Saturday, June 4, 2011

Prosperity Doctor Transformational Author Experience - Host and Speaker Christine Kroser

Christine Kloser - Four Levels of Transformation

Thank you Christine Kloser and YOU my welcomed guest for coming to my Prosperity Doctor Blog. Christine Kloser offered a Free Transformational Author Experience: How to Transform Your Self, Your Business, Your Readers and The World... with your Book! I have blogged Jewels from most of the speakers.

Thank you Miranda Therrien
for your notes on Christine Kloser's first class: How to Master the Four Levels of Transformation... to Write, Publish and Market Your Greatest Book 
Here are Miranda Therrien's Notes:

First Level of Transformation
Transformation of your self

1.What personal transformation do you want to see with the writing of your book? Open up to see what the next level is for you.
The transformation may come from actually writing a book or getting it published. Maybe the transformation may be in the process of marketing your book. There is a personal transformation waiting for you. Have a safe and sacred place for your notes, a journal. Write down what that transformation is for you. What is resonating for you?
The transformation of the book will involve the transition from anger, fear and sorrow, to that of serenity and accepting of self.  The purpose is to impact more people. To help friends and family understand the injured.
Experience to have the best book come forward. Be a transformer.
2. What needs to shift inside of you personally to move forward?
What needs to shift inside of me (Miranda) is to lose the fear of feeling vulnerable in sharing my experiences. What also needs to shift is being able to be more intimate with myself in the process of writing the book. Another thing that needs to shift, is the fear of coming across to some as not understanding their issues, or being insensitive to their needs and how publishers will see it. How publishers may see it, because I was marked by how others viewed me after the injury. The feelings of rejections as a result of friends actions.
Feeling safe to share in the world. Owning my voice. Belief that I can write the best book on the subject. Allowing myself to connect. Get the awareness of what that transformation is going to be. Get a separate journal to track what happens, the insights, the aha’s, chapter title, idea, marketing strategy etc…
Second Level of Transformation
Transformation for Your Readers
Abundance: Abundance and happiness is available to you despite your disability. Your book of a beautiful gift, powerful message. 
1. What is the gift you want your readers to get from you?
Imagine your book is like a pebble dropped in a pond and the ripple go out and out.
Prayer: Please help me with connecting with my purpose and help me release this block. Help me to trust and get that beautiful feeling inside. Pray and move your feet.
When you master yourself and engage in this journey, being present in the moment - that is how you will master your 4 levels of transformation.
2. What is the gift you want your readers to get from you? 
Your gift is like a beautiful wrapped packaged just waiting to be shared.
There is a gift that each of us has. It is a responsibility and duty to give it. You have to give
3. What powerful transformational gift do you want to give to the readers of your book?
Abundance, happiness, peace, acceptance available to you despite any disability. Love, enjoyment, living in the being.

4. What problems do you want to solve for them?
- Concerns, frustration and despair. 
- Issues with relationships: family, friends or coworkers. 
- How to be understood in a relationship such as family, friends and coworkers and to understand them.
- Moving away from anger, fear or sorrow to a place and space of peace and serenity.

Third Level of Transformation
Transformation of Your Business

The transformation of the business, can not come until you have the transformation within yourself. Until you deeply connect with the gift, value and service you bring to your readers. Connect more to the 2nd level of transformation. The more you connect, the more work you on yourself and align with the Universe knowing what you want to give. Get clear with yourself. Work towards that. The business can only transform as you personally transform yourself. Become aware of your intention. This is your prayer.

Connect with your readers and your clients. You need to transform the first two levels before you can transform your business.You need a commitment to serve and get filled with gratitude. Do the internal work, so you align with what the universe wants from you and what you are meant to do.
Miracles and blessings will happen for you. Guaranteed.

1. What is the transformation that you want for your business? Go deep with this.
To provide hope and abundance to those who have had life changing effects in their lives. Provide tools, education, coaching so they can feel and live in their being.

Third Level of Transformation
The Transformation of the world

Everything is Energy. We are all One. We are not separate. It is essential the you feel the oneness and the positive vibration in the world. You have a contribution to make to the world. It’s beautiful. An inner connectedness with everything and everyone within the universal field. All of those things that you want will shift in the process. You are part of the universal filed and your are contributing your energy - to that Universal Field. Your contribution to that field is a contribution of a high vibration of love and service, and doing your part your are helping to bring about a global transformation. Through your own process of self transformation, your writing, marketing and publishing your book creates an energy flow and an universal transformation.
1. What is your transformation that you want to contribute to the world?
We are loved, we are united, we are oneness and not separate. We are healing. WE are perfect. We are loving. We are accepted.

Nobody can do this work alone. My transformational process is to be able to find the help I need to do this. Surrounding yourself with support. Receiving the help today. Ask for help from family, friends, teachers and mentors. Ask for specific help from your Divine. Connecting is my transformational process. I am remembering how to connect to the feeling. Pray and move your feet. 
Thank you Miranda Therrien for your contribution to this blog.

To your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor