Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Favorite book - The Celestine Prophecy

See the beauty where others do not.

A Celestine Universal Truth
- An Insight

In the rain forests of Peru, an ancient manuscript has been discovered. Within its pages are 9 key insights into life itself - insights each human being is predicted to grasp sequentially, one insight then another, as we move toward a completely spiritual culture on Earth.
-  The Celestine Prophecy . ~ James Redfield .

This is manifesting now. Are you aware?

See the movie.

The Nine Insights
1) There are no coincidences - all encounters have a purpose
2) Be open and aware to change - see into the millennium
3) We are all energy/Chi - experience, see, exchange and share it
4) Source is from within - let go of control and power struggle
5) Open your eyes to the higher source for energy - be in the mystery
6) Past - let go of it and drama - live in the present, draw from the future
7) Engage and step into the flow - stay centered guided from within
8) Be and let be - interpersonal relationships are of the highest value
9) Oneness with all one sourced by love - you are pure spirit - a creator

  A must read:


Saquina Akanni

The Prosperity Doctor