Monday, April 23, 2012

Prosperity Doctor - Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing - Yin and Yang of the Wounded Healer

Rooted in Love
Always at Your Service
The Art of the Heart - LOVE

Someone sent me this beautiful video The Wounded Healer on FB today. I am Passing it on to YOU.
The YIN and Yang of Wounded Healer
Everything is Qi/Chi (consciousness, energy, information, frequency, vibration and power). The human experience is really nothing more than the translation of energies where we pick up the frequency and vibrations that we are on. Similar to a bandwidth or radio frequency like AM and FM. One cannot hear or experience beyond where they are "tune-ed" in.
The mind, body and emotions are energy and pick up vibrations. We translates them as thoughts, attitudes and feelings through belief systems, points of view, sensor perceptions, past experiences and visualization - encoding and decode - translating, constantly trying to make sense of "What is". We can remain in a state of observation and a witness, however when a person takes on the energy of another, they begin trying to translate things that are not their. The rational mind's translation of energy is never accurate, because the mind will form delusions, illusions, and false scenarios—just to fill in the blanks of that which is not real. One can barely deal with their own energy translations of reality.
A "Wounded Healer" is one rooted Love from the Heart and Soul connection able to experience "What is" in the Present moment, and not be disrupted or impacted by another's energy. We are fully aware that everything that comes from another is - all about them - their energy frequency, vibrations and perceptions in a moment of time. They may be locked in a different frequency.
Consider if one is "tuned in" on AM frequency, one would have to switch to FM in order to hear, otherwise nothing from FM will be heard. If two people are on different frequencies and not willing to switch nothing will be heard, as you are on different frequencies. The positive vibration of a "Wounded Healer" is one who can open their Heart, and mind to any frequency or vibration - to listen and hear - another, without taking on that person's energy. 
I am a "Wounded Healer" rooted in Love with the ability to be "in it", but not "of it" with anyone - be it their bliss or suffering. This type of "Wounded Healer" can remain in a state of positive frequency and vibration, centeredness and balance in the energy of another. Each healer is different and "Wounded Healers" are alway in our own practice and process to be in one's listening with empathy vs sympathy. This is a state of a "Wounded Healer" rooted in Love.
This is very different from the person who becomes disrupted by the energy of another and takes on their energy, pain and suffering. This is when a person falls into a negative vibration without intention. Some believe they are healer's, but fall in an out of love. Some repeat habituation in other aspects of their life taking on other's energy in: relationships, jobs or other situations. This is called the "wounded healer syndrome" by Carl Jung — where one absorbs the energy of people, clients or patients and taking on their pain, or experiences the sickness of another while trying to help, heal or cure them. This negative energy creates the energy of co-dependency, drama and a state of being a "wounded healer" or Victim. I "Wounded Healer" rooted in Love always stands in power and intention - never a victim.

using The Art of the Heart - LOVE
The "Wounded Healer" is not a Victim! Sending Love and Light,
Saquina Akanni,
The Prosperity Doctor


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Prosperity Doctor Consulting - Fit 4 Life - Fit for Life Food Therapy

Your Health is Your Greatest Asset
When asked, "How is your health?"
Reply, Excellent!
When you are in a state of honor, respect, self-discipline, courage and the pursuit of Excellence, your health, mind, body and spirit reflects it.
~ Saquina Akanni
Go Green - Get Fit - Love Your Life
Rethink Your Lifestyle
Take Charge of Your Health
Life is Change
Transform  - Get Fit for Life
First, You will receive a FREE 1 Hour Consultation
Next, a FREE Health Evaluation
Then, a STRATEGY and SYSTEM to reclaim your HEALTH to be Fit for Life

The Prosperity Doctor:
Food for Thought. 
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine everything is energy or Qi/Chi.

We address your axiological reference, your Five Element Archetype and your Qi/Chi (Chee: consciousness, energy, frequency, vibration, information and power) in your FREE CONSULTATION. This is foundation of our Fit 4 Life Self-care Health-care system.

#1 - Food Therapy by Dr. William Li on TED: Click to View Video
Dr. Li gives the latest discoveries and benefits of Food Therapy
William Li presents a new way to think about treating cancer and other diseases: anti-angiogenesis, preventing the growth of blood vessels that feed a tumor. The crucial first (and best) step: Eating cancer-fighting foods that cut off the supply lines and beat cancer at its own game.

Great. Let's team up. We can work together on your journey. It is always great to have a partner to share your success in the transformation of your Health and reclaim your Life.
Be Fit for Life
Call Me 
email me:  
Set up an appointment
Be Fit 4 Life
- Get Informed on what is killing you in your diet
- Shrink one size by Mother's Day or Father's Day
- Lose Weight at your own pace One Size every 6 Weeks
- Recover Your Health and Get Fit 4 Life
GIVE ME  6 Weeks - Fit for Life and Take Charge of Your Health
We use Chinese Medicine
We use Transformation Technologies for RESULTS!
Fit 4 Life FOOD Therapy -  Simple Quick and Easy
FREE CONSULTATION for 72 Day Chhallenge
1) Kick off with my custom made XR Reserve Food Therapy Cocktail
2) Add Xango and Kombucha to your Lifestyle
3) Drink Alkaline Shake, Greens and Water
Fit 4 Life XR Reserve Cocktail
Featuring my latest custom made formula with Xango as the foundation. XR Reserve Cocktail is custom made for you with whole food infused with SevenPoint2 Alkaline Greens, Five Elements, High Performance, Flax Seed, Probiotics, Live Kombucha, Dr Mao Liquid Vitamins, Superfoods and more.
XR Xangoaide Reserve Cocktail Food Therapy
Made with Love
Take Charge of Your Health
Fit 4 Life Food Therapy

Rethink Your Drink 
"Go Xango"
Reclaim Your Health
Rethink Your Diet
email TODAY: drakanni@gmail
Must Know - SHOCKING Details
View these two videos. Are we killing ourselves and our children?
This video could save your health and your life!
#2 - Short - Facts and Discovery on the American Diet
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."
~ Hippocrates
Leave the Disease with the Doctor 
Western Medicine is the science of Health Care.
Chinese Medicine is the art of Prevention.
Quantum Medicine is the science of Self Care.
~Saquina Akanni
"Health is Your Greatest Asset.
Wealth is Your Choice. 
Prosperity is Your Destiny."
 ~ Saquina Akanni

Prosperity is your potential to draw from your own unlimited abundance. 
~ Saquina Akanni
Health Is Your Greatest Asset
There is no prosperity without health. You will spend all of your wealth to recover your health. Your state of mind creates your health, wealth,  abundance and prosperity. 

What is the Key? 
Self-care Health-care
FYI: What is Self-care Health-care?
Self-care Health-care is being accountable and accepting responsible for your own health. You take charge in rejuvenating, restoring, repairing or maintaining YOUR health. Your heath is your greatest asset. Did you know that over half of the US population is overweight or obese?
Lifestyle: We can assist you in transformation of mind-body-emotion connected to overweight, poor diet, obesity and even give you some SHOCKING information on the Fatal Five Lifestyle Diseases: High Blood Pressure, Stroke, Heart Disease, Lung Disease and Cancer.
Consider this: One does not catch these any of these types of diseases - one GROWS them  with stress, poor diet leading to poor health, which manifests over years disease labeled obesity, stroke or cancer. One grows them from toxic waste in the body, blood and body fluids. 
Self-aware Self-care: We educate you on how to BE healthy and address the five major systems and clean them up: Liver/Gallbladder, Heart/Small  Intestines, Spleen/Stomach, Lung/Large Intestines and Kidney/Urinary  Bladder.
Did you know that you can completely repair and regenerate your body in seven years?

Fit 4 Life Food Therapy  
We can bring the body back in balance, and remove the toxic waste. We can enhance the energyt or Qi to improve circulation. Our body has the inate ability to repair and regenerate itself with proper nutrition, We can cleanse, repair, rejuvenate and regenerate our bodies with Food Therapy..

DEHYDRATION: We start with Alkaline Water and whole live foods. We recommend alkaline water with Zero Energy infusion is an added value!

Alkaline Water has a pH of 7.4 or higher. Alkaline water is the most important factor to keep us alive and maintain our health. Dis-ease starts with dehydration and an acid body. The first sign of dehydration is cloudy mental state. Next sign is thirst then pain in the low back. Drink Alkaline water. The cells, brain, nervous system and organ systems need fluids and proper Ph balance to perform their functions properly. All the systems require fluids and an alkaline state. We recommend AMWater Actify which is infused with Zero Point Energy and is filled with dissolved molecular oxygen that provides free electrons. These OH- ions are stable because they are bound to an alkaline mineral. Secondly, AMWater Actify possesses all the minerals that tap water has, such as calcium, iron, iodine, magnesium and potassium.

We provide an Education on Food Therapy and how to select foods for health and wellness as well as recommend premium supplements for our Fountain of Youth Food Therapy System.

More details on my Fountain of Youth Foods Blog  
See blog or contact us for a FREE consultation - drakanni@gmail
Love Saquina,
To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
The Prosperity Doctor

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Prosperity Doctor: 2012 Year of the Dragon - Wear the Ultimate Dragon Robe


The Ultimate Silk Dragon Prosperity Robe

100 % Pure Silk Dragon Robe is Double-Sided - Regal and Royal 
Long and Reversible. Two Robes in One. Unisex.
Black and Red. Adult One Size Fits All.
RETAIL - $187.00
Member Discount 10% Off - Only $167.00
FAMILY and Year of the Dragon SPECIAL - ONLY $97.00
Teen and Children Size - ONLY $47.00

Our Thank You Gift to You! Have PROSPEROUS 2012
The Dragon occupies a very important position in Chinese mythology. It shows up in art, literature, poetry, songs, architecture and many aspects of Chinese consciousness. The Dragon is loved and revered in Chinese culture and is the ultimate representation of the forces of Mother Nature, the greatest divine force on Earth.

The Chinese Dragon is unique and different than the European and other dragons. The Chines Dragon is often seen as the symbol of divine protection and vigilance in Chinese culture and tradition. The Dragon is regarded as Supreme amongst all creatures. The Chinese Dragon has the ability fly up the heavens, to live on land, to live  in the seas, and to coil up in the form of mountains. Being a divine mythical animal, the Dragon can ward off wandering evil spirits, protect the innocent and bestow safety to all that hold its emblem. The Chinese Dragon robe was worn by the emperor and high ranking officials. There were specific rules to the Dragon Robe design, number of claws on the dragon and the color of the dragon. The Chinese Emperor Dragon Robe is Royal Gold and only the emperor could wear that color. The Chinese Dragon is looked upon as the ultimate symbol of Good Fortune and Prosperity.

Ware your Dragon Prosperity Robe and feel the power and energy of the Dragon. It is a perfect gift for holidays and special occasions: New Year's Eve, Birthday, Mother or Father's Day, Prom, Graduation and all Events. Ware it anywhere - anytime.

Food for Thought: 
Prosperity Doctor and Year of the Dragon by Dr. Mao ShingNi
What is a Prosperity Doctor?
"A Prosperity Doctor is one who has the wisdom of the ages and knowledge of the Universal Laws of Prosperity and the Five Elements to guide and direct to a state of balance and abundance in mind, body, soul, spirit and emotions." ~ Saquina Akanni

Imperial Dragon
Dr Dao and Mao ShingNi are two of my mentors. I look forward to theYo San University's Chinese New Year Celebration every year. I arrived early on Sunday, January 29, 2012.  It was wonderful to see old and new faces. Dr. Dao Shing Ni lead the spiritual presentation, invocations, meditation and prayer to call upon Heaven, to awaken  the Divine within, to release the past, to ask for guidance, be open to direction for the new and listen for the answers being in stillness, silence and a state of love and balance.

Dr. MaoShing Ni's gave the presentation on the Year of the Dragon at the Yo San University Chinese New Year Celebration. We always look forward to Dr Mao's enlightening words of wisdom on what to expect and how to remain in balance and harmony with the new energy of the new lunar year. Dr Mao gave us the characteristics and forecast for the Water Dragon energy occurring in an Earth year.

Imperial Dragon Beijing
Here is the link to the Forecast for 2012, The Year of the Dragon.

I will take this opportunity to thank both Drs. Mao and Dao ShingNi for being my mentors for health, wealth and prosperity. Words can not express the gratitude my family, mom, Benita Fortner, Shaheed Abdullah, nieces, nephews to my four year old grandson Little Einstein Jabril our appreciation for the Ni family. I am forever grateful to the Ni family. Sharing Dr. Mao ShingNi's wisdom and forecast for the Year of the Dragon.

Sending Love and Light

Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor