Saturday, September 25, 2010

Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing - Osteopathy Craniosacral Therapy - CST

The key to health and wellness lies in the Qi/Chi or energy within you and around you. You are the source of pure potentiality and can tap into the "waves of possibilities" to focus on the ones that work for you to create anything you desire. First, you must believe you can." - Saquina Akanni

“Why should it surprise us that we can tap into the body’s own inner wisdom to facilitate a positive response through the use of our hands and an innate desire to help? In my mind, this is health as it was meant to be—a natural collaboration between two human beings on a multitude of different levels, all simply allowing the body to do what it was born to do best.”
- John E. Upledger, from the Introduction Craniosacral Therapy

Oseopathy Craniosacral Therapy is based in osteopathy. Osteopathy does more than just address problems of the musculo-skeletal system. Osteopaths use a wide variety of approaches to treatment and can bring relief or improvement to many conditions affecting, children and women, problems during or after pregnancy, the elderly and sportsmen through energy healing. 

Osteopathy Craniosacral Therapy (also called Craniosacral Therapy or CST, and also called CranioSacral bodywork or therapy) is an holistic Alternative medicine and a form of Quantum Medicine and energy healing practice that uses very light touching to balance the craniosacral system in the body, which includes the bones, nerves, fluids, and connective tissues of the cranium and spinal area. CST is used by osteopaths, naturopaths, chiropractors, physical therapist, massage therapist, and occupational therapists.

CST was originally developed by physician John E. Upledger at Michigan State University after an eight-year study as a professor of biomechanics. Dr. William Sutherland pioneered the idea through his work in cranial osteopathy. Dr. Upledger was assisting with a neck surgery when he noticed rhythmic movement of a system later to become known as the craiosacral system. CST evaluates and helps the functioning of the craniosacral system-the membranes and fluid-that surround the spinal cord and brain. In his book, the founder of craniosacral therapy tells the story of its development in the 1970s and outlines its methods, practices, and differences from similar therapies, and superiority to invasive treatments such as surgery. Dr. Upledger uses stories from his patients' and his own experiences to describe the methods and benefits of this fast-growing therapy.

CDT is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the function of the craniosacral system; the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord.  CST boosts the bodys natural healing processes and has proven efficacious for a wide range of medical problems from migraines, learning disabilities, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

A Craniosacral Therapy energy healing session involves the therapist lightly placing their hands on the patient, which allows them to tune into the energy rhythm or the craniosacral rhythm, which is called “listening with the hands”. The practitioner gently works with the spine and the skull and its cranial sutures, diaphragms, and fascia.  The intention is to release the restrictions of energy along the nerve passages and to set them at ease, the movement of energy and cerebrospinal fluid through the spinal cord is optimized, and any misalignment in fascia and bones are restored to their proper position.

Oseopathy Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is used to treat many different types of symptoms including, mental and physical stress, neck and back pain, migraines, chronic pain, fibromyalgia and TMJ Syndrome, which affects the temporomandibular joint. This facial joint is susceptible to many of the conditions that affect other joints in the body, including arthritis, trauma, dislocations and developmental anomalies. TMJ disorders include, dull, aching jaw pain, clicking, popping, or grating sound when opening or closing the mouth.

Craniosacral Therapy improves the central nervous system, strengthens resistance to disease, enhances overall health, and treats a wide range of ailments, including learning disabilities, autism, post-traumatic stress, and cancer. Using a lighter touch than other techniques, this method mobilizes the pressure of cerebrospinal fluid and the bioelectrical connectivity of fascial tissue to affect sites of physical and emotional trauma.

Using extremely light pressure on the head, restrictions are released in order to improve the central nervous system flow and function by feeling the energy rhythm of the cranioscaral system. This method is used as a holistic, alternative medicine and preventative approach to energy healing and preventing central nervous system problems. CST is particularly helpful in alleviating the source of pain for migraines, chronic neck and back pain, and motor coordination problems. The techniques have also been reported as having a positive effect on relieving colic in infants and chronic fatigue.

In the practice of Oseopathy Craniosacral Therapy energy is released from stagnated locations referred to as energy cysts, where energy has built up and then become blocked, as in neck pain from holding ones neck at a particular angle for a long period of time such as looking at a computer al day at work. This has proven to be an effective and powerful technique, and can cause the recipient to relieve past injuries, emotional blockage as well as physical. Suppressed energy as in blocked emotions inhibits structural releases, therefore uncontrollable emotional outbursts or crying are common during therapy. An experienced and reputable carniosacral therapist will help one move through suppressed memories and sensations, which caused pain in the past yet, are being held onto in the present. Once energy cysts are unblocked and realigned, the patient may exhibit better listening and memory comprehension skills.

What will happen at your session? Wear loose clothing and feel free to remove your shoes. You will lie on a massage table and the lights will be dimmed. The therapist will typically sit at your head first, and place their finger lightly on either side of your temples. It is quiet and you must lie still, they are listening. They will pick up the tension in your temples or a clenched jaw line. They will then move down to your torso and work their way to your feet. What sensations you may experience during the session will be unique to each individual, but typically you will relax to the point of falling asleep. You may even begin to recall hidden memories and express emotion, as previously described. 

Many sessions use other types of therapy to complement the treatment plan and to strengthen the body’s systems. Chiropractic is often used to realign the spine, relieving pressure all the way to the clenched jaw or TMJ, acupressure or acupuncture is used to help increase the flow of energy or Qi (Chi) through the meridians or channels. This holistic approach and complementary medicine is also used for prevention to keep the body in ailment and is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to conventional methods of physical care, pain medication or invasive surgery with long convalescent post op care requirements.

Unfortunately, most medical insurance plans still do not cover most CST therapies. Acupuncture, massage and chiropractic are the leading Alternative Medicine therapies covered by health insurance.

There are certain conditions where CST is not helpful. These include conditions where increases in brain pressure would not enable the ailment to dissipate, acute aneurysm, cerebral hemorrhage or severe bleeding disorders. If you elect to see a CST provider, sessions will vary with the severity of your disorder, 2-3 treatments a week for several weeks is the average length of therapy. Do some research and you can determine if this Alternative medicine is suitable for you?

Thank you for you insight and contribution to Osteopathy Craniosacral Therapy (also known as Craniosacral Therapy or CST)

Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Monday, September 20, 2010

Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing - NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming

 NPL Neuro Linguistic Programming is a form of Alternative Medicine that uses Quantum Medicine methods of energy healing, which is simply using pure potentiality, consciousness, thought, mind, awareness, language and intention to effect change and transformation. NPL was ahead of its time and finally being recognized for it's power to effect change with thought. NLP is a transformation method used around the globe to improve communication skills, accomplish goals, build rapport and create positive changes to over come barriers, limit those negative little thoughts or self-sabotaging judgments, develop a positive winning mindset and improve relationships.

Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) is a set of axioms, techniques and method to approach personal development with the focus on areas of transforming limiting beliefs and undesirable behavior. NLP was developed in 1973 by Richard Bandler and Professor John Grinder. The term “Neuro-linguistic programming” denotes a set of models and principles to explore how mind and neurology (neuro), language patterns (linguistic), and the organization of human perception and cognition into systemic patterns (programming) to create a change or transformation of a subjective reality thereby affecting the thought, human experience, language and behaviors.

By observing language patterns and body language cues derived from the observation of renowned therapists such as Virgina Satir, Fritz Perls and Milton Erickson, NLP uses reframing techniques and meta-modeling therapy to effect transformation in thought, language, meaning and behavior. 

A frame (belief or point of view) can be "reframed" or altered with reframing language and communication allowing another point of view, a different interpretation, a new conception or possibility to be revealed. One can shift a belief, change a feeling relief or transform and experience of a situation by simply experiencing it from a different perspective. One can assign another meaning to an experience or another sense by reframing a situation or context, thus seeing a situation in another "frame" or point of view. A frame can refer to anything that limits our view of the world. If we let a limiting frame of reference or limiting perspective dominate our consciousness, beliefs, attitude, language and communication we lock ourselves into a world with blinders or “tunnel vision” shutting out the world of new conceptions and possibilities.

Meta-modeling communication techniques are used to specify information in a speaker's language. The Meta-modeling consists of categories of questions or heuristics, which seek to challenge a speaker’s linguistic distortions, clarify generalizations and recover deleted information which occurs in a speaker’s language. Later the Milton-model was used to soften the Meta-modelling to maintain rapport and allow indirect suggestions so a speaker would have an opportunity to reframe his/her language, allowed time to generate another meaning for what was said or reinterpret a negative behavior on their own.

Have you wondered what is it that is running you? Are you stuck in your past? Is it a tragic event, some trauma or a failed relationship?

Wouldn't it be nice to have the answers to these and other questions, then take control and change for good? To do this, one must first understand how the inner architecture of the mind works. Whether it's making the right decision or the wrong one, you are running on auto-pilot and your programming decides! Did you know that when there is a conflict between your mind and your heart your chemical peptides change, you call it stress? Did you know that when it comes to uncontrollable conflict between your body's desires and your emotions that is called addiction? Did you know that generally speaking, we have three responses to the stress of modern day life; Stop, Go or ignore! Unfortunately, this magnificent body of ours only has chemical reactions to assist us with the day to day stress of life and normally it gets that wrong too.  There are hundreds of different NLP methods and techniques. While you are reading this here is a site of someone I know Ross Arntson with Mark Victor Hansen, where you can get started now:

"Once we can understand what is going on inside of us, both in our mind and in our body, we can start dealing with these annoying hidden programs that continue to confound our daily lives." Ross Arntson Design

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a very unique and effective use of alternative medicine and energy healing methods. This technique is becoming more and more popular as it is better understood. NLP uses images, visualization and attitudes towards disharmony and illness to affect change and encourage the healing process. NLP uses presuppositions as part of the treatment to help one see that one can effect change in self. Quantum Medicine and alternative treatments and methods work, however belief, faith and prayer of the person using them does in fact enhance the transformation and healing process. Here are two of my favorite recommendations. The first is short, sweet and to the point book: NLP for Dummies, by Lynne Cooper and Sons and the other is a link to someone I know that can guide you in the right direction: Ross Arntson Design

NLP uses the power of mind, thought and language. There are so many books, medical research and alternative health methods in the world today that there is no need to give up if you are not getting the results you want. There is a need to be responsible, be accountable, investigate, do some research and find a method that will be productive and effective for you. Start with this introduction: Rebuilt with Purpose by Ross Arntson.

Neurocognitive testing helps clinicians evaluate and quantitatively measure the health of the higher functions of the brain and central nervous system “vital signs”. The three most commonly cited domains of cognition are attention, memory and executive function. Objective neurocognitive evaluations are an important adjunct in the evaluation of a patient’s neurological, psychiatric, and psychological health.

Computerized testing offers accurate recording of reaction times, electronic capture and processing of data (minimizing human error) and standardization of test administration (minimizing sources of response bias).

The test battery measures the speed and accuracy of nine basic mental functions, which are indicators of the health and integrity of the brain's higher functions. The battery generates some 15 primary scores, which are used to calculate 5 domain scores that include memory, psychomotor speed, reaction time, cognitive flexibility, and complex attention, all producing a summary score or "neurocognition index."

Quantum NLP
Quantitative Electroencephalographic Assessment of Brain Function (qEEG)
Quantitative Electroencephalographic Assessment  of Brain Function (qEEG) is a scientifically established method for evaluating brain function based on brain electrical activity mapping. In this form of functional brain imaging, your brain's electrical activity, as measured in 19 sites on your head, is analyzed using complex mathematical and statistical tools in comparison to norms or averages. These norms are based on the electrical activity of thousands of individuals with no known neurological, developmental, or psychiatric disorder. This method of assessing brain function provides information about patterns of brain activation and communication that can then be related to difficulties in daily life functioning such as problems with attention, anxiety, mood, learning, or behavior. The results of the analysis can then be presented in graphical form, resulting in topographical displays of brain electrical activity - sometimes called “brain maps".

Research using qEEG has provided substantial evidence of a significant relationship between EEG abnormalities and a variety of disorders of behavior, emotion, thinking, learning, and development. Simply put, this body of research demonstrates that the EEG signal is a good indicator of patterns of cortical activation that play a role in many forms of psychological disorder, including ADHD, anxiety, depression, learning disabilities, and autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders. Much of this research has been amply cross-validated using other neuroimaging techniques.

Each qEEG is compared to a normative database (Neuroguide) that compares the EEGs of normal brain functioning with your brain waves. Using this analysis tool the neurotherapist has at their disposal a sound, objective measure to help determine what is the possible source of symptoms. This is especially true with those sensitive to psychiatric illnesses, often characterized by disturbances of brain organization rather than brain structures.

Quantum NLP using conscious reprogramming is one of the strongest methods to effect change in a person in the world today. This is a method of change that anyone can learn and anyone can take advantage of. There are many things in life that people are successful at and many others that they are not. What the process of NLP suggests is that you can take the strategy you use for your successes and transfer them to the activities that you are not successful with. This process can be used for the healing process as well.

Finding a great NLP practitioner is easy! This is of course one of the most vital factors you should consider before beginning your quest for NLP treatments. These types of treatments are not like conventional treatments. You need to ensure that you are choosing a qualified practitioner. If you do not, you could be putting yourself at a risk. Research is key before beginning an alternative medical treatment such as NLP.
Begin trusting in NLP and its processes. NLP is reliable and effective. There are thousands of people who practice this form of treatment on a daily basis. This could be for you. Take your healing into your own hands and try the NLP process. I know many people who use this method including some of my mentors: Have you ever heard of T. Harv Eker - Google him!
Harv Eker's powerful training is based on NLP principles. We use this effective methodology to educate you on how to make changes in your health and your life.

Thank you for your insight and contribution to NLP:
Richard Bandler and Professor John Grinder  co-founders of NLP
Book by Richard Bandler - Get the Life You Want
Book  by Lynne Cooper and Sons - NLP for Dummies
Ross Arntson Design
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing - Meditation Therapy

"Meditation Therapy is a form of Quantum Medicine and energy healing. The practice of using consciousness, intention and pure potentiality to focus attention on the realization of our inner state of being to know self   - "I am" has been used for centuries in ancient traditions.  Using Quantum Medicine, one applies discipline of self from the quantum field to quiet the mind, open awareness, calm emotions, relax the body, maintain stillness and create a higher level of alertness. Using Chinese Medicine one applies self from the Tao and uses Qi for energy healing, centeredness of "being", clarity, awareness and intention of realization of inner self, well-being, environment and life." - Saquina Akanni

Quantum Medicine is a form of energy healing that mirrors Chinese Medicine Qi Gong Meditation Therapy and many other forms of energy healing medicines. There are so many different Meditation Therapy methods and techniques all using different approaches, and different languages yielding results. Quantum Medicine uses the language of quantum physics. 

Meditation Therapy is an art and a skill. Meditations to those who have spent time doing it know the greatness it can bring to our health, mind, body, spirit, soul and emotions.

Meditation Therapy is one of the popular energy healing medicines that use pure potentiality, consciousness, thought, mind, awareness, attention, focus and intention to tap into the deeper realization of the multifaceted layers of ones being and ones life.

Meditation Therapy has been practiced for thousands of years by many different cultures and traditions. The art of meditation is one of the ultimate energy healing medicines and is free. The skill will take some time to master.

Meditation is an Alternative medicine and mind-body-emotion intervention used in all of the natural and traditional medicines such as Ayurvedic, Chinese and Native American just to mention a few.

Ancient traditions know the benefits of meditation energy healing, how to change states of being, and state of mind. We are not our mind, our feelings or our five senses. Western science has shown us that thought; emotions and the five senses are simply bioelectric webs of neurons sending chemical blips of information across synapses that our subjective cortex interprets. Thoughts arise when the synapses in the brain fire energy, in the form of electricity to each other.

Have you ever wondered why it is so difficult to change a way of thinking? Let's imagine you have a recurring negative thought, such as:
  • "I can't do it"
  • "I am useless"
  • "I am not good enough"
  • "I will never finish"
  • "I don’t know how"
  • "I don’t believe that"
  • You can probably add a few of your own here, etc.
  •  Replace them with “There are infinite possibilities.”
Every time we have a particular thought, we "fire up" a set of neurons. Every time we fire neurons in a particular manner, we increase the likelihood that the pattern of neurons firing together in the same set the next time. Neurons that fire together over a long period of time become a set of neurons. These neurons have a long-term relationships with each other and are “wired together” in sets.  Each time we think the same thought, over and over again, we create a set of neuron relationships, and reinforce them.   

Therefore, continuing to think, feel and say the same thing makes it more likely that we will continue to think that thought again and again. That thought pattern is now on autopilot!
If we want to change a thought pattern, this neuron structure must be reconstructed. For some that can be difficult, because the more we think that we “don't” want to think a thought, the more you think the thought! The key is to interrupt the thought and replace it with another thought. Do this on a consistent basis and you intentionally create a new neuro-set relationship. We can create a new way of thinking with first becoming aware and then practice interrupting and replacing a thought.

Meditation makes this easier and allows us to become an observer and aware of our thoughts. In meditation, the neurons prepare to fire up, but find they have nowhere to go.  This process degrades the set of connections, making it less likely to get fired up the next time. Meditations can help you to quiet your mind and to stop thinking destructive thoughts over and over again. Before you know it you will be on autopilot thinking your new set of replacement thoughts that you intentionally created.
Meditation has many benefits including being an effective means of quieting the mind, developing a positive state of mind, increasing energy, reducing stress, managing pain, lowering blood pressure, and increases the level of melatonin. This hormone supports the immune system, therefore making your immune system stronger and you healthier. Melatonin hormone also slows down the signs of aging, increases better sleep patterns and may even inhibit cancer cells from growing
One of the more well known forms of meditation that comes that may come to mind is Chakra Meditation, which is a method used to aligns the energy centers called Chakras in Chakra Therapy. Meditation has many benefits including being an effective means of treating stress, lowering blood pressure, managing pain and anti-aging.

There are hundreds of different meditation styles and techniques. While you are reading this here is a site of someone I know Joan Kappes with Mark Victor Hansen, where you can get started now: Joan Kappes - Come to the Edege Today "Light a candle and sit in silence in your most comfortable chair.  Close your eyes and breathe deeply; then breathe deeply again and again, paying attention only to your breathing.  Allow your energy to concentrate on your breath, rather than on the generation of thoughts.  Listen for the song in your heart..."

Most of  the meditation styles and techniques fall into one of five categories: concentration, mindfulness, transcendental meditation, Qi Gong meditation and Quantum meditation.

Concentration meditation uses intention to focused attention on quieting the mind and uses methods of focusing on a single sound, an object or one's breath, to bring about a calm, tranquil mind.

During mindfulness meditation, the attention is concentrated and focused on disciplines where the mind becomes aware, but does not react to the variety of sensations, feelings, images and environment tied in with a current activity.

During transcendental meditation (TM) the focus is on stillness of the mind, where the mind is allowed to settle inward beyond thought to experience the source of thought or pure potential awareness to bring about a state of deep relaxation, in which the body is totally at rest, yet the mind is in a highly alert state. This is known as transcendental consciousness or experiencing the unified field.

During Qi Gong meditation many disciplines are available and all the previous methods and techniques mentioned can be used with the focus always on using Qi or energy to bring about the desired state of being: tranquil mind, calm emotion, relaxed body, highly alert and energy healing.

Quantum meditation uses the same approach as Qi Gong with various additional methods and techniques including bio electric devices such as; CDs, mp3 downloads, guided sessions, enlightenment sessions, success, and of course energy healing.

Meditation allows the body to switch to an alpha (resting) or theta (relaxing) brain-wave state, during which the brain's rhythm slows and endorphins, the body's natural painkillers, are released. Studies have shown that during meditation, metabolism is lowered, resulting in a slower heart rate, decreased blood pressure, and slower breathing. In the seventies, Dr. Herbert Benson, a cardiologist at the Harvard Medical School, formulated the theory of an inborn "relaxation response" that can be cultivated to counteract stress. Eliciting it, Benson wrote, "… can help counteract the effects of repeated insults of stress on the heart and other organs."

There are so many amazing websites, blogs and pictures depicting the many different type of meditations methods and techniques. There is one that will resonate with you and I recommend you do some research and start today.The education may cost you a few dollars, but meditation is FREE - you are the source of pure potentiality and can transform your life with a little practice!

Thank you for all of your insight, pictures, websites, blogs and contribution to Meditation:

What is Meditation? Eckhart Tolle
How to Meditate:
Try a two minute Chakra Meditation
Chakra Healing Meditation

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing - Laughter Theraphy

"Laughter is the human gift for coping and for survival. - Laughter Therapist, Enda Junkins, LCSW, LMFT, BCD

Laughter Therapy, also called humor therapy, is an Alternative Medicine and energy healing technique that uses the natural physiological process of laughter to help relieve physical discomfort, emotional stress or mental dis-tress and promote overall health and wellness. Laughter is a form of the new medicine of the future: Quantum Medicine. All one needs is a state of consciousness, awareness and intention to transform any situation. Laugh to awaken your soul and set your spirit free.

Those of us who saw "The Secret" can recall the woman who had cancer and told her story of how she transformed her health using laughter.

A growing body of research supports the theory that laughter may have therapeutic value. According to some studies, Laughter Therapy may provide physical, mental and emotional benefits, such as: boost the immune system and circulatory system,enhance oxygen intake, stimulate the heart and lungs, trigger the release of endorphins (the body’s natural painkillers), relieve pain, balance blood pressure, improve overall attitude, and reduce stress, tension to produce a general sense of well-being.

For years, the use of humor has been used in medicine. Surgeons used humor to distract patients from pain as early as the 13th century. Later, in the 20th century, came the scientific study of the effect of humor on physical wellness. Many credit this to Norman Cousins. After years of prolonged pain from a serious illness, Cousins claims to have cured himself with a self-invented regimen of laughter and vitamins.

In his 1979 book Anatomy of an Illness Cousins describes how watching comedic movies helped him recover:
"After a stressful trip to cold-war Russia in 1964, Saturday Review editor Norman Cousins tells how he developed a debilitating illness which confines him to bed. He is admitted to hospital for tests and treatments, and is diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis, but his condition deteriorates and he is given a gloomy prognosis. He notices that the depressing routine of hospital life tends to produce side effects that aggravate his condition. With the blessing of one of his doctors, he checks out of hospital and into a comfortable (yet less expensive) hotel where the food is better and he can watch funny movies while he medicates himself with high doses of Vitamin C. He is convinced that the slow improvement in his condition is owing to his individualized methods of therapy and his having taken charge of his own situation." - Jacalyn Duffin, NYU School of Medicine

“Children laugh over 300 times a day whereas adults laugh only 15 times”.  Dr. Kataria Laughter Yoga Specialist 

Those of use that practice Alternative Medicine know that laughter really is the best medicine. So laugh more. Laughter Therapy is free and quick. If you are feeling blue, down, grumpy, irritable, frustrated or simply misunderstood, consider that you are taking life excessively serious. Stop. Take a deep breath and interrupt any negative thoughts, feelings or negative conversations. Consider cracking a smile.  Lightening up a bit and laugh at yourself and the situation. Life is short and your happiness is within you. Keep your joy in your heart by laughing.

Over the years, researchers have conducted studies to explore the impact of laughter on health. After evaluating participants before and after a humorous event or a comedy movie, studies revealed that episodes of laughter helped to reduce stress-related hormones, boost the immune system and relieve pain in participants.

Today more than ever, people are turning to humor for therapy and healing. Medical journals have acknowledged that Laughter Therapy can help improve quality of life for patients with chronic illnesses. Patients, doctors and health-care professionals are all finding that laughter may indeed be the best medicine. Laughter is infectious. 

Hospitals around the country are incorporating formal and informal laughter therapy programs into their therapeutic regimens. Many hospitals now offer laughter therapy programs as an integrative complementary treatment to illness including cancer offers supportive options, including laughter therapy; to help patients cope they receive conventional cancer treatments. Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA) first introduced Laughter Therapy to the center due to patient requests, and the therapy strives to help patients use and enjoy laughter as a tool for healing process. 

Laughter Clubs are popping up all around the world and becoming as popular as Rotary Clubs in the United States. Laughter Club is based not on humor or jokes, but rather on laughter as a physical exercise. Dr. Katherine Puckett uses them in the center and leads one group laughter exercise, which involves patients standing in a circle, with the leader in the middle. Patients put their fingertips on their cheekbones, chest or lower abdomen and make “ha ha” or “hee hee” sounds until they felt vibrations through their bodies. Dr. Puckett says during these exercises, it is hard for people not to join in because laughter is so contagious.

In countries such as India, Laughing Club  participants gather in the early morning for the sole purpose of laughing. Humor is a universal language. It's a contagious emotion and a natural diversion. It brings other people in and breaks down barriers. Best of all it is free and has no known side reactions.

"No joke is needed to get members of one of Mumbai's 37 laughing clubs to erupt with glee. Instead, they breathe deeply, yoga-like, reach for the sky to reduce inhibitions, then force a 'ho, ho, ha, ha' until the laughter becomes contagious. It reduces stress, claims Dr. Madan Kataria, the clubs' founder. 'Laughing is my mission,' he says, 'I want to spread it all over the world.'"

Photo from "India: Fifty Years of Independence," May 1997
National Geographic magazine
Photograph by Steve McCurry

"Healthy, non-ridiculing and connecting laughter provides physiological, psychological and spiritual benefits you probably never realized or imagined.We are born with the gift of laughter -it's being serious that we learn.
So, learn to laugh, and live, all over again."

- Annette Goodheart,Ph.D., MFCC

"Laughter is the human gift for coping and for survival. Laughter ringing, laughter pealing, laughter roaring, laughter bubbling. Chuckling. Giggling. Snickering. Snorting. These are the sounds of soul saving laughter which springs from our emotional core and helps us feel better, see things more clearly, and creatively weigh and use our options. Laughter helps us roll with the punches that inevitably come our way. The power of laughter is unleashed every time we laugh. In today's stressful world, we need to laugh much more."
- Laughter Therapist, Enda Junkins, LCSW, LMFT, BCD

Thank you for your insight and contribution on Laughter Therapy

Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing - Kinesiology Therapy

Kinesiology Therapy is the scientific study of human movement. It is an Alternative Medicine encompassing human anatomy, physiology, neuroscience, biochemistry, biomechanics, exercise psychology and sociology of sport. The practitioner assesses the relationship between the quality of movement and overall health, mind, body, emotions and spirit by testing muscle movement and energy motion. 

Kinesiology draws from ancient Chinese Medicine philosophy, principles and practices by applying various techniques in which to test the muscles in order to determine the energy imbalances in the body. They also used a number of various techniques to restore balance. Kinesiology not only works on the body as it is influenced by Chinese Medicine practices it can restore balance to the mind and spirit, which are reflected in symptoms of anxiety and depression. In Chinese Medicine, everything is Qi/Ch or energy and any imbalance of physique, emotion, diet, mental or chemistry can be detected by the variation of energy in stress resistance in various muscle groups. From the results, the "Muscle Test" the Kinesiolosist can treat by employing various methods including acupressure using Chinese Medicine meridian points on the anatomy to readjust the energy flow and nervous system.

The word "Kinesiology" conventionally means the study of motion, in particular the study of how muscles act and coordinate to move the body. However, in the natural holistic health field, the term kinesiology is seen and used in a different way. Here, muscles become monitors of stress and imbalance within the body where 'Muscle Testing', the key technique in Kinesiology. Muscle Testing is used as an effective and versatile tool for detecting and correcting various imbalances in the energy of the body, which may relate to stress, diet, emotional issues, and injury or learning problems.

Kinesiology also known as human kinetics, is a regulated profession that uses applies science-based medical principles to the analysis, preservation and enhancement of human movement in all settings and populations. Kinesiological information is applied in such fields as physical therapy, occupational therapy, chiropractic, osteopathy, exercise physiology, kinesiotherapy, massage therapy, ergonomics, physical education and athletic coaching. The approach of these applications can be therapeutic, preventive or high-performance sports medicine.

Aristotle and his students studied the human muscular system, however many anatomical philosophers, thinkers and doctors have contributed to Kinesiology Therapy development over the years.

Since 1988, Dr. Neumann author of Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System directs a four-day human gross anatomy dissection course for a wide range of medical and health professionals. This very popular course, presented on the campus of Marquette University, combines anatomy dissection and lectures on kinesiology.

The muscle testing techniques used in kinesiology are non-invasive and uses of the body’s natural feedback system. The limbs of the body are placed in various positions and then light pressure is applied. There is no pain, only a slight discomfort if there is stagnation or an imbalance. If the muscle does not respond properly, that is an indication of the patient needing therapy. The condition is evaluated and treatment for the specific diagnosis to treat the root of the problem. Pain is a symptom of energy stagnation and various relief methods can be achieved; by acupressure, by chiropractic to realign, by strength training. With kinesiology the practitioner can determine the treatment(s) and the order in which they should be received to holistically and completely alleviate the pain and return the body back to balance pain free.
Treatments are specific to each individual and usually include reflex massage.  Other types of treatment may be preformed such as Rolfing®, an original and scientifically validated system of body restructuring and movement education. 

Rolfing® is a therapy in its own right and done in sessions. Through a ten session Rolfing® series, the body is re-balanced in relationship to itself, and within the field of gravity by working with the connective tissue. The scientific theory that a physical object vertically aligned within the field of gravity moves through space more efficiently is one of the key principles of Rolfing®.  This balance in the field of gravity is achieved by bringing segments of the body (head, neck, torso, pelvis, legs and feet) into a more structurally organized relationship with one another.  As Dr. Rolf said, "Gravity is the therapist." A professional Rolfer uses physical pressure to stretch and guide the connective tissue, lengthening and organizing it, allowing for more efficient, flexible movement.  The person being Rolfed participates in the process by moving, breathing and releasing the holding patterns within the connective tissue, allowing the innate balance of the body to become the teacher.

Nutrition also plays an important role in kinesiology therapy as well. The patient’s current diet, supplements, mineral and vitamin intake are charted and adjustments made to the diet in order to ensure the proper food is nourishing the muscles. A chart is also used to determine possible food allergies. Herbal remedies are used to treat various emotional imbalances like depression and anger management issues. These treatments are used as preventative measures along with treating problems presenting at the time of the initial consultation.

Kinesiology should not be confused with Applied Kinesiology (AK) a Chiropractic therapy. While an understanding of Kinesiology Therapy is fundamental for the analysis and treatment of problems in the musculoskeletal system, it is a different therapeutic system. Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a chiropractic method used for the diagnosis and treatment of illness using manual “muscle testing” for muscle strength, flexibility and other testing. According to Chiropractic practitioners Applied Kinesiology techniques provides feedback on the functional status of the body. AK draws upon many similar therapies including kinesiology and used as an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to Chiropractic health care.  Chiropractic and other health practitioners use a few Kinesiology diagnostics and treatment techniques as an adjunct in their practice.

Thank you for your insight and contribution on Kinesiology Therapy:

Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Friday, September 3, 2010

Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing - Journal Therapy

Journal Therapy is a form of  energy medicine as it unleashes your pure potentiality from consciousness.

Journaling is Alternative Medicine, a form of energy healing as it gives one an opportunity for self discovery of ones authentic self by simply putting thought and feelings down on paper. 

Journaling opens the mind and puts one into a state of awareness. By taking time to put ones attention and focus on self, new realms of possibilities open up; new discoveries for intention open up.  

Journaling is a self-help tool that allows you to "Tell Your Story" and to be fully self expressed without concerns of judgment. Therefore, Journal Therapy qualifies to be included in the field of the medicine of the future: Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing. You are free to be. When say what you want and how you want in your journal, you relieve and release tension and stress. This introspective therapy can help anyone better understand self to solve problems. My mentor says it best:

Journaling Helps You Understand Your Thoughts and Beliefs              By Mark Victor Hansen

"If you’ve never done it before, I can assure you – journaling can open up a whole new world to you. It’s not just for the weak or lily livered either, so get that thought out of our mind immediately. This is not a Jane Austen endeavor – this is your life.

Just writing down your thoughts, ideas, plans and goals can open the window to your mind. It can show you the train of your thoughts, your fears and your hopes so that you’ve got something there that shows you, indicatively, what you’re really thinking.

See, journaling lets you release the thoughts in your mind that you might not even be consciously aware of. When you start journaling, don’t be self-conscious about what you write – just let it flow.
After a week or month or so, take some time to review your entries. Note your hopes and your fears. Don’t let those good ideas get away from you – they’re there in paper, now put some action to those ideas. Get clearer on your hopes and goals, and note where you need to deviate yourself from any negative self talk.

Action Step:
Keep up on your journal entries, jotting just a few words every day if possible. Over the next year, you’ll see the difference a personal journal can make."

Yours in goal-setting success,"
Mark Victor Hansen

Journal Therapy Contributors
"The most widely recommended tool by therapists and counselors to supplement therapy is journaling. People who consistently journal report better understanding of themselves, being more in touch with feelings, and being better able to deal with the past. Journaling can be done by all ages, without worry of grammar, spelling, or vocabulary. It is the ultimate self-help tool and also the most cost efficient." - Kathy Reed O'Gorman

"The Center for Journal Therapy is the premier source of education and training on the power of writing to heal body, psyche and soul.
Journal therapy -- the purposeful and intentional use of reflective writing to further mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health and wellness -- is an effective means of providing focus and clarity to issues, concerns, conflicts and confusions. Journal therapy transforms the traditional diary into a genuine, unique therapeutic method that offers cost-effective, holistic self-management. Through the introduction of style, technique, creativity, intimacy and mastery, your life journal is an ongoing companion and guide." - Kathleen Adams

"When you start and keep your own regular, preferably daily, Journaling for the Health of It™ practice, you discover who you really are, (it's nowhere close to who you think you are), and realize that you have the power, talents and abilities to solve your problems, heal your psychophysical wounds and Get a Life!...

You and your Journal Therapist work on letting go of your past, learn how to live in the present and create the future you want to live. With your customized Journaling for the Health of it practice, you begin to understand how you create your diseases and start curing them....
Journal writing therapy is an intimate and imaginative way to explore the world in and around you--and create a richer, more vibrant life. All it requires is a pen, a journal notebook and making time for You!

Step 1: Drain the swamp
Step 2: Ask not what to write, but why
Step 3: Imagine the worst, then imagine the best" - Mari McCarthy

"Visual journals are essentially "art diaries." They often contain both images [usually drawings] and words. Like an actual diary, their contents may be rough drafts that may later become finished artworks. And like an actual diary, they are meant to document day-to-day experiences, activities, and emotions and are often autobiographical in nature. Although they are defined as an art form, visual journals have been used for centuries as records of ideas and imagination. Da Vinci's drawing journals of flying machines and physicist Stephen Hawking's diagrams of the space-time continuum are just a couple of well-known examples."
- Cathy Malchiodi
Visual Art by Traci Bunckers

"In 2007, Health Net Federal Services launched a children’s initiative in an effort to provide additional resources to help children successfully navigate the unique challenges military families face. My Life, a kid’s journal, was developed to help children with a parent or loved one deployed easily express complicated emotions and serve as a tool for children and parents to establish important dialogue before, during and after deployment. This journal can be saved as a keepsake or completed and sent as a gift from a child to his or her deployed loved one.

Health Net Federal Services created My Life Continued, a bereavement journal for military children who have lost a parent or loved one who served in the military. The journal is a private place to write down thoughts and feelings and was created to help children remember and honor their loved one and help them apply that love in a productive way as they move forward in their lives. " - Health Net Federal Services

Thank for your insight and contribution on Journal Therapy
Mark Victor Hansen - Visual Journal

Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing - Iridology

Iridology also known as iridodiagnosis, is an alternative medicine and the scientific analysis of patterns and structures in the iris of the eye in which observation of patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris are examined for information about a patient's health.

Iridology is a form of self care and preventative approach to help one "Take Charge of Your Health." It is a form of Quantum Medicine in that ones uses ones energy, consciousness, thought, mind, awareness, observation, attention, focus, intention and pure potentiality to use methods available to prevent the manifestation of disease.

Iridology is the examination and scientific analysis of the colored portion of the eye, the iris,  in order to determine factors that may be important in the prevention and treatment of disease, as well as in the attainment of optimum health. It assesses your well-being and provides pathways that you can follow to ensure that you remain physically, psychologically and emotionally fit.

Practitioners match observations using iris charts. The eye is divide up into zones that to correspond to specific parts of the body.The iris is the portion of the eye showing color. It reveals body constitution, inherent strengths and weaknesses, health levels, and transitions that take place in a person's body according to ones lifestyle.

Iridology is potentially an integral part of preventive health care. It has the ability to forewarn of approaching difficulties or signs of "dis-ease". Iridology can be a powerful tool, allowing one to determine what is transpiring inside the body from a simple, painless, and economical external vantage point. In effect, Iridology will reveal how well your body functions and reflects areas and stages of inflammation throughout the body.

Improper nutrition and lack of exercise undermines the body's integrity until eventually it becomes unable to reverse damaging toxic conditions through its own natural self-healing mechanisms, becoming susceptible to ailments of a chronic nature. Therefore, nutrition and Iridology are inseparable in one's pursuit of a healthy way of life and holistic health care program. Iridology helps us understand our weakness so we may become aware of dis-ease and take preventive action to avoid disease.  We can cleanse, balance, strengthen and repair our bodies to obtain our maximum our health potential. It brings to us an awareness of how to prevent illness, by observation thus allowing us to maintain and improve our health body, mind and spiritual health.

Iridology, or the study of disease using the color of the iris and certain color and thickness of lines across the eyeball originated in Europe, when a physician from Hungary and a Swedish pastor both noticed iris markings in connection with disease.  The physician-Ignatz von Peczely accidentally injured an owl as a child, breaking its leg. While nursing the owl back to health, the young von Peczely noticed that the thick black mark that appeared in the owl’s eye after the injury began to lessen as the owl healed. He never forgot it, and as an adult practicing his profession, he recoded that patients with bone fractures experienced the same black mark across the iris.

In 1950, a chiropractor from America named Bernard Jensen began teaching students about the necessity of using natural foods to detoxify the body. He developed a method by which the color of the iris was used to indicate the presence of different toxins. American Iridology was born.

The Swedish pastor-Nils Liljequist-was exposed to malaria as a young man and while receiving the treatment of quinine and iodine noticed that his blue eyes began to grow darker as the drugs built up in his system. He grew up to study homeopathic medicine and recorded similar reactions in clients who came to him for detoxification purposes.

It has been said that the eyes are the mirrors to the soul. The famous Greek physician Hippocrates believed that they were also the mirrors to the body-specifically for the purpose of determining various ailments. He too recorded the presence of black marks across the iris of fractured bones in his patients, and a change in the color of the eye of patients coming down with diseases.

The complex iris is composed of hundreds of thousands of nerve endings which are connected by impulses to every tissue of the body through the brain and nervous system. The nerve fibers, or trabecula, respond specifically to tissue and organ conditions with a corresponding physiological reflex manifested in the iris as lesions and color variations. The iris chart, which is the result of many years of clinical observation and intensive research by Dr. Bernard Jensen and others, represents the basic placement of body organs and tissues similar to a map. An accurate iris analysis is possible by superimposing the chart over an iris image projection, allowing detailed observation of the valuable and reliable data recorded there.

Iridology is not used to directly diagnose specific diseases. It is a self-care approach to identify health problems.  Iridology can help one identify the source of a problem and what needs to be done, with regard to stress, diet and lifestyle. Iridology can help identify possible organ and system weaknesses, which can attribute to conditions such as:
  • Stress
  • Skin Issues
  • Digestive Problems 
  • Fatigue
  • Moods changes, Anxiety and Depression
  • Hormonal issues – PMS, Menopause and Fertility Issues
  • Inflammation, Arthritis and Joint pain
Practitioners of Iridology use the charts to help patients as a preventative measure understand basic health problems in order to refer them to specialists if needed. The belief is that if a disease is detected in the very early stages, it can be prevented from spreading further. The colored part of the eye-the iris-is studied for markings and color changes by isolating the iris and taking pictures of it with a very strong lens. The process takes about an hour and is painless. The photos are then blown up and gone over with a magnifying glass by the Iridologist and used to determine and identify potential ailments.

Many ailments may be hereditary, and the patients predisposition to toxicity and disease can be determined early not only by the photos, but with an extensive interview of family medical history. This holistic concept is well accepted by other disciplines of alternative medicine, as it is a fact that all parts of the body are related, especially when used to warn the body of an impending degenerative disease. Under this theory, the body to indicate an upcoming health problem, and to warn the body to seek preventative measures uses the color changes in the eyes at the very onset of the degenerative disease. The concept is not far fetched at all; consider the example of chiropractors using the process of correcting the spinal alignment to help internal organs. Even conventional physicians check the eyes for signs of sickness. (Blood vessel size is an indication of the level of cholesterol.)

When seeking an iridologist, find one who has been certified by the Institute for Applied Iridology or by the International Iridology Research Association in Solana Beach, CA.

Western Medical doctors usually can't tell you the score until the game's over--until you actually have a disease that has a name and label. Iridology lets you walk in at the first inning--and that's why it will probably play a staffing role in preventative medicine at the bioelectric level: Quantum medicine which is well on its way to becoming the medicine of the future.

Thank you for you insight and contribution on Iridology
Dr. Benard Jensens Chart picture - mind body spirit chart L and R - organ chart - draw tool

Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity