Sometime we are going along with the flow
thinking we are handling difficulties, situations, occurrences
or challenges in a a smooth manner like the flow of a river.
All of a sudden we run into rocks, rapids, deep water or even a waterfall when our expectations are not met. Sometimes we react when we aren't performing at our best. Taken off guard, or taken aback an unexpected reaction triggers chemical peptides that transform our calm or professional manner spilling out emotion that reveals the disappointment that things didn't go our way. Emotion in response to a disappointment is natural.
What is your emotion: anger, avoidance, victim, sadness, depression?
How do process it and go through the emotion?
Disappointment can take you by surprise and if you don't process it and go through it you may find it has you in it's grip. The next step is to release it for a quick recovery and do not hold on to it!
Ahhhh the human experience can be like a waterfall.
Things to consider for overcoming disappointment - Don't judge, blame or shame yourself or others for expectations not met.
- Stomp cookies: put some cookies on the floor and stomp them to release your anger.
- Observer your emotions and behavior: angry, bliss, blame, revenge, frustrated or depressed?
- Give yourself some time to clear out negative emotions and adjust your attitude.
- Think about what you can learn from the experience and how you can prevent expectation "attachment" to results or outcome the next time.
- Breath deep, calm your soul and center yourself.
Seven tips you can do for a quick recover from disappointment
1) Find a large tree: put your hands on the trunk and feet on the roots, (ignore the ants) and cry your heart out to clear your Liver and soothe your soul.
2) Befriend this large tree: sit under your tree and take long slow deep breaths to expel negative Qi from your body often. Exhale and inhale new oxygen into your lungs, this also calms your
3) Go to your favorite place: the sea, the ocean, the woods, mountains or desert and sit in silence. Empty your mind of all negative thoughts and empty your heart of all hurt and pain to set your Spirit free.
4) Talk about the situation, occurrence, challenge or expectations with a good friend: get clarity to bring you back to the present, let go of the past and clear your mind and your Yi.
5) Walk and exercise: Get some sun on your face and release emotions.
6) If raining, take a walk in the rain, look up into the heavens and smile to cleans yourself of your sorrow.
7) Take back your power: ask yourself if this is really worth getting that upset about and laugh out loud. Laughter is the greatest gift you can give your mind, body, spirit, soul and emotions. “It is all good."
To Your Joy and Happiness