Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Alternative Medicine - Quantum Medicine and Nura Wellness Center

Energy Healing and Quantum Medicine.
Our greatest wealth is health.

Everything in and around us is Qi/Chi or energy - thought, sight, sound, emotions, touch are all energy. All life is a condensed form of Qi/Chi or energy with information vibrating at different frequencies. We are an amazing network of energy, consciousness, meridians, channels, and vortexes or chakras within a subtle form of matter. These energy systems ensure that all aspects of our vital energy force stay in balance, harmony, strong and healthy. When there is a blockage of Qi/Chi in an energy pathway, aspects of your body, emotions as well as your mind are also blocked or impaired. Energy Healing or “Energy Work” or “Balancing Work”whatever the label used is used to releasing, disperse or redirect stagnant energy, thus restoring balance and accelerating the healing process on all levels of our being.

In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – Reliance Computer Centre (‘RCC’), a leading supplier of technology solutions to the South-East Asian hospitality and leisure industry, announced in November 2007 that its Spa and Wellness solution has been selected by the esteemed Nura International Group.

Natural Universal Rejuvenating Age (NURA) is the world's first Energy Healing Wellness Center of its kind with decades of research and development. NURA is a alternative medicine and quantum medicine treatment center with a genuine passion for promoting total wellness. It's mission is promoting balanced living by combining state of the art resonance Technology: AMized™ Fusion Technology with zero point field infusion a natural medicine or quantum medicine to provide energetic healing and rejuvenation through highly personalized, non-invasive, wellness therapy and treatments unparalleled in the world today. In addition to energy wellness therapies, Nura also provide consulting, homeopathic remedies, wellness products and supplements, thus proving a complete wellness solution.

This facility is the first of its kind in the world, with at least another 30 Wellness Centers to be launched in selected locations around the world in the next few years with one coming to the USA. The business software solution to manage the break-through health and energy technology is using the most advanced health, wellness and energy technologies within a state-of-the-art facility in a tranquil environment. Whether you want to look good, feel good, have more energy, stay young, or take an alternative approach to health problems, visit a NURA, for an experience of a life time.

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Quantum Medicine and Healing Energy - Energy Medicine

Quantum Medicine is an energy medicine of pure potentiality, consciousness, thought, mind, awareness, attention, focus and intention. It is a form of energy medicine that mirrors Chinese Medicine yet simply using the language of Quantum Physics. Both are Alternative medicine and the energy medicines of pure potentiality, consciousness, thought, mind, awareness, attention, focus and intention

I am fascinated by the new non-intrusive methods of Quantum Medicine. I am in the process of finishing up my book Alternative Medicine. I just recently discovered Amega Global. A company that creates products using this new technology and Zero Point Field Infusion. I have always been interested in Quantum Physics and the multitude of principles and methods of Energy Medicine and Energy Healing techniques.  I know and believe anyone can transform their health, wealth and prosperity using Quantum Healing and Zero Limits Transformation to transform limiting beliefs, thoughts, feelings and words all  of which create energy that manifest into a reality.  

Donna Edan a self educated authority on Energy Healing explains self-care and self-healing techniques using acupuncture points or meridians in her book Energy Medicine

I would like to introduce you to the new science of Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing, ancient practices and new technologies in healing with energy that will soon revolutionize self-care, self-healing and pure potentiality in human potential. Quantum Medicine is the science of energy healing and Chinese Medicine is the art of energy healing.

Being a Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine I know that everything is made of Qi/Chi or energy and we are pure energy. Acupuncture, Body Talk System, muscular biofeedback, Chakra Theraphy, Distant Healing and Qi Gong are just a few energy healing techniques.  Qi/Chi, however is more than the translation of the word English word "energy".

Qi/Chi according to Traditional Chinese Medicine includes information, vibration, frequency and energy. Qi/Chi can be manipulated with thought as in self healing or distant healing or with a tool, such as a acupuncture needle or an Amega wand.  It is not the needle or the wand that heals, but awakens the body's own healing energy to transform the state of disharmony or dis-ease. Changes in the way we think about health, wellness or any other aspect of their lives causes a paradigm shift.

Quantum Medicine present extraordinary discoveries in Quantum Physics where consciousness, information, thought and intention can transform a state of being to facilitate the body's own healing energy. Techniques, tools and products that actualized our body's own vital energy for cleansing, balancing, repair, rejuvenation, endurance, vitality, regeneration and longevity have been used for centuries as ancient practices. Chinese Medicine is one of the oldest medicines using energy and a different language called Qi/Chi (Chee). Qi/Chi is the language of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for energy and the philosophy and principles are rooted in Taoism.

Quantum Medicine is the science of healing and mirrors Chinese Medicine in the use of energy to remind or facilitate the body back to a state of balance and harmony. In all natural medicines such as Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda Medicine, Native American, homeopathy and a host of other natural healing alternative medicines use energy. Quantum Medicine is an informational medicine. It is the science of consciousness and information in healing and provides a broad spectrum of multi-disciplines and protocols to address the complexities of chronic illness and pain.

Western Medicine however, has a different consciousness based on counting and measuring. It has a different view of reality and does not recognize the phenomenon of energy, information, belief, thought, intention, Qi or energy healing therefore, when such events occur or are observed - it is called the Placebo Effect. Consider what Placebo Effect means in Western Medicine. When the client or patient believes a substance to have medicinal value, or beliefs in the doctor - the authority that prescribes it, yet receives the same benefit from a sugar pill containing no active ingredient it is call placebo effect. It is unknown why people heal without the actual medicine being received and it is implied that the person is easily influenced and has a weak mind. This is farthest from the truth.

The body is an energy field and in a constant state of change. Most ailments begin from a change in energy. Energy is affected by beliefs, thought, emotions, attitude, what we eat and drink, the amount of exercise or lack of it, stress, work, rest habits and lifestyles, as well as changes in weather and environment. Chinese Medicine and Energy Medicines use a wide spectrum of disciplines to address disharmony, stagnation, illness and pain. Acupuncture is one of the more well known and uses a needle to manipulate Qi/Chi or energy. The needle is a tool used to manipulate and direct the energy flow in the body along the meridians. The body's own Qi/Chi or vital energy does the work necessary to balance, harmonize, strengthen, tonify or repair itself.

Quantum medicine realizes the connectedness of everything and therefore devices and methods that claim to apply quantum principles must first and foremost be connected themselves with that which they claim to treat. Real connection however is always a two-way process, which means the treatment process is adapted according to the signals that are received back from the recipient. The healing power is accessed from the Field.

Zero Point Energy Field Infusion technology is being used in many products. It is a Light energy used to remind the body of its original source to accelerate the body's own innate ability to re-balance, repair, rejuvenate and regenerate itself. That is what the energy source is in an Amega Global wand - Zero Point Energy Field Infusion. Zero-point energy is the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical physical system may have and is the energy of the ground state. The quantum mechanical system that encompasses this energy is the zero point field.

Quantum Taoist Medicine and Acupuncture

Quantum Chinese (Taoist philosophy or Taoism) Medicine promotes the study Qi, Yin and Yang, and the Cycle of the Four Seasons of life in-depth to facilitate the understanding of human psychology and the appropriate use of herbs, formulas and homeopathic remedies. A description of the "anatomy of meridians" is presented to enable the personalization of the meridians and to understand the genesis of disharmony leading to disease from an energetic point of view. The integration of acupuncture with advanced concepts in Quantum biofeedback (EPFX/SCIO) is included, as well as an understanding of the "marvelous vessels" and their correlation with the Five Organ Systems. The acupuncture meridians and the concepts of the "atomic heart" and the "creation yin-yang," are an interregnal part of the understanding in the multiple relationships between Qi/Chi, the meridians and the viscera.

Peter Fraser (Australia/UK) is an energy medicine researcher and Chief Scientific Officer of Nutri-Energetics Systems and on the move. “Towards a medical revolution”, was his topic as speaker at the Quantum Energy Medicine Conference in Copenhagen and one of the presenters in The Living Matrix – The Movie. Fraser is a researcher in a genre of his own. His work is at the forefront of energetic and information medicine where he has formulated a system that integrates the Chinese meridian system with quantum wave theory.

American Academy of Quantum Medicine (AAQM) promotes the study of the bio-electrical and bio-resonance systems and subsystems in the human body with the purpose of correlating appropriate therapeutic protocols that promote the human body's own self-healing and self regeneration capacities." Its president is Paul Yanick, Jr., Ph.D, N.D, C.N.C., C.Q.M

Finally a quote,
I came across a very interesting blog of a kindred spirit that I want to share:
"I’ve fallen in love with the idea that consciousness has something to do with being poised forever between the quantum world of possibilities, where nothing actual happens, and the transformation of that — whether it’s the collapse of the wave function or decoherence, where something actual happens in the world.
I think that there’s something else. I think the creativity in nature is so stunning and so overwhelming that it’s God enough for me, and I think it’s God enough for many of us if we think about it."
- Stuart Kauffman

Thank you for your insight and contribution on Energy Medicine:

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Alternative Medicine - Energy Medicine

Energy Medicine is any Energetic Medicine and Quantum Medicine is explained in the language of Quantum Physics. Energetic Medicine is defined within the model of consciousness or the mind/body/spirit model.

Energy Medicine involves therapies that affect energy fields that defy measurement yet affect the mind, body, emotions and spirit. These therapies are based on the concept that human beings are infused with a subtle form of vital energy. This vital energy, Qi/Chi or life force is known under different names in different cultures, with different systems of application. The vital energy force is called Qi/Chi in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ki in the Japanese Kampo system, Doshas in Ayurvedic medicine, and elsewhere known as prana, etheric energy, fohat, orgone, odic force, mana, homeopathic resonance and chakra.

Vital energy flows throughout all aspects of the human body, but it has not been unequivocally measured by means of conventional Western Medical instrumentation. Nonetheless, therapists from all of the different systems can work with this subtle energy, some can feel it, some can see it with their own eyes, and all can use it to effect changes in the physical body to influence health and well-being.

Practitioners of Energy Medicine believe that illness results from disturbances of the subtle energies or biofield. For example, more than 2,000 years ago, Taoist practitioners used various techniques to regulate, balance, strengthen and harmonize the flow of Qi/Chi the vital life energy to maintain balance, health and described tools and techniques to rejuvenate, repair and restore health. Qi Gong, acupuncture, acupressure, moxibustion, cupping and herbal medicine are available by the practitioner to correct imbalances and obstructions in the internal biofield, or meridians to reinstate health. Some therapists can emit or transmit the vital energy (external qi) to a recipient to restore health.

Ayurveda, which literally means “the science of life,” is another energy natural healing system developed in India. Ayurvedic Medicine is a comprehensive system of medicine that places equal emphasis on the body, mind, and spirit, and strives to restore the innate harmony of the individual. Some of the primary Ayurvedic treatments include diet, exercise, meditation, herbs, massage, exposure to sunlight, and controlled breathing. In India, Ayurvedic treatments have been developed for various diseases (e.g., diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, and neurological disorders).Other examples of practices involving energy fields include Charka, Reiki and Johrei, both of Japanese origin.

Thank you for your insight and contribution:

Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Friday, July 16, 2010

Health Wealth and Prosperity - Resveratrol and Salu International

You have probably heard that a molecule found in grapes and red wine called Resveratrol can promote health and longevity. In your research you may have come across grape seed extract and the term "trans-resveratrol." What is the different? Check out my blog on resveratrol.

"Enthusiast users of dietary supplements—people who use more than one—have a new favorite, according to the results of a recent survey by, an independent lab that tests supplements. This year, fish oil/omega-3 supplements surpassed vitamins... the most wanted include probiotics and amino acids. U.S. News has written about many of those supplements before...and new on the list is Resveratrol found in grapes (and thus red wine). And while it's gotten a great deal of attention for its theoretical ability, when concentrated, to give you some of the benefits of caloric restriction (which in animals has been shown to extend life) and exercise without actually having to put down your fork and hit the gym, by no means is that a sure thing. Research has been published showing that the compound improves the health and longevity of obese lab mice. But, as the Center for Science in the Public Interest's Nutrition Action Healthletter pointed out last year, the scientists behind that study published another in 2008 showing that normal-weight mice saw their health improve with resveratrol supplementation but saw no increase in life span.." writes Dr. Simms.
I agree with Dr. Simms, on Resveratrol. I started my own research last year after all the hooplah on the internet and TV. I tried 5 different brands and found one on the internet with 500mg of Trans-resveratrol (a good thing) at a price of $89.00 plus shipping and handling. I took 2 every day for a month. The other brands came in 100mg some Trans-resveratrol some not. I have to admit I see the benefits in taking this supplement. It may or may not prolong my life, but it did increase my energy, endurance, some weight loss, not to mention my skin and hair. I look younger! A friend saw me last week after one year and she raved about my skin and how young I looked. She made my day. Resveratrol seems to make my systems work more efficiently. Make sure you get at least 500mg of trans-resveratrol a day, if you want to experience any results.
I have my own health regime and supplements, but Resveratrol is potentially the most revolutionary discovery I made! I wrote a blog about Resveratrol and my choice over all of the brands that I have tried is the organic blend found in Salu International. Not all Resveratrol is the same in quality, potency.Try it. You will be glad you did. Wishing you Health, Wealth, Prosperity and Forever Young:-)

Here is my blog;
Thanks for your insight and contribution:

Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Distant Healing is a form of Qi Gong, which is a Chinese word that is translated into Qi work or energy work. Qi is the fundamental life force that permeates all things. Qi connects and animates everything in the universe.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qi Gong is a form of energy work just as acupuncture is a form of energy work. Acupuncture has become valued by practitioners of Western Medicine, the concept of Qi/Chi (energy) and its circulation in the human body has steadily gained recognition and acceptance from both physicians and the public. Quantum Medicine uses energy as does Chinese Medicine in distant healing.

From the scientific perspective, Qi is defined as “bioelectricity” circulating in the human body, and Qi
Gong helps to circulate, manipulate and free impaired or stagnant energy. Qi Gong has been proven to address a wide range of health problems such as arthritis, poor circulation, high blood pressure and cancer in conjunction with western medical protocols.

Quantum Medicine is a form of energy work and mirrors Chinese Medicine simply using the language of Quantum Physics. Both are the energy medicines of pure potentiality, consciousness, thought, mind, awareness, attention, focus and intention.

Join the Self-Care Revolution.

Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing - Distant Healing and Qi Gong

Healing the Body with energy has been around for centuries notably it is one of the techniques and practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine using Qi/Chi translated as energy. 

Quantum Medicine synthesizes Western quantum theory with Eastern Taoist philosophy in order to explain the human life experience. Both are the energy medicines of pure potentiality, consciousness, thought, mind, awareness, attention, focus and intention.  


Distant Healing is one of human life experiences and a conscious connection to healing energy. Most ancient traditions and alternative medicines have some form of distant healing technique or practice. From the scientific perspective, Qi/Chi or energy is defined as “bioelectricity” circulating in the human body and this magnetic energy field can be projected out into the universe.

Quantum Medicine is a form of energy work and mirrors Chinese Medicine simply using the language of Quantum Physics. Both are the energy medicines of pure potentiality, consciousness, thought, mind, awareness, attention, focus and intention. Your energy can be used to heal yourself and others.

Distant Healing is a form of Alternative Medicine and Quantum Medicine as it is pure potentiality only needing a state of conscientiousness and intention to perform.

Distant Healing is also known as remote healing, long distance healing and absent healing and has been practiced for centuries in many ancient cultures and traditions for centuries, notably Distant Healing in the Far East with Ayurveda Medicine, Chinese Medicine and Reiki Therapy developed in Japan. However, right here in America we all know the power of distant healing through prayer. Empowered with love, anyone can send love, good thoughts and healing intentions to another or many, simply with the power of conscious thought and intention. We also know the power of group prayer or intention and how it has a positive on one or many. It is a universal gift that we all possess. It is just a matter of becoming aware and focused with intention.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine Distant Healing is practiced in a form of Qi Gong (pronounced chee-gong), which is the science of working with Qi/Chi, the living life force energy within the body. Qi Gong is a Chinese word translated as "Qi work" or energy work. Qi Gong is an ancient form of self-healing and distant healing practiced for centuries in China.

Though originally rooted to the martial arts, Qi Gong is energy medicine with techniques used for energy healing, meditation, self practice and distant healing. In self practice, movement is a completely relaxed form and the use of muscles is reduced to a minimum. It can, therefore, be practiced by people of all ages and generally achieves a high level of body relaxation, calmness, and peace of mind. The slow movement also promotes better balance, frees joints to enhance range of motion, and as movement can be utilized to exert pressure on the bones, their density increases proportionately.

Qi  is the fundamental life force that permeates all things. Qi connects and animates everything in the universe. When the flow of Qi is in balance and harmony we have perfect health. When the flow of Qi is impaired we have dis-ease; Qi Gong is an ancient energy medicine and alternative energy healing system that has been used for centuries to help with many health conditions. Qi Gong is the art and science of Qi. Using Qi or energy in distant healing, in breathing, in body movements, mind and meditation to cleanse, balance, strengthen and circulate Qi – the vital life energy and Blood.

Distance Healing is practiced worldwide under different names and there are numerous scientific articles in China that show the effectiveness of Qi Gong and Distant Healing. In more modern times many modalities of distant healing are being researched, recognized and practices are being clinically studied in places such as California Pacific Medical Center. Recent studies are being funded by the Institute of Noetic Sciences which conducts and sponsors leading-edge research into the potentials and powers of consciousness—including perceptions, beliefs, attention, intention, and intuition.

Many people in the East and West practice Qi Gong and various forms of Distant Healing, because of the potential in physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits they receive from practicing. In China Qi Gong is used to reduce stress and pain, boost the immune system, increase stamina, productivity, and creativity as well calm and balance the emotions. Chinese practitioners believe that practicing Qi Gong will benefit anyone in maintaining balance and harmony, preventing dis-ease and promoting well-being and longevity.

Distant Healing sessions work to correct energetic imbalances in one's vital life force, Qi or bio-field. It is used in other forms of energy work as in Reiki and Chakra Therapy. The chakras are cleared and energized to help the vital life force system and promote chakra balancing. The acupuncture meridians, Chakras and other subtle channels are infused with Qi, light and energy to energize and transform the whole energy system. Sessions can affect all areas of one's being, mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual. The techniques are also use in Prayer Therapy and Distant Healing can be applied to animals as well.

A quote:
“After giving them external Qi treatments, using his own energy to unblock theirs, he would show people techniques and exercises they could do to manipulate their own Qi. Sometimes he would write a prescription for herbs.
When he was finished, he moved on to the next patient, and so on until he was finished with everyone.

One night he was pressed for time and did something that was new to me. He asked a group of about twenty patients to sit down and concentrate on their illness. Then he began to meditate, projecting his Qi on the group for about fifteen minutes. Suddenly some of the people began to laugh while others began to cry. They spoke of sensations that were like electrical charges inside their bodies. Others said they could feel things move inside of them. Almost everyone came away filled with vitality, as though each person had been recharged with life.

I was in awe of what I saw. It was as though he were pulling energy from the universe and transmitting it to those who needed it. One night after he left I told my mother that I was stunned by what I saw this man do.” (The Healing Art of Qi Gong; Master Hong Liu with Paul Perry)

Thank you for your insight and contribution:
Dr. Dao Shing Ni
Master Hong Liu and Paul Perry
Qi Gong DVD order from
Also see Alternative Medicine - Reiki Therapy

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Prosperity - What is Kombucha?

Sad to say they took kombucha off the shelves in my area on June 21, 2010.

What is Kombucha?

Kombucha is perhaps best described as a "living botanical". It is a traditional fermented food analogous to bread, wine cheese and yogurt. It affects many different people in many different ways. I for one have experienced the benefits in drinking Kombucha specially for calming cravings for sugar.

Kombucha is a unique mushroom with many names and health benefits. Through out the ages it has been called by names including Japanese tea fungus, Manchurian Tea Mushroom, Go-Gu, Combuchu, Teekwaas, tea kvas and Kwassan to name a few.

According to one legend, the name Kombucha arose when a Korean doctor named "Kombu" was called to Japan at the request of the Emperor Inkyo in 414 B.C. with his "cha" or tea remedy. From Korea, Japan, China, India Dombucha eventually spread to Eastern Europe where it enjoyed popularity prior to World War II. Then it spread to the USA.

Anecdotal reports of beneficial effects spread along with the Kombucha tea from treatments of amazing variety of ailments and maladies. There have been reports of benefits from lethargy, stomach distress, indigestion, adult acne, candida, stress, high cholesterol, and hair loss to gastro-intestinal problems, arthritis, high blood pressure, gout and even cancer. Kombucha also has been used as a sports drink to help athletes with improved performance and endurance and a refreshing drink for a boost instead of coffee.

Kombucha is a symbiotic colony of certain yeast and bacteria which grow in a nutrient media consisting of organic sugar and black or green the. The yeast ferments the sugar to ethanol while the bacteria convert alcohol into acetic acid and thrive on the nutrients produced by the yeast. Together it is a biochemical factory producing an array of vitamins and nutrients.

It is normal to see an egg white-like starter culture forming in the bottle. This shows that the mushroom is alive. If it is left in a warm place the culture will start to grow and the fermentation will increase causing the alcohol content to increase, therefore it is required to refrigerate due to the FDA regulations. It is best to drink at room temperature.

I have used Kombucha as part of my Fountain of Youth System and miss GT Dave's brand of Kombucha – Millennium Products. GT Dave has his own story of how Kombucha helped his mother who had cancer. It is my hopes the Kombucha will be back in the stores soon. Meantime, try the instructions on how to make your own Kombucha. I have a bottle of GT Dave’s left that I will use to make my first mother culture since my Yo San University days in medical school.

Thank you John for your insight and contribution on Kombucha:

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

ps: Some days it takes just a little kombucha like 2 - 4 ozs and other days I can consume a bottle. My desire for bubbly, thirst-quenching sugar drinks is totally satiated. Yum-yum! I love all the flavors from G.T.'s Komucha. Naturally probiotic drinks, including lacto-fermented ones like ginger beer, are what our taste buds are calling for when they want sweet carbonated drinks. It's what our ancestors all over the world drank for millennium! Enjoy your own home make tea.

Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing - Chakra Therapy

Chakra Therapy

The word Chakra is derived from a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” of energy. The energy of Chakra is rooted in Ayurvedic Medicine and called Prana and also relates to Chinese Medicine Qi/Chi and Quantum Physics energy.

Each of the primary Chakras are a “spinning wheel of light” or energy. Therefore, Chakras are simply an energy system projecting outside our physical body, each one associated with a certain area of organs and endocrine glands.

Some people can see energy projected from Chakras. Because each Chakra has a different vibrational frequency, they appear as different colors of the rainbow, starting with red at the ROOT Chakra or Chakra 1. There are different school of thought in Charka Theapies, but they all strive for the same purpose to guide you in the realization of your own inherent potential, and enable you to live a life full of abundance and joy.

Chakra Therapy is an Alternative Medicine and Quantum Medicine energy healing approach to self care. The first major concept to understand is on quantum physics and Quantum Medicine. Everything is made of energy and sustained by energy. You do not end or begin with your skin, your body is an ever changing energy system that is affected by the energy around you. You also affect the energy around you. Your physical body contains the most dense energy visible to the naked eye. Your energy continues forming layer upon layer of energy fields around youwhich are not visible to the untrained eye. This magnetic energy field, shaped like an egg that surrounds your body is called your "aura". This aura is created by the energy of your chakras. Energy cords of energy from other people can enter you and connect you with another person. Basicly these strings or cords of energy are people's energy request for attention and can drain your energy. You can learn to cut the cords of negative energy and free yourself from emotional, mental or physical attachments. You can use your energy to heal yourself and even others. The first step is to become aware and observe your own energy.

I will briefly give you  and overview of the Chakra System. There are seven primary Chakras which deal with thoughts, emotions, beliefs and spirituality. The Chakras have enormous effect over health and wellbeing. The physical body mimics or reflect Chakra energy, when there is dysfunction in your Chakra energy, your physical body will reflect it. For example, if the heart Chakra is distorted from previous relationship issues that are not resolved, eventually the energy will manifest physically as heart, lung or immune imbalance so in essence one uses Chakra energy as a feedback system. Chakra energy can be used in Quantum Medicine as everything is energy and pure potentiality.

Even more common is the physical manifestation of the reactionary Chakra. If the heart Chakra is “shrunken and dirty” a common compensation is for the Solar Plexus Chakra to become out of balance or over active. The organs associated with the Solar Plexus (liver, pancreas, small intestine, gall bladder, spleen) could then eventually show outward physical signs of dysfunction such as indigestion, blood sugar imbalance and signs or symptoms of other liver or digestive problems.

The physical body mirrors the Chakra energy, the imbalance in a Chakra from an emotional or spiritual issue then can manifest into a physical ailment. Basically, our physical bodies are just a physical interpretation of our energy body. So wouldn't it be a really good idea to fix, balance and; harmonize our energy body?
Each Chakra relates strongly to a specific part of the body, and specific emotions, mental, and spiritual concerns.

Chakra Therapy use crystals to ground, balance, center, protect, run and transform ones energy. The Chakra System also uses Aromatheraphy, Color Theraphy, Nature Therapy, Sound Therapy, Yoga Therapy and Reflexology as well. It is easy to learn and one can increase energy levels by using basic Chakra meditation and crystal placement.

The main purpose in working with charkas is to integrate mind, body and spirit to create wholeness within ones self. The goal of understanding chakras is to become centered, balanced and in alignment with self and other beings. It is a means to guide one in the realization of unlimited potential and abundance. This vital force energy system called Prana from Ayurvedic Medicine is the same vital force energy in Chinese Medicine called Qi/Chi and Quantum Physics energy called consciousness, information and intention. It is all energy.

Everything is made of vital energy life force, Prana or Qi/Chi (energy, information, frequency and vibrations) and is sustained by Qi/Chi energy. We are our atoms; we are our organs and our chemical physiology all with their unique systems. We do not end at our skin and our body is an energy system constantly changing that is affected by and affects the energy around us – the Quantum field. The magnetic energy that surrounds our body is called an “aura”. This aura is created by the energy of the charkas. Charkas are energy centers that open and close like the lens of a camera, receiving and sending information and life force energy. There are nine chakras: The Foot Chakras root to earth for grounding oneself, the Hand Chakras are the seat of creative energy and used for communicating and healing. The main Chakras are connected to the “energy channel” and correspond with particular body organs, psychological patterns and emotional responses. Gemstones and crystals are use on the energy centers for their transformational qualities. For example for, Agate stone has many transformational qualities and works well on 1st Chakra, because of its grounding energy, Black Tourmaline drives away fear and negativity, Red Coral brings stability and balance to the emotions, Red Jasper is a powerful healer for the physical body; strengthens blood and enhances vitality, while Garnet strengthens, purifies, dispels negativity and reduces feelings of insecurity. They all work well for 1st Chakra Therapy.

The Seven Main Energy Centers
There are seven basic chakras, starting with level one the Root Chakra in the groin area and working up to the seventh at the crown of your head. The following is a simple reference to the colors, placement of crystal, and what healing and increased energy you can expect from each point. The following represent the 1st through 7th Chakra:

1) The Root Chakra. Sometimes called the “survival” Chakra. Physical identity, earth, grounding, and self-preservation are governed by first Chakra, located at the base of the spine. This Chakra is our body’s foundation and is related to the sense of survival, grounding into the earth, money and abundance. Thoughts and beliefs are filtered, influenced and even obscured by our past, environment, traditions, race, education, religion etc. Beliefs regarding “survival” are associated with parents, “family scars, tribal mind, and concerned with love and loyalty. “Love, being confused with obligation to the tribe: “If you really loved me, you’d come visit your family and me more often.” Cording is an energy attachment and in 1st Chakra relates to emotional issues such as, “Help me survive.” “Emotional issues include: lack of commitment, operating out of fear, need for safety and security, and unfinished issues with parents. Health Issues: Sciatica, varicose veins, chronic low back pain, rectal tumors or cancer.” (Diemer, 13) Childhood programming can be re-evaluated, released and replaced with your own set of beliefs that reflect who you are today and serve you now. Working with 1st Chakra results in forgiveness, health, and a sense of grounding and security. The Color Therapy is red and Garnet stone is an excellent choice for this Chakra. Garnet strengthens and energizes the body and increases circulation. Place it on the tail bone when working with 1st Chakra.

2) Spleen Chakra. Located in the lower abdomen to navel area near the lower back, is concerned with day-to-day physical aspects of living and relating to others. Did you learn healthy relationship skills or dysfunctional ways of relating? It contains stored memories of how you related with others. We learn and experience relationships from parents, family and environment. The emotional identity represents sex, passion, creativity, and self-gratification. Emotional upsets, feeling, sensation, and issues such as self-confidence, self-respect, self-control, trust and authority issues can be addressed through 2nd Chakra. Needy vibrations can be drained and victim perceptions can be removed. “Health Issues: Sexual dysfunction, reproductive disorders, hemorrhoids, prostate and bladder problems” (Diemer, 14) manifest from blocked energy in 2nd Chakra. The Color Therapy is clear orange used to stimulate and renew energy. Working with this Chakra results in a greater depth of feelings, relationships, balance and the ability to accept change. Use gold stones, a Gold Topaz, a Carnelian, Hematite or tiger’s eye when working with 2nd Chakra.

3) Solar Plexus Chakra. This Chakra the Center and Bridge between the Spleen and Heart Chakras, is the “distribution point for psychic energy and located above the navel area and below the chest. The yellow Chakra is a powerful Chakra that rules will, personal power, self-control, self-esteem and metabolism. It represents fire, ego identity, and how we perceive others. Blocked 3rd Chakra energy creates challenges integrating the heart emotion and sexual emotion, feeling cold and distant or being out of control. Emotional issues include fear of assuming responsibility, making decisions or intimidation. Health problems include digestive problems, indigestion, bulimia and ulcers.” (Diemer, 15) Yellow Color Therpahy warms, invigorates and relaxes. When a golden hue is added, it becomes a potent healing vibration. Use Amber or Citrine stones for a positive influence on the digestive system when working with this Chakra to clean out your energy field, regain control of yourself and your life, to respond rather than react to others, and to help ground you to respect the character and differences of others.

4) Heart Chakra. The center of the entire Chakra system it resides in the center of the chest near the heart. It is the Chakra of love, affinity, compassion and oneness with universal divine unconditional love. It connects the lower three physical Chakras, emotional centers to the higher mental and spiritual Chakra centers. It is the middle of the seven and represents love, self-acceptance, social identity, and air. Mind and body, male and female are represented here, and a healthy heart Chakra opens the doors of kindness and equality, compassion, peace, and centeredness. Emotional issues are grief, criticism, bitterness, and inability to give love or inability to receive love. Health issues manifest as Heart problems, emotional instability, breast cancer and lung cancer. Color Therpahy is Green to promote regenerataion and serenity. Use Emerald to strengthen the immune system, heart, liver, kidney and nervous systems. Use green Aventurine to release anxiety or Malachite stone for to balance all three levels; mental emotiona and physical and for weight loss. Open the 4th Chakra and fill yourself up with your own acceptance, unconditional love and validation. See the results in renewed joy, freedom, and serenity, as well as new creative energy flowing with clarity from your higher self.

5) Throat Chakra. Blue 5th Chakra is located in the throat at the base of the larynx, and the Chakra of communication, inspiration and self-expression. It is the energy center through which you receive your inner guidance to follow your path and fulfil your dreams. It is the bridge between the heart and the mind and holds the wisdom of the heart. It is an important chakra to speak your truth and to experience the world through the use of vibration. Emotional issues with self expression, following one’s dreams and powert to create your own reality in the physical world are associated with the 5th Chakra. Health issues may be “stuttering, chronic sore throat or TMJ (temporomandibular joint problems).” (Diemer, 16) The Color Therapy is blue opening you up to spiritual insights and truths. Working with this Chakra results in creative expression and clarity to communicate with your higher self, Higher Power and hear its guidance. Use Blue Topaz to enhance mental clarity and emotional healing or the Sodalite, which balances Yin and Yang (or female and male polarities within) when working with 5th Chakra.

6) Third Eye Chakra. The brow Chakra is located in the center of the forehead between the eyebrows. It is violet or indigo blue and often referred to as the “third eye” Chakra. It is clairvoyant energy center of intuition, insight and vision. It is about archetypal identity (achieving work/life balance), light, and self-reflection; and is related to being able to awaken your imagination, to visualize and see a different perspective or see a deeper meaning for the higher good. Emotional issues may be fear of being vunerable, pensiveness, anxiety or inability to learn from life experiences, that is being involved in the same dysfunctional relationships, the same boring job or repeated health problems due to lifestyle decisions and poor choices. Health issues may arise as “eye problems, blindness, deafness, brain tumors, or mental confusion.” (Diemer, 16) The Violet Color Therapy opens the Chakra up for extrasensory perceptions. Working with 6th Chakra opens the third eye and allows one to see the truth, to embrace a holist view, see the big picture, tune up the intuitive and to see beyond the physical or intellect. Indigo blue opens and purifies the Chakra, while violet opens abilities for extrasensory perception. An Amethyst cleanse and renews all levels on consciousness, while the Lapis Lazuli stone “enhances psychic abilities and communication with your Higher Self” (Diemer,136). Have some fun and try them for this Chakra.

7) Crown Chakra. The purple Chakra of the crown, is located on the top of the head called the “soft spot” in babies or Du20 in Chinese Medicine. It governs innate knowing, thought, universal identity, consciousness and pure intuition. This Chakra is the source of divine inspiration and divine creativity. It is the visionary center and must be open for all Chakras to integrate. It promotes healing, innate knowledge, wisdom, and a deeper understanding ourselves, of others and of our place in the universe. Emotional issues may be inability to trust life or its abundance, lack of inspiration or issues with giving generously. Health issues may be loss of “free will, paralysis, muscular system and nervous system diseases (multiple sclerosis and Lou Gehrig’s disease)” (Diemer, 18) When meditating, sit with a the stone of your choice on this spot, and during the rest of the day, wear it under your a cap. Quartz crystal or Diamond intensifies and activates the healing vibrations and power of 7th Chakra. For more details I recommend my friends book, The ABC's of Chakra Therappy - A Workbook by Deedre Diemer

Thank you for your insight and contribution on Chakra: - Energy Chakra picture
The ABC's of Chakra Therappy - A Workbook,  Deedre Diemer - Seven Charka Picture

Saquina Akanni

Friday, July 9, 2010

Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing - Biofeedback


Biofeedback is a process for monitoring a body function such as breathing, heart rate, blood pressure and altering that function through relaxation or imagery. Biofeedback is essentially a training system or means to reinforce positive new habits, especially new ways of responding to Stress.

Biofeedback is a an Alternative Medicine and energy healing therapy and treatment technique in which people are trained to improve their health by using signals or energy feedback from their bodies. Physical therapists for example, use Biofeedback to help stroke victims regain movement in paralyzed muscles. Psychologists use it to help tense and anxious clients learn to relax. Specialists in many fields use biofeedback to help their patients or clients cope with pain.

Through the verification of positive changes in Stress markers, clients learn to respond in a different manner to their Stressors. Focusing on positive and constructive thought one can reduce the probability of anxiety and stress related diseases.

Classic Biofeedback is essentially a one-way ‘read only’ system ‘feeding back’ to the client information on a variety of Stress indicators, including blood pressure, galvanic skin responses or brainwave activity. Standard Biofeedback is a time-tested and proven system to assist clients in Stress reduction.
Biofeedback monitors a physiological process, such as:
    • electrical activity in muscle cells
    • blood flow to hands or feet
    • heart rate
    • blood pressure
    • breathing rate
    • electrical activity in the brain
Changes in any of these physiological processes can be translated by the biofeedback instrument into signals, such as:
    • lights that blink
    • tones that change in pitch
    • video displays such as graphs or pictures
The biofeedback therapist is specially trained to help you understand the meaning of this "feedback." The biofeedback therapist will also teach you muscle relaxation exercises, deep breathing, and visualization techniques that can be helpful in learning to change your physiological reactions. Together, you can find the relaxation methods that work for you.
Practice is important in learning new skills. As one improves relaxation skills through daily practice may experience physiological changes such as lower blood pressure, tension relief, better sleep or stress relief.
Conditions for which biofeedback may be helpful include:
    • migraine headaches
    • tension headaches
    • anxiety
    • essential hypertension
    • injury-related muscle strain
    • irritable bowel
    • TMJ pain
    • asthma
    • chronic pain
    • insomnia
Biofeedback does not "cure" a disease. Instead, persons using biofeedback learn to reduce symptoms and learn to recognize and minimize recurring patterns of stress by learning to remain calm and relaxed.
Scientists are just determining how it all works through a different medical approach - Quantum medicine. It is well documented that biofeedback does, in fact, teach patients how to control seemingly involuntary conditions of the nervous and circulatory systems.

In the 1960’s laboratory experiments were conducted to examine research subject’s brain wave activity, blood pressure, and other functions of the body, which are under normal situations, are not controlled voluntarily. The outcomes of these experiments was hoped to increase creativity at will-by a person being able to change their own brain patterns-or even more importantly, the ability to decrease ones own blood pressure, making prescription blood pressure medication unnecessary. Although this hope was found to be unrealistic, due to too many variables, it was recorded that biofeedback can help with other conditions such as chronic pain and stress reduction. Hence, the term biofeedback was born.

Quantum Biofeedback represents the major step in the evolution of standard or ‘classic’ Biofeedback. Quantum Biofeedback, on the other hand, recognizes that many of our Stressors lie below our conscious awareness, and can be lodged not only in the unconscious mind, but also in the various energetic systems in the body. We are energy at our source level. So we see that with Quantum Biofeedback, we are looking at an expanded relation of the body that includes information, consciousness and mind; not just as a physical system, but also being comprised of a number of energetic systems that must be taken into account for a truly comprehensive picture of how Stress is affecting us. As well as ‘feeding back’ to the client valuable data based on the subtle energetic reactions of the body to a variety of potential Stressors the practitioner in Quantum Biofeedback also has the option to instantaneously balance aberrant or dysfunctional Stress patterns, thus giving the client an ‘energetic boost’ in the direction of true Relaxation and Stress Reduction. Homeostasis, or the body’s natural balance, is the outcome of effective Stress Reduction.

Thank you for your insight and contribution on Biofeedback:


Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing - Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a form of Alternative Medicine and energy healing therapy. It the insertion of very fine needles just under the skin into specific point locations along the Meridians or Channels which are energy (Qi/Chi) pathways to manipulate Qi, to regulate Qi, to unblock Qi stagnation, to relieve pain and to restore balance and harmony to the body. Acupuncture is only one method used to manipulate energy or Qi/Chi in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Acupuncture is the theory of the Channels and Collaterals. Channels and collaterals is a translation of the Chinese term jingluo, Jing has a geographical connotation and means a channel (e.g. a water channel) or longitude. Using the image of a tree, the jing are like the trunk and main branches of the channel network. They generally run longitudinally through the body at a relatively deep level, and connect with the internal Zang Fu (Zong Foo). Specifically they comprise the twelve primary channels, the eight extraordinary vessels and the twelve divergent channels. Luo means ‘to attach’ or ‘a net’, and refers to the finer branches of the channel network which are more superficial and interconnect the trunk and main branches (jing), the connective tissues and cutaneous region. The study of the channels in Traditional Chinese Medicine can be said to be the equivalent of the study of anatomy in Western medicine.

Chinese Medicine paid scant attention to the physical structure of the interior of the body, and references to the shape and location of the internal Zang Fu in classical texts are few and very brief. Furthermore, there was no study of the distribution of the nerves, or the origin and insertion of the muscles. Traditional Chinese medicine did, however describe in minute detail the pathways of the wide variety of channels that serve to circulate the Qi (Chee) and Blood to every part of the body. The channels penetrate the Zang Fu and the Extraordinary Fu in the deepest levels of the body and connect with the skin, muscles, flesh, tendons, and bones, the head, body and limbs, and the sense organs, linking all the tissues and structures of the body into an integrated whole. Some say the ancients could see or experience the meridians as one can see or experience an aura.

Stimulating an acupuncture point by any means, whether by needling, application of heat (moxibustion), pressure (acupressure), massage Tui'na (Twee Na) or cupping all comes under the purview of acupuncture. Through acupuncture, it is said that any points on the body can be stimulated in order to unblock, regulate or redirect Qi. If it is not on the Channel and there is pain - it is called an Ashi Point. Acupuncture needles are very different than hypodermic needles. Nothing is injected into the body. The needles are very fine and very flexible, and can barely be felt when inserted (unless there is Qi stagnation - you can feel that).

Acupuncture for the most part does not hurt. Some people may experience a discomfort in certain areas of the body. There is clinical evidence that many types of pain can be treated with acupuncture. In Chinese Medicine any pathogenic factor or disharmony can be addressed. The common cold, flu, headaches, migraines, immune system deficiencies, diabetes, joint pain, low back pain and stress are just a few of the factors that can be treated using acupuncture.

The philosophy of Tao (Dao), Yin (In) and Yang (Yong), must be understood in order to understand acupuncture. Tao is part of the culture in China, the way of life in Chinese Medicine and the foundation in acupuncture. Tao advocates living in moderation, and striving for balance with nature. The Chinese believe that moderation is the key to living a long life, and use acupuncture to balance the body, harmonize the emotions and calm the spirit to maintain health and to bring into balance ill health.

Qi is the life force which is found in every thing, both human and non human. It is the Qi that moves the wave in the ocean and allows the flower to turn toward the sun. From the breath of Qi - Zong Qi to the Qi circulating in the Blood - Xai Qi and the Wei Qi circulating just beneath skin in the Immune System – Qi permeates throughout the entire body. It is the movement of Qi that creates the sensation brought about by acupuncture that you will not want to miss. It feels like an energy flowing, as if you could hear it, but not really. When the acupuncturist takes the needles out of your body you can almost feel the Qi moving, it feels like a thread being pulled from your leg, or foot, or wherever the needle is being drawn out from. Acupuncture is a very calming experience. Simply, stimulating Qi using needles restores the flow of Qi in your body.

The Yin-Yang Theory is based on the philosophical construct of two polar opposites that complement each other. Yin and Yang, are the basic elements of life, when these two opposing forces are in balance we are at peace, and in harmony with all that is. In balance and harmony we remain centered under stress and are much more likely to let things slide. We can respond to situation instead of reacting to situations. When we are out of balance we are easily irritated and frustrated, regardless if the concern or problem is large or small. We exhibit excess in emotions displaying arrogance, pride and impatience with others. Other excesses manifest in anger, grief or excessive lifestyle, which eat away at our Jing. When the emotions run amok or are depressed we create stress, illness and become sick.

All that exists within nature is divided into Yin and Yang. For example, the mountain is Yang and the sea is Yin; acupuncture is Yang and herbs are Yin; one cannot know light without knowing darkness; and one cannot appreciate joy unless one has known sadness. In Chinese Medicine “dis-ease” or disharmony is the result of an imbalance of Yin and Yang in the body. The essence of Chinese Medicine is to help one seek balance of Yin and Yang within ones self and with ones environment. It is said that death is the breakdown of Yin and Yang.

We are made up of three elements – The Three Treasures, Qi (Chee) is your energy, Shen is your Spirit, and Jing is the Essence of life itself. Qi establishes the interconnectedness with everything in heaven and earth and is found humans and animals - in every cell, in the blood, in every organ system - heart, lungs, kidneys etc. and in oxygen. Shen is compared to ones Spirit. Shen is the Light - the heaven in ones being. It is the innate knowing and intuition. It can be seen as the light in one’s eye, experienced in the joy in ones heart, glows in the skin and is the vitality in ones life. Shen also relates to the mind in that it provides clarity in thought, vision, focus and the awareness of the self; related to the soul in that it provides purpose, conviction and direction; related to the emotions in the aspiration, inspiration and willpower and to the flesh as it relates to the direction of the five senses with clarity and intention.

Jing is the essence that helps us grow, develop, mature and reproduce. Jing is a precious essence used to create a baby and the essence spent during intercourse. It cannot be replaced - only nourished, as the Chinese believe that we are each born with a finite amount. Lose of Jing from malnutrition or a careless lifestyle can be nourished with herbs and acupuncture. Acupuncture can reduce the loss by balancing the Qi, or energy, helping to preserve Jing. It is said, when our Jing is used up, we die.

Acupuncture is often used in conjunction with herbal therapy. Acupuncture treatment works with Yang, because it comes from outside the body and goes inside (the act of inserting the needle), while herbal therapies are considered to be Yin because they move throughout the interior of the body.

While acupuncture is primarily known for eliminating or control pain, acupuncture can benefit a host of other illnesses, such as respiratory ailments (asthma), cataracts, hiccups, ulcers, migraines, and toothache, just to name a very few. The truth is that all ailments can be improved or alleviated with acupuncture, because everything is energy or Qi. Acupuncture points are used for ailments from Alzheimer’s, alcoholism, and addictions to chronic pain. There are acupuncture points in the ear, called auricular-acupuncture, which can also treat the entire body and help alleviate cravings of all addictive behaviours, acute withdrawal from alcoholism and of course pain.

Western medicine is beginning to concede to acupuncture for its use in alleviating chronic pain, such as neck and back, which a lot of westerners suffer from. Western medicine is only now beginning to accept the fact that acupuncture can also be used to help anxiety and chronic fatigue, and more and more medical insurances are beginning to cover acupuncture. Acupuncture and Alternative Medicine is used in mainstream health care plan such as Kaiser Permanente - an integrated managed health care organization offering options in acupuncture, chiropractic care and massage therapy services. This information is meant to be informative only, and does not go into the details that acupuncture deserves; please see a practitioner of Chinese medicine for more information.


Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Prosperity - ALTERNATIVE MEDICI NE A - Z Healing with Energy Series


Energy or Qi/Chi is at the heart of our existence and all of the therapies presented in this series have to do with using Energy Therapy to improve our lives by balancing and restoring the "life force" energy in the health of all of our systems from organs and tissues to re-balancing or restoring deficient Qi.

Healing the body with energy has been around for centuries, notably it is what we use in Chinese Medicine an ancient medicine rooted in Taoism . Qi/Chi is the vital force energy in all things including humans. Traditional Chinese Medicine can explain how Qi/Chi or vital force energy works, but can not explain it through the language of modern science.

Quantum Medicine is the new kid on the block - a new form of medicine, which synthesizes quantum theory with Eastern taoist philosophy in order to explain "vital force" energy or Qi/Chi in the human experience. It uses the same consciousness just a different language. Regardless, of the language used energy healing works!

Most symptoms, aliments or illness are "Lifestyle" diseases caused by dis-stress, leading to dis-ease, which is the cause of 80 to 90% of disease or metabolic imbalance in the body.

Research provides the scientific underpinnings supporting methods, techniques, tools and products that have shown their results by way of different applications that impact the metabolic health of millions worldwide all using energy as the healing source.

Fatigue, stress, lack of energy, poor diet, obesity, muscle overexertion from excessive exercise and a host of other symptoms bring overwhelming health concerns that can lead to chronic diseases as in heart or muscle disease. No matter the cause, the effects are real and can seriously impact quality of life. Whether it’s pain, a heart patient, an athlete, or simply a grandparent wanting to spend quality time with the grandchildren, the amount and quality of energy determines how we feel and how well we can handle and respond to the activities, obstacles and challenges of everyday life.

Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Friday, July 2, 2010



Alternative medicine or “alternative healing” comes from ancient medical wisdom and developed over time. All primitive cultures and societies have some method of treating pain and ailments. Some invented methods using instruments made of stone and perfected the use to fine needles, some used herbs and shrubs to provide relief, others used a mud or clay paste, while others used ice packs, hot water bottles, and massage – all these methods are a form of medicine as they relieve pain and other ailments.

These alternative methods are not used by Western Medicine hence they fall under the category of alternative medicine. Be it called Holistic medicine, Natural medicine, Complementary medicine, or Integrated medicine, they are all aspects of alternative medicine. Some of the more common alternative therapies include acupuncture, acupressure, aromatherapy, ayurveda, biofeedback, charka therapy, homeopathy, massage therapy, music therapy, hypnosis, meditation, naturopathy, nutritional therapy, qi gong, reflexology, reiki, tai chi, and yoga just to list a few. The objective of alternative medicine methods and therapies are twofold: prevention and to bring the body back into balance and harmony.

Alternative medicine techniques and methods have survived through the years for one reason. They work. The theories of alternative medicines have been ridiculed throughout the centuries by Western or allopathc medicine.Some claim the effects are from a "weak" mind and are simply a "Placebo Effect".They purport that  belief is a powerful medicine, even if the treatment itself is a sham. However, new research show that the mind is powerful and a so called placebos can also benefit patients who do not have faith in them. The physician's belief in the treatment and the patient's faith in the physician is often a placebo effect and benefit them both.

Placebo effect is the observable or felt improvement in health or behavior not attributable to a medication or invasive treatment that has been administered. Also,  placebo (Latin for "I shall please") is a pharmacologically inert substance (such as saline solution or a starch tablet) that produces an effect similar to what would be expected of a pharmacologically active substance (such as an antibiotic).

Allopathic medicine is the conventional or western medical system use today in most western cultures. Allopathic medicine is a  medical practice which treats disease by the use of remedies or drugs which produce effects different from those produced by the disease under treatment. MDs practice allopathic medicine and can not treat a patient unless a disease is detected and verified with lab tests. The term "allopathy" was coined in 1842 by C.F.S. Hahnemann to distinguish the practice of medicine (allopathy) as opposed to the natural practice of homeopathy, however the fact remains that the alternative remedies, therapies and treatments of natural medicine work. Holistically and naturally these treatments work without adverse side effects. These types of treatments can be beneficial for most people to put the body, mind, spirit, soul and emotions back in balance, harmony and a state of relaxation and wellness.

Alternative medicine techniques and therapies work. Try a few most are simple, easy to do and cost effective - you will be pleasantly surprised at the benefits and results.

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity

Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor