The Ultimate Possession of Life is Shen - Heaven in your Heart - Virtue and the Ten Thousands spirits rooted in Tao are all at your disposal. Everything is Qi or Vital Life force (Consciousness, Energy, Information, Vibration, Frequency and Power). You stand between Heaven and Earth given the Power of Heaven, Intuition, Conduct, Thought, Intent and Will. Something Wonderful is Unfolding for You.
~ The Prosperity Doctor
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Chinese Medicine (CM) Oriental Medicine (AOM), Ayurveda Medicine to mention just a few eastern medical systems are all rooted in ancient systems of wisdom, wellness, health and healing. They all are on a continuous path of growth and development stemming from thousands of years of ancient philosophy, principles, practices and processes. Each system has amassed tremendous amounts of information available to individuals for self-care health care and clinical methods for medical practitioners. What is rooted in spirit? Rooted in Spirit refers to the Heart of Traditional Chinese Medicine being rooted in the Heart. The Heart stores and houses the Light of Heaven, Shen or Heavenly Divine Spirits. The Heavenly Spirits - Shen is the Sovereign Master and Commander of Life and the spiritual basis of the metaphysical system of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The details of this "School of Thought" can is in Chapter Eight of the Lingsshu portion of the Huang Di Nei Jing, The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine.
Today eastern and western practitioners can be practicing Chinese medicine from different systems of Chinese Medicine or integrative systems causing the Chinese medicine practiced to take on a significantly different form or style, compared to that of another practitioner. There are also different focuses and varying techniques amongst practitioners educated in the same philosophy or "School of Thought". For example, both my son and I were educated at Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which is a ZangFu School of Thought, the fundamental foundation. Yet we difference in our form, style and approach for treatment in philosophy and acupuncture. My son Shaheed Abdullah focus is on "Sports Medicine"at Healing Arts Health Center in San Diego. Shaheed has additional training in Orthopedic Acupuncture, certifications in other methods and has experience treating clients from the Oakland Raiders, Clippers and Washington Redskins and he knows various methods and techniques of acupuncture.
My additional training and focus in on the "Shen" or Spirits. I have also focus on the "Five Elements" and Quantum Medicine. My approach is deeply rooted in Spirit to effect and affect "Change or Transformation" mind, body, spirit, soul and emotions. I do not use acupuncture. I use a "Wand" infused with Zero Point Energy Infusion technology - Quantum Medicine. I use both acupuncture meridians and Chakras to manipulate Qi or Vital Life force.
I will venture to say all practitioners of ancient medicine are rooted in spirit and Chinese Medicine practitioners innately address the Heart/Shen/Spirit when treating clients or patients. Yo San University stressed and placed large emphasis on studying Taoism and basing our clinical practice on what are referred to as the "classics".
Classics texts reflect the core of Taoism philosophy and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Chinese Medicine is rooted in the "Heart". The classic Huang Di Nei Jing - The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine is the groundwork the subsequent development of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The American translation can be found in "Rooted in Spirit. I read it in 1997 and most of it went right over my head. I have just read it again. I got it.
My recommendation is to consider reading or re-reading, Rooted in Spirit - The Heart of Chinese Medicine, American translation Claude Larre, S.J. and Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallee, translator from French - Sarah Stang.
I am rooted in Spirit by Way of the Tao. This is the core of my book series: Health, Wealth and Prosperity. Working on book 1 now: Keep an eye out for it. The name will change by the time it gets pass the publisher for now it is: Self-Care Health Care - Chinese Medicine, Quantum Medicine A - Acupuncture to Z - Zero Point Energy.
Sending Blessings, Love and Light
Saquina Akanni
~ The Prosperity Doctor