Sunday, October 30, 2011

Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing - Self-care Health Care is Rooted in Spirit

The Ultimate Possession of Life is Shen - Heaven in your Heart - Virtue and the Ten Thousands spirits rooted in Tao are all at your disposal. Everything is Qi or Vital Life force (Consciousness, Energy, Information, Vibration, Frequency and Power). You stand between Heaven and Earth given the Power of Heaven, Intuition, Conduct, Thought, Intent and Will. Something Wonderful is Unfolding for You.

~ The Prosperity Doctor

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Chinese Medicine (CM) Oriental Medicine (AOM), Ayurveda Medicine to mention just a few eastern medical systems are all rooted in ancient systems of wisdom, wellness, health and healing. They all are on a continuous path of growth and development stemming from thousands of years of ancient philosophy, principles, practices and processes. Each system has amassed tremendous amounts of information available to individuals for self-care health care and clinical methods for medical practitioners.

What is rooted in spirit? Rooted in Spirit refers to the Heart of Traditional Chinese Medicine being rooted in the Heart. The Heart stores and houses the Light of Heaven, Shen or Heavenly Divine Spirits. The Heavenly Spirits - Shen is the Sovereign Master and Commander of Life and the spiritual basis of the metaphysical system of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The details of this "School of Thought" can is in Chapter Eight of the Lingsshu portion of the Huang Di Nei Jing, The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine.

Today eastern and western practitioners can be practicing Chinese medicine from different systems of Chinese Medicine or integrative systems causing the Chinese medicine practiced to take on a significantly different form or style, compared to that of another practitioner. There are also different focuses and varying techniques amongst practitioners educated in the same philosophy or "School of Thought". For example, both my son and I were educated at Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which is a ZangFu School of Thought, the fundamental foundation. Yet we difference in our form, style and approach for treatment in philosophy and acupuncture.  My son Shaheed Abdullah focus is on "Sports Medicine"at Healing Arts Health Center in San Diego. Shaheed has additional training in Orthopedic Acupuncture, certifications in other methods and has experience treating clients from the Oakland Raiders, Clippers and Washington Redskins and he knows various methods and techniques of acupuncture. 

My additional training and focus in on the "Shen" or Spirits. I have also focus on the "Five Elements" and Quantum Medicine. My approach is deeply rooted in Spirit to effect and affect "Change or Transformation" mind, body, spirit, soul and emotions. I do not use acupuncture. I use a "Wand" infused with Zero Point Energy Infusion technology - Quantum Medicine. I use both acupuncture meridians and Chakras to manipulate Qi or Vital Life force.

I will venture to say all practitioners of ancient medicine are rooted in spirit and Chinese Medicine practitioners innately address the Heart/Shen/Spirit when treating clients or patients. Yo San University stressed and placed large emphasis on studying Taoism and basing our clinical practice on what are referred to as the "classics". 

Classics texts reflect the core of Taoism philosophy and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Chinese Medicine is rooted in the "Heart". The classic Huang Di Nei Jing - The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine is the groundwork the subsequent development of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The American translation can be found in "Rooted in Spirit. I read it in 1997 and most of it went right over my head. I have just read it again. I got it.

My recommendation is to consider reading or re-reading, Rooted in Spirit - The Heart of Chinese Medicine, American translation Claude Larre, S.J. and Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallee, translator from French - Sarah Stang. 

 I am rooted in Spirit by Way of the Tao. This is the core of my book series: Health, Wealth and Prosperity. Working on book 1 now: Keep an eye out for it. The name will change by the time it gets pass the publisher for now it is: Self-Care Health Care - Chinese Medicine, Quantum Medicine A - Acupuncture to Z - Zero Point Energy

Sending Blessings, Love and Light

Saquina Akanni 

~ The Prosperity Doctor

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Prosperity Doctor - Five Elements - Fire Element - Wizards and Dragons

Transformation Therapy
Mind, Body, Spirt, Soul and Emotions

Transformation is The Art of Change
Change Starts with the Soul

Fire Element - Wizards and Dragons

October 17 has many meanings for my family.
It is the birthday of my baby sister.
It is the transition day of my dad.
Yesterday, was the beginning or birth-day for my baby dragon, Ken.

Happy Birth-Day Kenneth Adams.

Ken is Fire Element that had not rooted himself in Wood, the mother of his element.

The Five Element Theory includes relationships of Heaven and Earth, Nature and Human, Energy and Relationships with Energy Archetypes: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water

Wood is the Pioneer. Fire is the Wizard. Earth is the Peacemaker. Metal is the Alchemist and Water is the Philosopher. Each element has a relationship with every other element. The energy flowing in a clockwise circle is called the nourishing or generating cycle. In this cycle the Wood is the mother of Fire. Earth is the son of Fire. Wood nourishes or feeds Fire. Fire then nourishes or generates Earth. Each element also relates to the five spirits or consciousness within: Wood relates to the spirt Hun or Soul; Fire relates to Shen or Divine Spirit; Earth relates to Yi Mind or Thought, Metal relates to Po/Five Senses or Body and Water relates to Zhi or Will (power).

The Hun/Soul lives within the Liver or visera that relates to the Wood Element, therefore Wood is the home of the Hun or Soul. The Hun/Soul/ or YOU is the Captain or Lieutenant of the vessel or ship. The Hun/Soul stands between Heaven and Earth. The Shen lives in the heart. Therefore, Heaven is the home of the Shen or Divine Spirit or Light that lives in your heart - Fire Element. The Shen is the Master and Commander of the vessel. The Hun/Soul is the listener. The Hun/Soul has a crew on the vessel. The Hun/Soul has a choice to listen to the Shen/ the Light within the heart or to the earthly spirits or "crew members" on the ship. When the Soul listens to the Heavenly Divine Spirit within, the Soul is sourced by the Light often called Intuition. Your Life Journey is a great adventure driven with purpose and courage. The Hun/Soul is the conduct and listener. The Soul  is an observer of self and a witness to the "crew members" who are on the ship or vessel to serve the Soul.

However, if the Soul chooses to listen to the "crew members" who only know the past then the Soul creates its own Hell on earth on a journey in the dark. The Soul is being run by the crew members: the Ego, the Identity or the Personality. There is mutiny on the ship. The Soul - YOU - becomes a victim of your own decisions and choices. When the Soul listens to the crew members the Hun/Soul - YOU - are driven by doubt, concern and fear. The Soul - YOU - sabotage your own ship.

The baby dragon, Ken lost himself, along his path. He listened to the crew members and took the dark road at the fork. The Soul fell down the rabbit hole!

Yes, Alice in Wonderland was a story about drugs and addictions.
Wizards and Dragons. Ken and Alice Wizards and Dragons.

Wizards and Dragons are Fire Element and have "No Fear" and "No boundaries. Wizards and Dragons are curious. It is often difficult for Wizard and Dragons in a world of rules, structure and status quo, if they do not learn Honor, Respect and the "Art of Self-Discipline!"

Sometimes they wake up in their self induced nightmare. However, the vary thing that seems a tragedy - in time - can be seen from a different perspective. Even a blessing. It is the difficulties, obstacles and challenges that let one see who we really are. It is the obstacles that force change and transformation. Nothing stays the same.

If one builds a magnificent ship, but never sets it to sea or never experiences a storm, then one will never be sea worthy. It takes more than one storm to call yourself a Master and Commander of your vessel. Every obstacle, circumstance and challenge is an opportunity for strengthening conduct and character.

Wizards and Dragons
Be the Master and Commander
Seize the moment to sail.
You can fly.
Seize the moment to soar!
Saquina Akanni

~ Transformation Therapy
~ The Prosperity Doctor
~ The Wizard and Dragon Trainer

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Prosperity Doctor: Self Care Health Care - Being Grateful for Eyesight Therapy - Big Dipper handle down Full Moon and North Star

Behold this sight!
Big Dipper Castle or Castle Hohenzollern
Grateful for eyesight!

Often people ask me in consultation, "What do you mean be grateful? I am grateful."

Many people think they are grateful, yet they are full of complaints about whatever does not go their way. Many people live in the world of what is wrong, filled with doubts, concerns and unhappiness. Others live in the world of "should" or "if" and others judge, blame or have expectations of others that are not met.

Once one becomes aware of their beliefs about themselves or others it is easier to pay attention to ones thinking, feelings and desires that they create to cause the complaint. Change starts with first, Letting Go of the Past. Let go of the attachment to what should have or could have been, or what one believes should be. Next is accepting, "What is" or the Present or the "Now". Then one can respond to the reality of "What is" instead of reacting to what "Should be" or an expectation that is not met. We can barely live up to the expectations we place on ourselves. To react to what you expect of another and they did not meet your expectation is the "Cause" of the negative reactions to "What is".

Many times I simply recommend to stop, observe your thoughts and feelings in a state of silence and stillness. Listen. Do not Judge and be grateful. That is were they get lost.

When you are in a state of "Being grateful" one can marvel at magic, miracles and simple gifts - as "eye sight". I recommend to start with that - eyesight.
What have you seen today with the gift of your eyesight?

I practice this Being grateful for eyesight often.
Today I will blog what a saw today.
What a beautiful sight to behold!

Tonight at approximately 7:30 pm PST while sitting on my balcony in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA I witnessed the most beautiful sight in the northern sky: The Big Dipper, a Full Moon and the Northern Star.

The Big Dipper was low on the horizon with the handle down indicative of the Winter sky.

Just to the left was a Full Moon (still 99% full) with the North Star below, slightly west.

Rarely is the sky clear enough to see the full Big Dipper and even rarer is to see this sight. It is already 8:10 pm and the Big Dipper is gone from view.

I am grateful for eyesight!

Saquina Akanni
~ The Prosperity Doctor

Thank you for pics:
Big Dipper Castle: NASA
Big Dipper: Carboni and Belevue College

Full Moon with North Star: Joe Rao Space