Thursday, March 11, 2010

Favorite Quote - Close Your Eyes on Yesterday

Close your eyes on yesterday and
sleep as if for the very first time. - Saquina Akanni

Consider these tips:
Turn off the TV an hour before going to sleep. Let your mind rest and relax. Better yet, remove the TV and all electrical devices out of your bedroom or sleep area. Those items give off electrical energy that bombard you at night.

Don't eat late at night. The Yi/mind lives in the Stomach. If the stomach has to work all night digesting food, how can it rest? That is why you are thinking, thinking and thinking all night!

Meditate. Create a Reality...
Just before going to sleep - clear your mind of all negative thoughts from the past, empty your heart of all hurt and rejection from the past and release all stress from your body through your feet and finger tips. Take a deep breath and let all negative energy go.

In this way you can sleep well knowing you are not taking the past with you to sleep, you are honoring the present of this moment and can visualize your future - what you desire - before falling off to sleep...  Smiling:-)

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor