Monday, February 28, 2011

Prosperity Doctor - Quantum Medicine - Self Care Feng Shui

Everything Is Energy 

Feng Shui (pronounced fung shway") is the placement or art of energy flow. Feng Shui is a form of Quantum Medicine and energy healing. This ancient Chinese art, literally translated as "wind" and "water," is used to maximize the beneficial movement of Qi or Chi (chee), the universal vital life force energy present in all things. Chi or vital life force energy permeates the universe, our planet, our environment and our body.

As Above So Below ~ I Ching

Just as fresh air and clean water nourish our bodies, so does fresh, clean Qi or Chi nourish our homes and our lives. When the flow of chi through our space is blocked, weak, or misdirected, our relationships, cash flow, creativity, health, and career can suffer. Chi wants to meander gracefully through a space, like a gentle breeze or a winding stream. When it flows too strongly, it becomes like a hurricane or flood. We are likely to feel tossed about by winds of change, unstable, prone to crises, struggling to "keep our heads above water." Where chi is blocked it becomes stale and stagnant, like a pond choked with algae and fallen leaves. We may feel tired, run down, depressed, unable to focus, hampered in our efforts to move forward in our lives.

We Feng Shui your home and environments to keep the Qi/Chi or energy flowing to maintain balance and harmony. Why not Feng Shui your body?

We can with Qi - Zero Point Field Energy Infused products for Self Care Welllness. Start with water and superior nutrition to rehydrate and regenerate with energy. Self Care with Water and Food Therapy.

Everything is Qi or energy. Qi (Chi pronounced Chee) is energy, consciousness, information, frequency, vibration and power. Qi or energy is what allows everything to move and guides everything in the universe. Qi or energy guides the flow of blood and fluids for the body to nourish and repair itself. If there is an obstruction, blockage or stagnation of Qi or energy, this is the the foundation of dis-harmony causing illness and disease. Qi or energy must flow. We use Zero Point Energy technology to clear stagnation, unblock Qi and restore energy flow in our environment, our body, our food and our water.
Water is the most important factor to keep us alive and maintain our health. It is important to be aware of the types of water we drink and the benefits they provide or the danger they cause. 90% of the American adult population is eating unhealthy chemical infested, saturated fats and failing to exercise on a daily basis. Safeguarding our health is our responsibility. Self Care is Health Care.
Dis-ease starts with dehydration and an acid body. The first sign of dehydration is cloudy mental state. Next sign is thirst then pain in the low back. Drink Alkaline water. The cells, brain, nervous system and organ systems need fluids and proper Ph balance to perform their functions properly. All the systems require fluids and an alkaline state. The options are Tap water, Bottle Water or filtering systems. Tap water has chorine a carcinogenic and sediments from the plumbing distribution system and your home or apartment building. 
We recommend the Amega Global AMWater Actify which produces alkaline water with a pH of over 10 and is infused with Zero Point Energy Field Infusion. The AMWater Actify water contains an abundant of OH- ions. Thus, AMWater Actify is filled with dissolved molecular oxygen and provides free electrons. These OH- ions are stable because they are bound to an alkaline mineral. Secondly, AMWater Actify possesses all the minerals that tap water has, such as calcium, iron, iodine, magnesium and potassium.
Distilled water and RO water are inferior to tap water as they lack the essential minerals that water provides for our body to function. Thus, the AMWater Actify, being Alkaline, contains an abundant of OH- ions and rich minerals in ionized form. It is easily superior and easily absorbed into the cells. 90 % of bottle waters are acidic and cause more harm than benefit. Drink Alkaline water. Rehydrate your cells, brain, nervous system and your body.
Amega Global Wand - Wand everything with zero point energy infusion
Everything is energy. Qi (Chi pronounced Chi) is energy, consciousness, information, frequency, vibration and power. Qi or energy is what allows everything to move and guides everything in the universe. Qi or energy guides the flow of blood and fluids for the body to nourish and repair itself. If there is an obstruction, blockage or stagnation of Qi or energy, this is the the foundation of dis-harmony causing illness and disease. Qi or energy must flow. We use Zero Point Energy technology to clear stagnation, unblock Qi and restore energy flow.

Create Residual Income. Plant a money tree today. Water and nurture it and watch it grow. Join me in the Energy Business - Amega Glogal Self Care Wellness for $49.00. Then Invest in your Health, your Wealth and your Future.
To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Prosperity Doctor: Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing - Skin Care Therapy

Everything is Energy
Western Medicine is the science of diagnosis and Health Care

Quantum Medicine is the science of Self Care as Health Care
~Saquina Akanni
Spa Day with Prosperity Doctor - Skin Care Therapy - Ageless Vitality
Quantum Medicine and Energy healing is available for Skin Care Therapy

Imagine natural rejuvenation energy healing Self-care that includes cleansing and rejuvenating your body, naturally smooth skin and lifting muscle tone, while revitalizes your energy field and youthful vitality. This is the benefit of Amega Global Ega True skin care line. The only skin care that is Self Care Health Care with Zero Point Energy Infusion Technology.

Click Here
Here is a Glimpse of the Certified Organic Bio Ega True

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Prosperity Doctor: Quantum Medicine Science of Self Care

Western Medicine focus is on the Science of Health Care.

Chinese Medicine focus is on the Prevention of disease.

Quantum Medicine focus is on the Science of Self-Care Health-Care.
                                                      ~Saquina Akanni

 This is an Invitation to Self-Care using Frequency  Supplementation  Technologies

Self Care is Health Care 

Join me in the Amega Global Launch the business of Energy

Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing
Zero point energy infusion technology 

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity in 2011
Dr Saquina Akanni
Candidate IMD PhD Integrative Medicine 
Quantum University,  Hawaii 
Updated September 2017

The Prosperity Doctor
Health Care is Self Care

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Prosperity Doctor - Health Care vs Self Care - Art of War

Self Care is Health Care
There is a war going on all around us.
There is a war against cancer, a war against viruses, a war against poor health care and NO Health Care!

  • The art of war in Health Care is Self Care  
  • The Art of War is to avoid casualties of war 
  • The casualties of this war is our Health
  • Everything is Chi or energy
  • Leave disease with the doctor
  • Take charge of your health
  • Create additional streams of income
  • Achieve or increase financial in this, and any economy
- Use the Art of War
- Use Self Care for Health Care
- Use Zero Point Energy
- Join the Self Care Revolution
- Be in the Magic of Life
- Join me in the event of a lifetime

-The Prosperity Doctor

Dates: February 24th to 27th 2011
LocationLong Beach Convention Center
300 East Ocean Boulevard
Long Beach, CA 90802 - USA
         $99 or two for $149
Click here so sign up then register
or Call me: 310-936-3086 

Something Wonderful is Unfolding
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Prosperity Doctor: Happy Chinese New Year of the Rabbit 2011

According to Chinese tradition, the Rabbit brings in a year to catch our breath and calm our Spirit. It is a great year for negotiation, while remaining in balance and harmony. This calm energy healing year is a time to focus on health, home, family, security, diplomacy, and your relationships with Yin energy, specially women and children. A time to create a safe, peaceful environment and lifestyle, so you will be able to calmly deal with any situation or difficulties that may arise during the year.

Had a beautiful day. Went to Yo San University's  Chinese New Year Celebration. How I love and miss my school and being a Yo San student. Dr. Mao presented on the Year of the Rabbit for a Happy Chinese New 2011: 

A welcomed needed break after the ferocious year of the Metal Tiger. We can find a quiet spot to lick our wounds and get some rest after all the battles of the previous year. Good taste and refinement will shine through and people will acknowledge that persuasion is better than force. Focus on health, home, family, security and your relationships. This is a Metal Rabbit year so focus on the Metal Element and the Lungs. Tip: Self-care and energy healing evolution, remove caffeine, coffee and refined sugar from your diet. The Year of the Rabbit symbol represents longevity and it is believed that the rabbit enjoys a close relationship with the moon. Chinese do not see the man in the moon, but rather the Rabbit standing by a rock, holding a cup that overflows with the elixir of immortality, thus a symbol of longevity. As symbols go, this is considered one of the finest. - Yo San University Chinese Celebration 02-05-11

The Rabbit is the symbol of the Moon, while the Peacock is the symbol of the Sun together, these two animal signs signify the start and end of day: Day and Night, represent the Yin and Yang of life. The year of prayer and fulfillment; anyone making supplications can be assured that the energy of the Universal Wisdom is generous in the Year of the Rabbit. The Moon is Yin and this is the Yin of Heaven. Thus on each of the Full Moon nights of this year, go out into your garden, make your prayer or supplication, pull in the energy of the Full Moon, visualize your dream, goal or desire, fill your heart and your whole body with the bright white energy light and request courage, fearlessness and love along with your request. This will not only nourish and strengthen your inner "Chi" (or Qi = energy, consciousness, information, frequency, vibration and power), it will also energize your soul, with the wisdom of the Spirit to guide your choices and decisions of life. May your dreams manifest. 

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity in 2011 

This is an Invitation
Join me in the business of Energy
Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing
Zero point energy infusion technology 
The Self Care Revolution

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To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor