Sunday, March 14, 2010

What is Transformational Technology?

Transformational Technology is a term used to describe educational training used to awaken our innate intelligence, intuition and insight of self-awareness, self-development and self-cultivation to create a new level of consciousness, observation, attention and intention - often call; seeing with the "Third Eye".
These basic concepts are the standard teachings in Eastern philosophy from Taoism, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Buddha Enlightenment to Ayurveda and Ayurvedic Medicine which originated in ancient times. Both medicines can trace their origins to books such as:  I Ching for Chinese Medicine and Sanskrit books called the Vedas (the oldest and most important scriptures of India).

U. S. Anderson, The Contemporary Mystic,  wrote Three Magic Words in 1954 and used transformational technology to demonstrate the power of the words, "I AM". Ull Stanley Anderson's concept of reality as explained in his various books is very much inline with the Eastern philosophy and New Wave Thought teachings: "Universal Mind is a vast and all-encompassing mental and spiritual being in whom all things and events exist. The principal quality of this Mind is that it is just one, infinite in size, eternal in scope, and nothing exists outside It. It is an enormous sea of consciousness, pervading all, supporting all, and individual consciousness grows out of It. All things are made from It; It is rock, sea, bird, beast, man. All things in their true essence, then, are mental, or spiritual, and the rock itself is not a rock at all but merely an example of enclosed or restricted consciousness. Awareness is in the rock. Universal Mind is there."  (The Secret of Secrets,  1958.)

Werner Erhard, without any formal credentials, degrees or advanced educational training used his own innate intelligence, intuition and insight to promote self-awareness in the United States through transformational programs starting with Est, then the Forum and later the Landmark Education stating in the 1970’s.

I have a Masters in Traditional Chinese Medicine and completed The Landmark Education starting with the Forum, Advanced Education, and ILP or Introduction Leadership Program. It was indeed transforming. I have also participated in other transformation programs including; Anthony Robins, T. Harv Eker and Enlighten Wealth Institute.

There is now technology that can greatly accelerate all the key areas of training that a person needs to become empowered. This core training is called Alchemy training and is the training of consciousness both in its scope, content and context. There already exist a number of technologies that can support and greatly accelerate aspects of consciousness training by positively influencing the physical correlation related to states of consciousness and states of being related to the mind.

These new technologies play a key role in Project Global Alchemy because they offer great potential to accelerate many dimensions of growth at an integral fashion. They offer supports for help to guide people to become the change they want to see in the world much more rapidly.

The use of these technologies has already been shown to be effective in enhancing the effectiveness of many alchemy's for cultivating the "Visionary Heart" which alone is of very profound significance to anyone wishing to "Be the Change" they want to see in the world or even simply being and knowing how to tap into the happiness soured from within.

Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

See original article: Intro to Transformational Technology Blog
See:  Life Technology™ 
See Wikipedia: Transformation Technology
See  The Three Magic Words, US Anderson,
See Warner Erhard: self-awareness, spirituality, empowerment, perception and enhancement of personal enlivenment and contribution. [5]