosperity is all about abundance and relates to much more than money. One can be rich in material things such as land, property, stocks, bond and cash in the bank and yet still be miserly in a state of being with a poverty mentality. Some even steal from others to acquire so called riches, but live in negative vibration filled with the fear of being discovered. One can have amassed material wealth, but in the process loss their soul.
A Prosperity Doctor is given the gift by Divine power a state of knowing "The Great Secrets" and is qualified to use the Universal Laws of Prosperity in their practice to guide and assist all that cross their path to self-development, self-cultivation and self-transformation to vibrate at a higher level of observation and self-awareness. Using the techniques and in the process and practice one can awaken the soul and set the spirit free - FREE to create or re-create from one's true higher-self. One becomes empowered and a creator by intention to create the life of their dreams and a reality of health, wealth and prosperity.
To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity

The Prosperity Doctor
Prosperity Doctor
What is prosperity?
Prosperity is abundance in all aspect of ones life and includes health and wealth.
Health is a state of being. Wealth is a state of potential. Prosperity is a state of passion. - Saquina Akanni
Many times people ask me, "What is a Prosperity Doctor?"
My reply is one who can guide and direct one to a state of prosperity or abundance in mind, body, spirit, soul and emotions.
Prosperity is a state of being, potential, flourishing, thriving, joy, happiness, success, good fortune and bliss.
A prosperity doctor is qualified to use the Universal Laws of Prosperity, which include the Law of Attraction in their practice to guide and assist one in self-development, self-cultivation and transformation to the higher levels of ones self-awareness and self-observation. With practice one can awaken the soul and set the spirit free to create from within - from one's true higher-self - the spirit or Shen in Traditional Chinese Medicine. One becomes awakened and empowered with intention and passion; becomes a creator able to create from the Source the life and reality of health, wealth and prosperity.
To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor
Prosperity is a state of being - a form of abundance.
- Saquina Akanni
In the realm of infinite possibilities their are unlimited opportunities and you are the source of pure potentiality. Something Wonderful is unfolding for you.
Prosperity is the manifestation of abundance in all aspects of your life in health and in wealth. You see prosperity in your life when you become detached from the needing it and know it already is; follow your path and move toward manifesting it as your reality. - Saquina Akanni
When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.
- Lao Tzu
"What is a Prosperity Doctor?"
A Prosperity Doctor is one who can guide and direct using the Universal Laws of Prosperity to a state of abundance in mind, body, soul, spirit and emotions.
Prosperity is a state of being in mind, body and spirit of flourishing and thriving in joy and happiness. It is a knowing and feeling.
By definition, prosperity is a state of being prosperous or propitious. Often we think of it as favorable circumstances or being disposed to the promise of success. Often we believe it relates to money or having an advantageous position such as: a propitious omen or a moment propitious for action.
Prosperity is a feeling of success or good fortune in all aspects of ones life. In other words, it is a state of bliss. In essences a state of abundance.
Prosperity is all about abundance and relates to much more than money. One can be rich in material things such as land, property, stocks, bond and cash in the bank and yet still be miserly in a state of being with a poverty mentality. Some even steal from others to acquire so called riches, but live in negative vibration filled with the fear of being discovered. One can have amassed material wealth, but in the process loss their soul.
A Prosperity Doctor is given the gift by Divine power a state of knowing "The Great Secrets" and is qualified to use the Universal Laws of Prosperity in their practice to guide and assist all that cross their path to self-development, self-cultivation and self-transformation to vibrate at a higher level of observation and self-awareness. Using the techniques and in the process and practice one can awaken the soul and set the spirit free - FREE to create or re-create from one's true higher-self. One becomes empowered and a creator by intention to create the life of their dreams and a reality of health, wealth and prosperity.
To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni.The Prosperity Doctor

Prosperity Doctor
What is prosperity?
Prosperity is abundance in all aspect of ones life and includes health and wealth.
Health is a state of being. Wealth is a state of potential. Prosperity is a state of passion. - Saquina Akanni
Many times people ask me, "What is a Prosperity Doctor?"
My reply is one who can guide and direct one to a state of prosperity or abundance in mind, body, spirit, soul and emotions.
Prosperity is a state of being, potential, flourishing, thriving, joy, happiness, success, good fortune and bliss.
A prosperity doctor is qualified to use the Universal Laws of Prosperity, which include the Law of Attraction in their practice to guide and assist one in self-development, self-cultivation and transformation to the higher levels of ones self-awareness and self-observation. With practice one can awaken the soul and set the spirit free to create from within - from one's true higher-self - the spirit or Shen in Traditional Chinese Medicine. One becomes awakened and empowered with intention and passion; becomes a creator able to create from the Source the life and reality of health, wealth and prosperity.
To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor
Prosperity - A form of Abundance
- Saquina Akanni
In the realm of infinite possibilities their are unlimited opportunities and you are the source of pure potentiality. Something Wonderful is unfolding for you.

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.
- Lao Tzu
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