It is well documented that biofeedback does, in fact, teach patients how to control seemingly involuntary conditions of the nervous and circulatory systems.Biofeedback takes a bio-energetic approach to transforming the mind-body relationship and is an energy healing medicine. Everyone has heard the term "mind-over-matter" but how does one accomplish such a feat. Categorized as a complementary or alternative medicine it uses mind-body therapy. Quantum Biofeedback uses both your thoughts and will to control your body and well as systems to monitor your physiological reactions. Biofeedback is designed to confirmed the scientific studies, that people have the innate potential and power to influence with their minds many of the automatic, involuntary functions of the body.
To help you develop this ability, a biofeedback specialist uses signals from special monitoring equipment to teach you to recognize and control certain functions and their responses. Biofeedback can work on any function including brain activity, blood pressure, body temperature, heart rate, muscle spasms, and sweating and can alter that function through breathing, relaxation or imagery. Other conditions for which biofeedback may be helpful include:
- migraine headaches
- tension headaches
- anxiety
- essential hypertension
- injury-related muscle strain
- irritable bowel
- TMJ pain
- asthma
- chronic pain
- insomnia
The biofeedback therapist is specially trained to help you understand the meaning of this "feedback." The biofeedback therapist teaches muscle relaxation exercises, deep breathing, and visualization techniques that can be helpful to change physiological reactions Practice is important in learning new skills. As one improves relaxation skills through daily practice one experiences the results of physiological changes such as lower blood pressure, tension relief, better sleep or stress relief.
We are energy at our source level. With Quantum Biofeedback, we are looking at an expanded relation of the body that includes information, consciousness and mind; not just as a physical system. Energetic systems are taken into account for a truly comprehensive picture of how Stress is affecting the body. Bioergetic machines provide ‘feed back’ to the client data based on the subtle energetic reactions of the body to a variety of potential Stressors. The practitioner in Quantum Biofeedback has the option to instantaneously balance aberrant or dysfunctional Stress patterns, thus giving the client an ‘energetic boost’ in the direction of true relaxation and stress reduction. Homeostasis, or the body’s natural balance, is the outcome of effective stress reduction.
Thank you for your insight and contribution on Biofeedback:
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor