Friday, February 26, 2010

Fountain of Youth is Found in Whole Foods and Exercise

It’s common sense that when you solve people’s problems fairly, your reputation grows. A solid reputation is as good as $ in the bank.  
- Robert G Allen

The Fountain of Youth is found in whole foods and 5 Tibetan Energy movements . - Saquina Akannni

Exercise 1

 Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Exercise 5

See original article:

Saquina Akanni

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Favorite Quote - Searching for Love

A person searching for love is like a fish searching for water. - Deepak Chopra


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Wizard

I am The Prosperity Doctor or Tranquil Warrior
I am an author, healer, Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Transformation Technologies, Emotional Intelligence using Five Element Theories and Principles to help you create what you want. I can assist you in recognizing your strengths and weakness so you can leverage your weakness and turn it into an asset. I extend my knowledge, education and wisdom to you. You are a Wizard. Something is missing because your Wizard needs training.

I train Wizards.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine Five Element Theory, Practice and Principles there is a Wizard inside of you. The Shen or Light communicates from silence as a whisper. We all know it as some call it intuition or insight, but often we can't hear it or we ignore it. Why? Because the loud voices in our head drown out the whisper. You know those negative voices. I train and guide you to hear your Wizard.

There is a Genius within you.
It is your Soul and it also speaks.
Can you differentiate the voices.
You are like ship with a crew.
Who is running your ship?

Your Shen is the Master and Commander of your ship. Your Hun or Soul is like the Lieutenant and it stands between your Shen and your crew. Who are the crew? Your main crew are the Yi, mind or ego; your Zhur, will, emotions or Personality; and your Po, body, five senses or Identity. You know them and call them by "me", "myself" and "i". These are your "Crew Members" and all three are trying to run your ship.

Your Yi, Mind or Ego only knows concepts, remembers things you have learned, holds memories from the past, is filled with what others have told you. The Yi is filled with fear. Your Zhur, Will or Personality is filled with experiences from the past, hurt and pain. Theis in constant drama. Your Po, body or senses is constantly seeking experiences, seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. The Po is constantly in some kind of addiction. I call these spirits your "Crew Members". Theses voices are loud like unruly children and they crew is running the ship. One finds that they are moody, happy one day and frustrated the next, in and out of relationships or love, can not stay focused, stick to a plan or accomplish the goals they have set. It is as if the Captain is not on the ship and the Lieutenant is sleep as it does not have control of it's crew. There is mutiny on the ship!

We can awaken your genius to set your Spirit free so can take control of your ship and soar!

We can answer the questions: Who am I? Where am I going? Why do I suffer? Why do I self-sabotage or self-destruct? What are those voices? Can I quiet the voices? How do I differentiate the voices?

Do you need a little help at arriving at some answers?
What is your question?
I am at your service.
I'll treat you like the Wizard you are.

Ask Saquina

Want more details?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Chinese New Year - The Tangerine Came from China - Mandarin Orange

Translated from original blog post at
Citrus 柑橘 GanJu has a scientific name of Citrus reticulata Banco. It has many varieties with different names, such as lemon, orange, pomelo, lime, tangerine, and so on. Here, Dr Li Ye Sen talks more about the tangerine, also known as mandarin, mandarin orange or mandarine.

Each year, during the seasons of autumn and winter is also the harvest season of mandarin orange. Mandarin orange is rich in fruitage. It is good in all aspects including colour, aroma and taste. The sweet and sour taste of mandarin orange is so delicious until on can not stop eating it. Often, people get discomfort and sick after eating too much of mandarin oranges. Why so?

Let us reveal the secret…
Mandarin orange is a type of tropical and subtropical evergreen fruit. It would be considered a food grade medicine. Everything in nature is considered medicine and has a grade: superior (food), medicinal (medicine) and fine (toxic). Each thing has its own properties and tastes. Properties include of cold, hot, warm and cool; while tastes include of five tastes i.e. sour, sweet, bitter, pungent, and salty. Mandarin orange tastes sweet and is hot in properties. Therefore, overeating of mandarin orange will often accumulate at stomach and intestine, causing gastrointestinal indigestion. This will trigger what is called: damp-heat or dampness-heat sickness, with symptoms such as diarrhea, pulpy stool, excessive phlegm and so on.

Then, how do we have the gourmet’s luck of eating a mandarin orange, satisfying our appetites but at the same time not harming our bodies? Let me tell you one of the most simple and most effective way — i.e. do not peel off all of the rind to make it too clean when eating mandarin oranges or tangerines. Eat the mandarin orange together with tangerine pith, i.e. the albedo art and the rind part. The rind will balance the properties of the flesh or fruit. Then, that problem is solved.

Perhaps you may ask, “Why it so?”

According to the Five Element Theory, everything in nature are in mutual generation and mutual restraint with another thing in nature. This relationship forms a balanced entirety or synergy. While each individual itself in nature is also a balanced entirety. Various parts among each individual are being in mutual generation and mutual restriction. Each other are mutually generated and constraint. In terms of tangerine, the fruit are hot and damp in properties, while its skin or rind is bitter and warm in properties. This is the dry tangerine peel of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Dry tangerine skin, especially the tangerine pith or rind has the functions of regulating the vital energy flow and removing obstruction toit; invigorating the Spleen; and removing dampness to reduce phlegm. It is a major herb in treating fullness of chest and gastral cavity. I is used less in eating, but still for vomit and diarrhea; coughing, excessive phlegm and other illnesses.

Therefore, theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine are from nature, and are applicable to human bodies and nature. The Five Elements are occurring in people as well. Five Elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water related to the Liver/Gallbladder, Heart/Small Intestines, Splee/Stomach, Lungs/Large Intestines and Kidney/Urinary Bladder. They effect the daily functions, but without one being aware or knowing about it on.

Thank You Dr Li YeSen for this informative article. Click on the link to see the original article it has more details as well as other informative articles.

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity

Friday, February 19, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Wizard - Feed Your Faith

The Wizard within speaks from Love.

A Cherokee Elder was teaching his grandchildren about life. He said to them, "A fight is going on inside me... it is a terrible fight between two wolves.

One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride and superiority.

The other stands for faith, joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth and compassion.

This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person, too."

They thought about it for a minute and then one child asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"

The old man simply replied, "The one you feed."

The Shen or Spirit is the Wizard in Chinese Medicine 

You have the most powerful voice right inside of you.
You call it many things: insight, intuition, inspiration, angel voice or gut feeling.
Whatever you call it - you know it. 
You can develop it.
It is sourced from silence.
Pay attention. 
Become aware.
It holds the question.
It knows the answer.
It is always positive.
It speaks from love.
Listen to the whisper.

Ego, Personality and Identity is always in fear, drama or doubt.
Hush their loud fearful, whining, moaning, complaining or negative voices.
Avoid all negative thoughts, conversations, opinions, predictions and people.

Whatever your religion or believe system - they all have something in common.
Love and Faith.
Have FAITH over FEAR!

Call for a free consultation on how to Feed your Faith.

To Your Success,
To Our Health, Wealth and Prosperity
The Prosperity Doctor

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Favorite Quote - Be in the mistery of life

There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. - Albert Einstein 

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Favorite Quote - Experience the mysterious

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. - Albert Einstein

Friday, February 12, 2010

Prosperity in 2010 - Fountain of Youth for Longevity

Fountain of Youth Is Inside of You.
- Saquina Akanni

Be Intentional
Eat Whole Foods
Breath Deep
Laugh Everyday

Do 5 Tibetans

Do the Fountain of Youth 5 Tibetan Energy movements every day. I have been practicing, teaching and recommending the Fountain of Youth or 5 Tibetan Energy Rejuvenation Exercises since I read the book given to me by my nephew Kenneth Adams in July 2007.

When I started I could barely twirl 7 times and could not do more than one of each exercise. So I started with that and increased by one every week. Now for a quick routine I do 12 twirls and 6 movements for each of the 4 exercises.

The key is to be consistent and do it every day. I do the whole routine in 5 minutes depending on the number of each set – 15 minutes is the maximum. You don't need much floor space. You need enough room to twirl with your arms stretched out and room for your body  lying down with your arms outstretched out.

The Fountain of Youth 5 Tibetans represent a great way to regenerate and rejuvenate to keep your energy circulating and keep your body in shape. Even if you already workout use these energy movement when you have limited time for a physical workout or limited space. You can easily do the exercises in the space at the foot of the bed in a hotel room. Use the Fountain of Youth 5 Tibetans before or after Tai Chi, as a warm up for morning yoga or your workout.

How do I begin to benefit from the Fountain of Youth 5 Tibetans?
Start slow. Start by performing just one to three repetitions of each of the movements one time each day. Pay attention and listen to your body. Do not strain or force any position that causes pain. Take it easy – no need to strain or injury. A little soreness is normal if you are not used to holistic type movements like yoga or Qi Gong with use breathing and relaxation movements. Just start slow and easy. Pain does not equal gain in holistic energy movement. We want consistency, breathing and longevity. You must breathe deep and exhale between each movement to get the maximum benefits. A Qi Gong tip is to include eye movement as well.

It starts with the Twirl. Start by focus eyes on a point for one complete turn. Stretch out your arms and let you right foot turn to lead you into the twirl. It is simple and easy like when you were a child. See how many you can do with out getting dizzy. Stop. That is your starting point

For more information contact me and I will send you the details.
To Your Health, Wealth and Longevity in 2010

The Prosperity Doctor

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Death - The Passing

We had a death in the family yesterday.

My sister Amenah's (Power of One Team) husband David Curtis passed at 58 years yesterday. He had been ill for some time. Amenah is my number one MLMer and has a tax business. I am the oldest of 6 children born of a Latin mom - a Matriarch by nature. My mom is 79 years young and in excellent health.

Yesterday was her birthday 02/10/10 a blessed day! We celebrated two lives - grateful that my mom is here with us, healthy and happy going with the flow. And grateful David passed in a peaceful sleep surrounded by his loving family and a wife of 36 years. Our family is close and here for my sister. My brother is taking care of arrangements. We all have point of views and perspectives. My bother and I are two philosophers in our family of many (where every religion and point of view is honored and we finally have grown to find a place of agreement in our disagreements).

From my perspective, death is a birth. We are all pure spirit - Shen/The Light, Hun/soul with Qi/energy force, frequency and vibration. Death is a freeing transformation of the Shen/Spirit returning to the Source leaving behind the illusions of the earthly spirits: the "Crew Members"; the Yi/mind/Ego, the Zhur/emotions/Personality and the Po/body/five senses/Identity. Soul remains for awhile observing and preparing for it's next journey of infinite possibilities. It returns with the Shen/Spirits.

Loved ones left behind take time to process their loss, celebrate the transformed life and release the attachment. We all will return to the Source.

To the memory of David Curtis "Uncle Dad" to all the children in a generation who need a dad. He loved and was loving, kind and generous with all that he had. He loved his family, he loved his wife, loved nature, biking and fishing with his brothers. He is beloved. We will miss his presence in our lives and family.


Prospeirty - In 2010 - Points of view. Real or Unreal

What is real and unreal?
How do you view the world around you?
Why do you believe what you believe?
How do you perceive things?
Can you listen without judgment?

Here is a point of view:
Consider this. Everything is a illusion, an perspective and a point of view from our own beliefs, thoughts, feelings and interpretations. That is why 5 people can be standing and looking at a situation or occurrence and when asked each to explain what they saw and experienced, you will get 5 different responses or points of view.

Test this out for yourself. Sit with 5 friends or family members and ask a question that requires some thought? Listen to the responses you will get.

It is interesting to be and observer. Also observe yourself as well. Can you be a good listener without judgment? Test your skills. Test your ego, personality and identity. If you have not practiced being in the listening of others thoughts pop into your head, thinking will interrupt while you are trying to listen and little voices start chattering away.

Try it. Have some fun and get to know yourself at a deeper level.

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Prosperity in 2010 - Disappointment - Quick Recovery

Sometime we are going along with the flow
thinking we are handling difficulties, situations, occurrences
or challenges in a a smooth manner like the flow of a river.
All of a sudden we run into rocks, rapids, deep water or even a waterfall when our expectations are not met. Sometimes we react when we aren't performing at our best. Taken off guard, or taken aback an unexpected reaction triggers chemical peptides that transform our calm or professional manner spilling out emotion that reveals the disappointment that things didn't go our way. Emotion in response to a disappointment is natural.

What is your emotion: anger, avoidance, victim, sadness, depression?

How do process it and go through the emotion?

Disappointment can take you by surprise and if you don't process it and go through it you may find it has you in it's grip. The next step is to release it for a quick recovery and do not hold on to it!

Ahhhh the human experience can be like a waterfall.

Things to consider for overcoming disappointment
- Don't judge, blame or shame yourself or others for expectations not met.
- Stomp cookies: put some cookies on the floor and stomp them to release your anger.
- Observer your emotions and behavior: angry, bliss, blame, revenge, frustrated or depressed?
- Give yourself some time to clear out negative emotions and adjust your attitude.
- Think about what you can learn from the experience and how you can prevent expectation "attachment" to results or outcome the next time.
- Breath deep, calm your soul and center yourself. 

Seven tips you can do for a quick recover from disappointment

1) Find a large tree: put your hands on the trunk and feet on the roots, (ignore the ants) and cry your heart out to clear your Liver and soothe your soul.

2) Befriend this large tree: sit under your tree and take long slow deep breaths to expel negative Qi from your body often.  Exhale and inhale new oxygen into your lungs, this also calms your Po.

3) Go to your favorite place: the sea, the ocean, the woods, mountains or desert and sit in silence. Empty your mind of all negative thoughts and empty your heart of all hurt and pain to set your Spirit free.

4) Talk about the situation, occurrence, challenge or expectations with a good friend: get clarity to bring you back to the present, let go of the past and clear your mind and your Yi.

5) Walk and exercise: Get some sun on your face and release emotions.
6) If raining, take a walk in the rain, look up into the heavens and smile to cleans yourself of your sorrow.

7) Take back your power: ask yourself if this is really worth getting that upset about and laugh out loud. Laughter is the greatest gift you can give your mind, body, spirit, soul and emotions. “It is all good."

To Your Joy and Happiness

Friday, February 5, 2010

Prosperity in 2010 - Disappointment and Carnoustie Effect

"No expectations."

"Have expectations but remain detached."

"Hope for the best, but expect the worst."

These are all great quotes until you are challenged with an expectation.

I teach and practice "Have expectations but remain detached." Today, however I was completely caught off guard and found myself in a state of disappointment and experiencing The Carnoustie Effect.

Disappointment is a subjective response related to an anticipated result or reward that is not met. The psychological results of disappointment varies greatly from person to person, therefore depending on the emotional impact some recover quickly while others may suffer for a long time.

Generally speaking, we know that it is an emotion that can grip one by surprise, however how long one remains in it's grips is a choice of managing ones emotions. One can become a victim of a decision or circumstance and a leader takes control of the emotions, licks the wounds and moves on taking into account lessons learned.

The Carnoustie Effect however, is defined as a degree of mental, emotional or physiological shock where one experiences a psychic collision with reality by expectations not met. The expectations can be founded on facts or on false assumptions.

The term Carnoustie effect dates from the 1999 Open, when the world's best players, many of whom were reared on manicured and relatively windless golf courses, were frustrated by the unexpected difficulties of the Scottland, Carnoustie links, which was compounded by the weather. One young favorite, a 19-year-old Sergio García of Spain, went straight from the course to his mother's arms in tears after shooting 89 and 83 in the first two rounds. 

Therefore, Carnoustie Effect being a psychological term, it can of course apply to disillusionment in any area of activity, not just in golf. It was my experience in court today.

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity

Prosperity in 2010 - Expectations


by Mae Garcia Conley Dickerson

In my 79 years (birthday 02/10/31) I have observed, the cause of much of our frustration and disappointment is because our expectations are not met by the expectation we have of others.

Our expectations are our own.
Others may not share your expectations or have no way of knowing what your expectations are. There is no way your expectations of others are going to be met.

Solutions: Have no expectations of others. Except them as they are. Have expectations only of yourself, we only have control of our own actions and thoughts.

Work on fulfilling the expectations you have of yourself. We only have control of ourselves.

Sharing wisdom from my mom


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Favorite Quote - Be The Change

“We must become the change we want to see.” 
- Mahatma Gandhi 

I Like this translation of Gandi's quote also:
Be the change you want to see in the world.”