Friday, October 22, 2010

Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing - Unani Medicine - Food Therapy - Resveratrol

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food," -Hippocrates,
(The father of modern medicine two-and-a-half thousand years ago.)

“It is, therefore, evident that it is possible to cure by foods, aliments and fruits; but as today the science of medicine is imperfect, this fact is not yet fully grasped. When the science of medicine reaches perfection, treatment will be given by foods, aliments, fragrant fruits and vegetables, and by various waters, hot and cold in temperature." - Abdu’l-Bahá

"Can we eat to starve cancer? ... add natural extract resveratrol from red grapes also in red wine, which inhibit abnormal angiogenesis by 60%... add berries, green tea and soy... What we eat is chemotherapy 3 times per day."
-Dr. William Li - TED2010 - Presentation Feb 2010

"There is a fountain of youth, and it is circulating in the Qi/Chi of live whole foods flowing through bok choy, the likes of shitake mushrooms, resveratrol in black and red grapes and various herbs." - Saquina Akanni

The Unani Medical System is an alternative medicine system which mirrors quantum medicine, as it postulates everything in the universe is energy, consciousness, mind, body and spirit.  It is the source of the Mediterranean Diet.

Unani is an Arabic word that literally means "medicine and healing of the physical, mental, and spiritual realms." Unan means "of the Greeks" in recognition of its Greek origin. In practice throughout the world, it is most often called Unani Tibb. 

Unani medicine owes its origin to Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.) and his numerous followers. Considered the Father of Medicine, it was Bukrath (Hippocrates) who freed medicine from the realm of superstition and magic and gave it the status of science. Other Greek medical masters, such as Dioscourides and Jalinoos (Galen) 131-210 AD, who we recognize as the forerunners of Western herbal medicine, are also considered founders of Unani medicine. Many scholars enriched his system including Al-Razi (Rhazes) 850-925 A.D. and Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna) 980-1037 A.D. are also  noteworthy.   
Unani Medicine was the path of modern medicine until the shift in consciousness to materialismIt continued to spread east and was further enriched by imbibing the best of contemporary systems of medicine in Persia, the middle eastern and far eastern countries. In India the Unani system found immediate favor with the masses and  spread all over the country. So if you ever wondered how those spices, garlic olive, olive oil and exotic flavors got to the Iberian Peninsula it was immigration of the Moors thanks to Spain. It's the Moorish heritage that shows up in agriculture, architecture and the food enhanced with the use of ground almonds and spices, such as saffron, cinnamon, nutmeg and sesame in those savory dishes hence, the Mediterranean diet - food therapy!

"In fact, dissemination, of most of these agricultural commodities, originated from what grew the Fertile Crescent. Three civilizations were responsible for this diffusion: The Phoenicians, The Greeks (and a little bit the Romans), The Moors and Christopher Columbus who brought back the potato and the tomato. Ayurveda and Christian Medicine, Hindu and the Christian doctors joined forces, translating important ancient Greek medical texts: Hippocrates 5th century B.C. and Galen's work 2nd century A.D. Thereafter pathology and psychological assessments were linked to balancing the Four Humours to prevent dis-ease. Diet headed the list of the therapeutic remedies.

In 948 A.D. the Byzantium Emperor sent an illustrated copy of Discoride's de Materia Medica. This too, was translated. Discoride's work became as a basis for pharmacopoeia: the identifying of plants, their particular curative powers and how to prepare compound medications using them. During the reign of the Caliph Abd ar-Rahman 111 the green revolution of the al-Andalus had reached its peak. Excellent agronomy, agricultural studies and irrigation technologies reaped exceptional harvests – three times a year.

There was a demographic explosion: people were very healthy. Diet nutrition was the base-reason for this success. The diet of the Greeks and the Romans succeeded only according to one's wealth status. It was the Moors who liberated knowledge, implementing a good diet with healthy living. Doctors saw fit to encourage al-Andalusians to live a healthy lifestyle. The basis of that diet is what forms the Mediterranean Diet today."
What is the mediterranean diet?

For the Mediterranean people it is not a set diet, but rather a lifestyle or food therapy. Their diet incorporates the basics of healthy eating, plus a splash of flavorful olive oil and perhaps a glass of good red wine, among other components characterizing the traditional cooking style of countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. This healthy diet lifestyle includes whole foods and no chemicals; whole grains,  fruits, beans and vegetables, yogurt, fish and diary with limited red meat. 


Basically the diet is food therapy, food is the medicine and medicine is the food in the so called Mediterranean diet. Therefore, it is not surprising to learn that people following the Mediterranean diet in other countries have a lower incidence of heart disease and cancer. The Mediterranean diet is simply "food therapy" medicine for the body, mind, spirit, emotions and good food for the soul. It is a healthy eating pattern and a lifestyle that also includes walking (out in nature) and sport exercises like soccer and dance, rather than running on a treadmill in a gym. 

Four Mediterranean nations: Italy, Greece, Morocco, and Spain have recently filed a petition to have their staple diet, commonly known around the world as simply, ‘The Mediterranean Diet’, listed as a cultural heritage item by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).  This committee is designed to recognize natural and cultural sites around the world in order to protect them from any alteration. Italy, Greece, Morocco, and Spain want to protect the diet’s integrity and states it is becoming endangered, because it is being changed in areas around the world.

Back to what happened to destroy "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food"  in Western and American medicine, in the early sixteenth century there was a shift in philosophy when Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes both came to similar conclusions in relation to the state of the science and philosophy of their time. Descartes’s philosophy was dualistic, making a complete split, dividing reality into two separate realms – mind and matter. In Descartes's philosophy, the theory of materialism holds that the only thing that exists is matter and that all things are composed of material. All phenomena including consciousness are the result of material interactions. In other words, matter is the only substance, if I can not see it, count and measure it - it is not real. Hence, Western medicine consciousness shifted away from natural foods and remedies and moved toward isolated medicines that could withstand double blind studied and be measured for better living through chemistry, which included our food.

In Western consciousness and thought all things are made of atoms and sensory is very important.  Western Medicine consciousness isolates and separates.  If you can’t see it, it is not a reality therefore consciousness is the ghost in the machine – consciousness is a secondary phenomenon – an illusory epiphenomenon.  However, the Western thought doesn’t entirely hold to this concept, because a ghost cannot act on a machine. "Consciousness, not matter, is the ground of all existence... Consciousness is a causal entity that brings meaning to existence. The essential objectivity of science demands it.” 
- Amit Goswami 

Carl Jung wrote, “The Western form of consciousness is by no means the same as consciousness, pure and simple.  Rather it is a historically determined, geographically limited entity that only represents a fraction of humanity.  The extension of our form of consciousness should not take place at the expense of other forms of consciousness; instead it should come about through the cultivation of those elements in our own psyche, which are analogous to the qualities of the alien psyche - just as the East is obliged to cultivate our technology, our science and (our) industry.”

Jung’s sage recommendation was many years ahead of his time, and since it did not inspire even his most inveterate critics to take exception to it, it was quickly forgotten.  What’s the source of the problem? The source of the problem is the consciousness and the language. Both create a community of scientist with a finite reservoir of potential solutions to a problem, when those are exhausted, the scientific progress is halted. 

Unani Medicine is modern medicines version of quantum medicine and energy healing. Unani Medicine was unchallenged for a long time even after the Mughal period and spread with Muslims and Islam into northern Africa and northern India. The Unani system however, suffered a setback during the colonial period for want of official patronage and is in fact the least known therapeutic system today. Here is a great book to get you started: The Traditional Healer's Handbook by Hakim G. M. Chishti, ND.

I must admit I was also in the dark on Unani Medicine until I had to find an Alternative Medicine that began with the letter "U" for this book. While alternative medicines like Ayurvedic and Chinese Medicines or  therapies like Reiki and crystal therapy are somewhat known and a person might have some idea of what it is; few know or recognize Unani Medicine as par with Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Dare to peer through its vale and I am pretty sure you will appreciate its wonders and value par with the other major alternative medicine systems.

Unani Medicine uses the Four Element system: Earth, Water, Fire, and Air and the four homours. Each of the Four Elements have specific qualities. Earth is cold and dry; Water is cold and moist; Fire is hot and dry; Air is hot and moist. If these elements are present in the human body in balance and harmony, the temperature is normal. However, if any one of the elements is dominate, the temperature become out of balance causing dis-harmony leading to disease.

Unani Medicine evolved with the Semitic people and is still practiced in the "Holy Land" where herbs grow ramped and in the Muslim world with the name Hikmat or Unani-Tibb for the past 13 centuries. Its medical practitioners are called Hakims. Unani is an Arabic spelling of Ionian (meaning Greek - al-Yunaan). Medicine in ancient Greece was based on the concept of balancing body humors and this foundation remains the fundamental principle. 

The Unani system identifies the presence of four humors in the body: blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile. A healthy body maintains a dynamic equilibrium of these humours, and disorders arise when environmental or intrinsic factors influence a shift out of this equilibrium and one of the humours dominate. Humors either fell out of balance, which might yield diseases (depending on circumstances), or were restored to balance to heal diseases. This system has Four Humours: Hot, Cold, Wet and Dry and Four Elements: Earth, Water, Fire, and Air thus differing from the Ayurvedic medical system of Three Doshas and the Chinese medical system of Five Elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. However, with all three food is the medicine and medicine is the food.

Recall in Ayurvedic Medicine, the system that derived from India, all matter is organized into three main elements, energy qualities, or doshas: Vata, Pita and Kapha. Each person is made up of a unique blending of these three doshas. In most people, one dosha predominates, affecting personality and body type. Health is maintained by balancing all three. Vata dosha is associated with coolness, dryness and activity; pitta dosha is sharp, hot and quick; kapha dosha has the qualities of heaviness, coolness and stability. Food are use to balance the three energy types or Doshas.

Recall that according to Traditional Chinese Medicine food therapy is part of tradition and daily life. Food therapy is the practice of using the energy healing and nutrition from natural whole foods, instead of medications. Simply called Chinese Nutrition, Chinese food therapy dates back as early as 2000 B.C. and documentation was found in The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine, also known as the Huang Di Nei Jing and was most important in forming the basis of Traditional Chinese Medicine food therapy. Classified according to the Five Elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water foods are respectively classified into five food groups by the four seasons (spring, summer, late summer, autumn, and winter, as well as five tastes or flavors: Wood, spring, sour; Fire, summer, bitter; Earth, late summer, sweet; Metal, autumn, pungent and Water, winter, salty. In addition foods are classified by their natures, characteristics and properties.

The philosophy of Yin and Yang are used in the sphere of food therapy and cooking. Yang foods increase the body's heat (e.g. raise the metabolism), while Yin foods decrease the body's heat (e.g. lower the metabolism). As a generalization, Yang foods tend to be dense in food energy, especially energy from fat, while Yin foods tend to have high water content. Ideally it is beneficial to eat both types of food to keep the body in balance. When one eats too much Yang food the energy create excessive heat and one might suffer from acnes, indigestion or bad breath, while one who eats too much Yin food may experience cloudy mental state, feeling heavy, lethargic or anemic.

Medical practitioners or Hakims used examination of pulse, urine, and stool to determine which humour is dominant at the time. Some Hakims also examined the blood pressure and heartbeats. The Hakims then questioned, palpated, and observed the person to investigate the nature of the imbalance. An herbal formula was prepared to bring the humors back into equilibrium. 

A New Modern Medicine Revolution

I stumbled upon a TED video featuring Dr. William Li presenting on food for therapy and the new medical revolution, while researching Unani Medicine and Baha'i Medicine. Dr Li speaks of a new way to think about food as a therapy, treating cancer and other diseases that thrive on abnormal Angiogenesis - blood vessels that grow to feed cancer cells. Dr Li explains that these foods are called anti-angiogenesis, because they prevent the growth of these blood vessels that feed tumors and cancer.  It also works for obesity to cut off abnormal supply of blood vessels to shrink fat. You can inhibit abnormal angiogenesis by regulating healthy set-points. "The first (and best) step is eating cancer-fighting foods that cut off the supply lines and beat cancer at its own game." - Dr William Li

The TED presentation is called Can We Eat to Starve Cancer?  about "Angiogenesis"food for therapy and illuminates a very real and practical path that is being taken by modern science. Dr. William Li heads the Angiogenesis Foundation, a nonprofit that is re-conceptualizing global disease. Now this is truly Quantum Medicine and energy healing in action. It is astonishing when we remind ourselves that all natural medicines including Traditional Chinese Medicine to Unani Medicine, which is practiced in the middle east and Persia use food therapy as medicine. Abdu’l-Baha’s words preceded this research by more than 100 years. 

One of the foods mentioned in Dr. William Li's new medical revolution presentation for food therapy is resveratrol. It is very interesting that resveratrol is an anti-angiogenesis (regulates abnormal angiogenesis) which is found in red grapes and red wine. However, resveratrol has been used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicne and is available today in an affordable form called Japanese Knotwood a trans-resveratrol known as Hu Zhang.

Hu Zhang or Japanese Knotwood is Resveratrol

The Lost History of the Modern Anti-Aging Breakthrough of Resveratrol is Hu Zhang or Japanese Knotweed.

Medical researchers first observed the benefits of food as a therapy and coined the phrase "French Paradox" to describe the lower incidence of heart disease and cholesterol hidden somewhere in the French diet, even in the presence of a high fat diet in the Mediterranean population, popularizing the Mediterranean Diet. Resveratrol in red wine was identified as the source for the cholesterol and heart disease lowering effects.

The answer to the so-called "French paradox" may be found in red wine. More specifically, it may reside in small doses of resveratrol, a natural constituent of grapes, pomegranates, red wine and other foods, according to a new study by an international team of researchers. - Science Daily

The specific constituent ingredient of red wine has been identified as the key ingredient that produces these amazing health and longevity benefits is the potent molecule called "trans-resveratrol" (more commonly, "resveratrol"), and is being aggressively researched as a potential treatment for a variety of chronic and deadly diseases.

The benefits of resveratrol antioxidant and longevity claims have now been well documented, but the forgotten relationship of resveratrol to a Chinese herb known as "Hu Zhang" is practically unknown. Hu Zhang translates as "Tiger Cane" and has many names in Chinese Medicine, however resveratrol is commonly known as Japanese knotweed and has been used safely for over 1,500 years in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).  The the translation name arises from the variegated color of its stem, apparently reminding the ancient Chinese of the colors of the tiger. It is similar to a bamboo and grows wild and rapid.

Hu Zhang or Japanese Knotwood is extraordinarily potent and completely natural source of resveratrol. Hu Zhang is documented in the Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica as Radix ety Rhizoma Polygoni Cuspidati and has alternative names such as Da Chang Zhang, and Ku Zhang in Japanese medicine. The indications listed are: invigorates the blood, dispels stasis, unblocks the channels, clears heat, discharges toxins and stops pain. These observations resonate quite closely with the observed "French Paradox" for; preventing heart disease (by invigorating the flow of blood), and lower cholesterol (unblocks the channels and dispelng stasis or stagnation), as well as many of the other health benefits that resveratrol provides. Hu Zhang or Japanese Knotwood is the trans-resveratrol used in it's highest organic quality in Salu International's Resveratrol Blend.

I can't tell you how happy I was to hear Dr. William Li include the foods I use in my Fountain of Youth System in his lecture: soy (tofu), green tea, bok choy, shatake mushrooms and resveratrol - all 
anti-angiogenesis foods.

Here is Dr. William Li's video link:

Can We Eat to Starve Cancer?

Here is one of my comments on a Resveratrol article:
I agree with Dr. Simms on Resveratrol. I started my research last year after all the hooplah on the internet and TV. I tried 5 different brands and found one on the internet with 500mg of Trans-resveratrol. I took 2 every day for a month. The other brands came in 100mg some Trans-resveratrol some not. I have to admit I see the benefits in taking this supplement. It may or may not prolong my life, but it did increase my energy, endurance, some weight loss, not to mention my skin and hair. I look younger! A friend saw me last week after one year and she raved about my skin and how young I looked. She made my day. Resveratrol seems to make my systems work more efficiently. Make sure you get at least 500mg of trans-resveratrol a day, if you want to experience any results. I have my own health regime and supplements, but Resveratrol is potentially the most revolutionary discovery I made! Wishing you Health, Wealth, Prosperity and Forever Young:-)
Saquina Akanni of CA @ Feb 23, 2010 04:11:52 AM
Thank you for your contribution on Unani Medicine and Food Therapy
Mediterranean diet and food pyramid picture:  (Mediterranean Diet United Nations World Heritage List Petition: Will It Work? – Four
Mediterranean nations have recently filed a petition)
“Self Awareness Universe”, Amit Goswami, Ph.D.
Angiogenesis Video: William Li: Can We Eat to Starve Cancer?
TED: The Bahai Faith and Unani Medicine:

Dr. William Li’s list of antiangiogenic foods

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing - Theta-Delta Healing - Prayer and Meditation

Theta-Delta Healing is Quantum Medicine and energy healing where consciousness is waves of possibilities for consciousness to choose from. It is applied quantum physics to healing with prayer, transformation and meditation seemed antithetical to science just a few years ago. 

To scientist prayer was considered superstition and meditation a placebo effect. However, recent discoveries in quantum physics have shown that it is consciousness itself that is a powerful force and there is scientific evidence of God or an objective scientific name such as Universal Consciousness.

Using Alpha Theta Healing one can lower their brain waves to theta level their consciousness to easily connect to the Universal Consciousness. In this state one can connect with the Divine Source to initiate a healing that can change the state of being, health, unwanted thought patterns, negative vibrations, undesirable feelings, social and historical conditioning can all be transformed for a state of general well-being to allow their fears and ego barriers to fall away.

Beta brain waves are the brain state of normal awake consciousness where we are alert, focused. It is the state of concentration, cognition, thinking and negotiation.

Alpha waves are the brain state of relaxation, meditation and visualization where there is a sense of peace, tranquility and well-being. It is the state of creativity, superior learning and the source of new ideas and solve problems. Most meditation and energy healing techniques utilize the alpha state for relaxation and healing.

Theta waves are the brain state of just before sleeping and just after waking, daydreaming, lucid dreaming, REM sleep (dreams), hypnosis and the border between the conscious and subconscious world. Theta is the state of intuition, inspiration, aspiration and states of higher consciousness. In Theta we are able to connect to the Divine Source and become co-creators with Universal Consciousness or God to manifest changes in the material world. Thus, the mind becomes capable of deep and profound intuition, growth, understanding, learning and healing. By consciously learning to tap into use Theta brain wave in an awake state, we can access and influence the powerful subconscious part of ourselves that is normally inaccessible to our wakened mind to in effect reprogramming our subconscious and access intuition.

Delta waves are the brain state of deep sleep, unconsciousness, a deep trance and is the state  necessary for the release of pituitary growth hormone. Regeneration and healing occur in this state of sleep and a person who accesses or receives a Theta Healing requires this state of sleep for the effects of the healing to anchor and to process subconsciously.

Gamma brain waves are the brain state of hyper-alertness, perception, and the integration of sensory input as when time seems to slow down or one has extreme powers as when one sees their live pass before their eyes or during a car accident and one demonstrates extreme abilities. This is the state where the brain has entered into a high gamma state.

In Quantum Physics the theory of nonlocality states that a unifying connection can exist between two or more objects, even at great distances. If one object is perturbed, the other will seem to feel it and react, regardless of the distance. Nonlocality suggests that it is possible to use conscious prayer to create change. Ethically, Theta Healing requires that desire for this healing be verbally affirmed by the client before the prayer is offered.

The theory of quantum entanglement says that the very act of observing a quantum particle will affect its behavior, implying that consciousness influences events in the material world. For example, microbiology research indicates that human emotion can either constrict or loosen the stranding of human DNA on a microscopic slide outside the body. Thus, researchers observing DNA through a microscope could see the strands grow tighter or looser as a result of the observers' feelings. It is this principle that requires that Theta Healers observe that changes take place.

ThetaHealing™ is an unique technique designed by Vianna as a therapeutic self-help guide to develop the ability to change on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually using the Creator of all That Is. ThetaHealing™ is best known for the Belief and Feeling Work on all four levels; Core, Gene, History, and Soul. This  approach "teaches how to put to use our natural intuition, relying upon unconditional love of Creator Of All That Is to do the actual “work”. We believe by changing your brain wave cycle to include the “Theta” state, you can actually watch the Creator Of All That Is create instantaneous physical and emotional healing. With growing scientific evidence that toxic emotion can contribute to disease and the awareness that emotions, feelings and the power of thought have a direct bearing upon our physical health, there is increasing interest in changing how the mind influences the body to create optimum health. Belief and Feeling Work empower people with the ability to remove and replace negative emotions, feelings and thoughts with positive, beneficial ones. 

ThetaHealing™ can be most easily described as an attainable miracle for your life.
ThetaHealing™ is also best known for the 7 Planes of Existence; a concept to connect to the Highest Level of Love and Energy of All That Is. Using this concept, the practitioner can achieve the highest clarity and wisdom love."

Thank you for your insight and contribution to Theta-Delta Healing:
Picture, quote and introduction from:
Recognized as one of the worlds most brilliant minds, Amit has recently appeared in the movies "What the Bleep Do We Know?","The Dalai Lama Renaissance" and authored over a dozen books from textbooks on quantum mechanics to consciousness and the New Science.   
Alpha Theta Delta Music for Healing and Meditation

Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing - Self Care Acupressure (SCA) and EFT

Self-Care Acupressure (SCA) and Emotional Freedom Technique or Emotional Focused Transformation (EFT) allow you to turn your hands into powerful energy healing tools.

Self care therapies and energy healing the mind, body, spirit, soul and emotions with energy has been around for centuries. All of the ancient philosophies, alternative and natural healing medicines, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda Medicine, Native American Medicine, Tibetan Medicine and homeopathy to name a few  have self care energy healing methods and are a form of quantum medicine.

Quantum Medicine is the science of healing with Zero Point Energy and mirrors alternative medicines in the use of energy, and Chinese Medicine use of Qi or Chi (Chee) , which is  consciousness, life-force energy, information, frequency and vibration affecting  mind-body-spirit-soul-emotions relationships to facilitate a state of balance, harmony and wellness with intention.

All of the therapies already mentioned are energy healing, for the letter "S" we have chosen two methods that are quick and easy to learn and target emotional health, which is absolutely essential to ones physical and mental health, and well-being. The first is acupressure from Traditional Chinese Medicine using Self-Care Acupressure (SCA) and the second is "Tapping Therapy" using several methods using the meridians (or channels) of acupuncture for Emotional Freedom Techniques or Emotional Focus Transformation (EFT).

Acupressure is an ancient healing art using the fingers to skilfully press key acupuncture points on parts of the body called Meridians. One can skilfully stimulate the movement of Qi (Chi – Chee), which is life-force energy, consciousness, information, frequency and vibration.  The technique of using acupressure to relieve stress and pain has been used for over 5000 years and predates acupuncture.
The treatment protocol for acupuncture is an art and technical procedure that requires knowledge and an education in Chinese Medicine. In acupuncture, a proper intake of asking questions, a diagnosis and treatment plan is required. The intake includes observing the patients eyes, hair, skin, body language, looking at the tongue, checking the pulse, palpating certain points and areas on the body to derive a precise diagnosis. Then a treatment plan is formulated which includes the selection of appropriate acupuncture points as well as creating an herbal formula. Acupuncture is a complex art and science, which takes practitioners years to learn, hours of clinic internship and passing the State Board to practice  acupuncture in the state of California and many other states. 

You can use a few acupuncture points for self care energy healing. Acupuncture and acupressure use the same meridians and acupuncture points. There are a number of key specific points that can be used for Self-care and are very powerful and easy to apply the self care acupressure techniques with your own hands and finger tips. These key acupuncture points have precise functions that do not require a diagnosis or a practitioner. It is possible to learn these precise points and to perform acupressure on oneself by simply identifying the specific points from a diagram on an acupuncture chart and applying pressure or tapping those specific points.

Actually, any point  on the body that has pain when touched is considered an acupuncture point, call an Ashi point. When one presses or taps a point that has pain, or a specific acupuncture point on the meridian the pressure or tapping stimulates the body's natural energy healing abilities. When these points are pressed tapped or triggered, they stimulate Qi/Chi, the body's natural life force energy to release blocked energy, stagnant energy, muscular tension, promote Qi/Chi or energy flow, blood circulation and to relieve stress and pain.

Where acupuncture employs needles to control and manipulate Qi/Chi or energy,  using a gentle firm pressure or tapping in acupressure creates the self care energy healing process. Self-Care Acupressure (SCA) also integrates other energy healing methods such as: Qi Gong, tapping, bodywork therapies, Tunia, therapeutic touch, somatic work, healing visualization, energy psychology, and massage therapy techniques to acupressure.

Michael Reed Gach is the author of the best selling book Acupressure's Potent Points (Bantam Books). This practical guide covers simple techniques that enable you to perform Self-Care Acupressure or SCA to relieve anxiety, stress, headaches, arthritis, colds and flu, insomnia, backaches, hiccups, leg pain, hot flashes, depression, and more using the power and sensitivity of your own energy healing hands. SCA complements any conventional medical care or treatment, and enables you to become empowered, to participate in your own healing process, and to take charge of your wellness program.

When using SCA, Acupuncture points are often located by the measurement called "cun", which is a relative measurement from your own body. For example, "The length and width of the person’s finger(s) are taken as a standard for point location. One measurement for 1 cun is the Thumb Measurement. The width of the interphalangeal joint of the person’s thumb (eg: the length of the line on the tip of the thumb) is taken as 1 cun. This method can be employed for measuring the vertical distance to locate the points on the limbs. 
Here are three powerful points you can use that do not need to be measured. You can press or tap right now (see picture below). The first is on the meridian Du (Governor Vessel) Meridian that goes along the back mid-line and the other two are Extraordinary Points (not part of the main 14 meridian points). Try pressing or tapping them now. Videos are listed below.

#1 – Baihui (by hi): Du 20 The Shen point (Chakra 7). Press or tap - the midline of the top of the head, 7 cun directly above the posterior hairline, approximately on the midpoint of the line connecting the apexes of the two auricles. Uses: Calms the Spirit or Shen, all Shen and mental disorders, mania, stress, anxiety, headaches, vertigo, tinnitus, prolapse of the rectum and the uterus, hemorrhoids and more.

#2 – Yin Tang (yin tong): The Third Eye point (Chakra 6). Press or tap - midway between the medial ends of the two eyebrows. Uses: Stress, anxiety, calms the Shen, any headache - mostly frontal H/A and sinus H/A or problems, heavy head, cloudy thinking and insomnia.

#3 – Tai Yang (tie yong) The Temple points
Press or tap - in the big depression, about 1 cun posterior to the midpoint between the lateral end of the eyebrow and the outer cantus (outer corner of the). Uses: Stress, anxiety, migraines, any headache, any eye pain or disease, and deviation of the eyes or the mouth."

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a psychological acupressure technique to optimize emotional health that uses acupuncture points. No matter how devoted one is to the proper diet and lifestyle, one will not achieve health and wellness or the body's ideal healing and preventative powers, if the mind-body-emotional barriers stand in ones way. The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is sometimes called Tapping Therapy, Meridian Tapping Techniques (MTT) or simply emotional acupuncture, without the needles may look weird, the good news is… it works! 
EFT was created by Gary Craig to work with emotional acupressure points to quickly, gently and easily release stagnant Qi/Chi or energy, negative emotions and beliefs that are the root of the problems and pain. EFT or Tapping Theraphy is an energy healing technique that helps to transform emotional problems by literally undoing the damage from the past by stimulating powerful acupressure points specific for stress and emotions. By tapping on meridian points on the head and body the Qi/Ch or energy stagnation or blockage that cause the negative energy or emotions are released allowing one to feel better quickly. 

With conventional medicine the use of Psychotherapy is the most common method used, and while one may gain some insights into the causes of the emotional difficulties and are introduced to new behaviors the problem is implementation. One is left trying to use "will power" to reduce stress and anxiety, and to change or create a new behavior pattern. Many still hear the constant internal negative chatter in their head and still feel the internal conflict and urges to behave in the old manner. The result is an ongoing constant internal struggle between the mind, feelings, desires and "auto-pilot" behavior with little or no "will power". Change and transformation is difficult for most part and the process and progress can be slow, sometimes taking years with little results. 
EFT Tapping has an advantage and solution for this problem. One identifies and works through an issue, using EFT with focus and intention. One becomes released of the negative energy or feelings; feeling a different energy and actually experiences being different quickly.  The mind chattering is quieted and there is no longer and internal conflict or struggle. One has changed from within and feels different with or around the issue or problem. If one has deep rooted negative beliefs, thoughts and behavior try then there is Faster EFT - Emotionally Focused Transformation.
The struggle is over with Faster Emotionally Focused Transformation (FasterEFT) a methodology developed by Robert G. Smith. After many years of study and practice, Robert integrated the most effective elements of mind-body-spirit-emotional energy healing techniques including EFT, NLP and BSFF (Be Set Free Fast). BSFF is a tool that uses "switch" words for quick internal changes. One provides instructions to the subconscious mind, using a cue or "switch" word with intention and conscious thought to communicate, direct and make desired changes to positively shift your energy. Robert G. Smith also uses his spiritual understanding of the relationship of mind-body-spirit to greatly enhance the ability to transform thought, beliefs and behavior using the combination of these methods.  
FasterEFT allows one to experience a healthy and logical belief system about how and why an issue, challenge or problem continues to occur.  This enhanced approach to EFT creates a deep change in less time than other tapping methods. FasterEFT addresses the mind-body-spirit connection to give one control of beliefs, thoughts and emotions.
It’s like SCA Self Care Acupressure with an attitude - delivering happiness! 
This combined technique enables the conscious and unconscious mind to communicate with each other, the body to be release tension and pain, and the emotions to be relieved of negative feelings and stress associated with a belief, thought, behavior, feeling, issue or challenge. FasterEFT empowers you to change how you internally perceive your past and represent your past in your current thoughts and behavior. FasterEFT opens one up to new realms of possibilities and naturally creates a positive affect in the quality of ones life - NOW and for the future. It can virtually any negative emotion including, but not limited to: anxiety, bad habits, cravings, depression, energy loss, fears, grief etc. Ready for transformation? Go for it. Try it today.

Thank you for you insight and consideration on Self Care Acupressure (SCA) and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

Acupunture Name and location from: Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Deng Liangyue, Gan Yijun etal. Chief Editor: Cheng Xinong, Foreign Languages Press, Beijing, 1996
Energy Hands picture by:
Renee D
Accupressure hands from:
Switch and Happiness pictures from:
Cun measurement pictures from:

To Your Happiness and Transformation...
Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing - Reiki Therapy

Healing the body with energy has been around for centuries and a part of human history, however Reiki Therapy is a Quantum Medicine, Alternative holistic energy healing system recently developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui, known as Master Usui. It is an unique energy healing system that require a sender and an acceptance relationship.

Today, many types of Reiki techniques have been developed and the essence remains unchanged. The whole Reiki system is based on learning, understanding, and practicing how to make the Reiki Energy move from the universal unlimited source to another living being; be it human, animal or plant.

Reiki (rei means "God's wisdom" and ki is Qi/Chi or "life force energy and is a healing energy. It can be translated as "spiritually guided life force energy." This ancient healing art is a gentle form of Qi/Chi or energy healing that uses Reiki technique of light hand positions. As you enter into a deep state of
 tranquility, healing and the release of stress on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies can take place. which works by transferring energy through the hands of the healer.  Reiki energy changes the frequency of ones aura, or body energy, and promotes healing on a physical level first, followed by the emotional level and finally the spiritual. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words Rei, which means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki, which is “life force energy”, therefore Reiki energy is actually “spiritually guided life force energy” used to promote positive energy and feelings for a better life and providing the ability to access the universal energy. 

Master Usui, the founding Master of Reiki, wrote in the original Japanese manuscript the five principles of Reiki. The entire Reiki system is based on the knowledge, understanding and practice of these five key principles. Mastering the five principles of Reiki is the basis of Reiki Therapy. The five principles of Reiki are a guide for living for those who want to learn how to cultivate and develop themselves using Reiki. A literal translation of them is as follows: Just for today, Do not get angry, Do not worry, Be thankful, Work honestly and Be friendly.

Just For Today: Being angry, irritable or upset predisposes one to negative energy and violent reactions.   Worry is an indication of concern promoting negative energy in the present moment about the past or the future. The past has already happened. It is a memory and the future is a dream. You can change this moment or now. Being thankful is a powerful state of being. Being grateful for the things, we have, for what we have experienced and what we will experience allows one to feel good about life and prevents one from fear or accepting feelings of shame, guilt or blame. Work is worship therefore; we give the best of ourselves in all that we do in our work environment.  Being friendly is a basic principle in Asian culture and implies treating everyone with respect, kindness and gracious: especially elders, parents, masters, professors and teachers. Need I say more?

The Reiki healing system channels life-force energy from Higher Power the Universal Divine Source through a practitioner. Rei spiritual wisdom and Ki energy are the same as the spiritual wisdom of the Universal Divine Spirit, and the subtle energy Qi/Chi in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The Reiki system originally called Usui Reiki Ryoho, the Usui method of spiritual healing developed by Mikao Usui in Japan, taught his system in the early 1900s. Later the system became known simply as Reiki, meaning “including all”.  Reiki comes from a higher source (Universal Divine Spirit, Higher Power or God) and connects one with the ultimate source of healing at all levels. The Reiki healing energy system works by transference of energy through the hands of the healer.

Mikao Usui was knowledgeable of acupuncture, which uses acupuncture needles to stimulate points on the body called meridians. Acupuncture points along the meridians are like traffic signals that light the way of main thoroughfares of Qi (Chi) moving through the body transporting Qi/Chi or energy to all systems within the body.  Reiki healing energy changes the frequency of ones aura, unblocks the Qi/Chi in the body, and promotes healing on a physical level first, followed by the emotional level and finally the spiritual level. It is a process and practice.

Reiki practitioners do not have to know much about meridians. They simply have to know where the points are located on the body. The most potent energy work uses acupuncture points. Qi/Chi or vital healing energy governs all aspects of the body including, fluids and blood circulation, the organ functions and balancing of the human body. Studying the point locations is key to transformational energy healing work, therapeutic touch, massage therapy and Reiki healing. Channeling Reiki life energy through the meridians and points enables the practitioner to tap into Traditional Chinese Medicine’s energy healing and tremendous wealth of ancient healing knowledge – that is point specific.
However, any practitioner of energy healing medicines will find it beneficial to study the meridians or take classes at a professional level. Reiki is easy to learn and available to everyone.  Reiki provides spiritual healing with a soft, light, gentle touch and can only have positive results, as the highest level of healing is the goal of Reiki energy.

Reiki offers techniques to achieve personal spiritual growth and to heal others using Reiki symbols - symbol here: Hon Sha Xe Sho Men is a symbol used for distant healing. There are four symbols taught in the various levels of the Reiki system and three different levels of Reiki mastery. The first level is for healing yourself, the second is uses three of the four Reiki symbols to heal others and send Reiki energy long distance, and the third level of training uses the fourth Reiki symbol to become a Master or Reiki teacher. The symbols are a distinctive and empowering feature of the Reiki system and used to connect the student with the Reiki energy. When you are initiated into the Reiki system, the symbols and Reiki energy are transmitted together during an attune energy flow. Once one is attuned the associated Reiki energy can be called forth at any time. Drawing the symbols correctly can be one of the more difficult aspects for a beginner becoming educated in Reiki Therapy.

The difference between Reiki Therapy and other types of hands on healing methods in spiritual healing is the transformation of the energy. In spiritual healing, a person with a strong energy field places his or her hands above a particular part of the recipient's body in order to release energy into it. Therefore, the healer is the one who is sending out the energy.  On the other hand, with Reiki Therapy, the healer places the hands above the recipient and the recipient draws the energy as needed. Thus, in this case, the individual takes an active part in their healing process, as opposed to having a passive part in the spiritual energy healing. The recipient takes responsibility for his or her own healing. The recipient identifies their need and draws from the source energy as needed.

Although there are a few positions in which the practitioner is in contact with the patient (such as cradling the head), most Reiki treatments do not involve actual touching. The practitioner holds his or her hands a few inches or farther away from the patient's body and manipulates the energy field from that Reiki energy can be transmitted from the healer not only through actual physical touch, but also from a distance. The healer is filled with universal energy all the way down to the cellular level, asks the clients spirit for permission to heal, and then transfers the Reiki energy. The Reiki energy itself knows where to go to benefit the patient’s weakest system and for the highest good.

The Reiki healer rubs the hands together and then places their hands just above the body within the aura field (just above the body) to start the treatment. Reiki Ki or Qi/Chi (consciousness, vital life-force energy, information, frequency and vibration) knows exactly where to go and how to heal. With Reiki Therapy, the practitioner does not need to know what is making the patient illness or even how to heal. Reiki Therapy is based on energy healing, belief and trust in the Universal energy of life and health. The recipient allows the healing to take place to the point of the patient may even be healed of an affliction they did not know they had or different from the original purpose they went to the Reiki practitioner.  Ki activation (Qi or Chi) will transform a go to the weakest system first, that is to whatever part of the body, mind, or spirit that is most needed.

While in a energy healing session, both the patient and the healer may feel cold, prickly sensations or nothing at all. Practitioners believe that Reiki energy will adjust its intensity by the needs of the patient, and the result is that the healer will instinctively know where and how to move their hands. Reiki practitioners report feeling rejuvenated and recharged after sessions, as Reiki Therapy does not deplete the energy of the practitioner, but rather uses it in a type of spiral, recycling energy back into the healer after cleansing, balancing and regenerating the patient.

Reiki Therapy is meant to be used as a cooperative with other types of healing, and enhances the healing process after a massage or acupuncture treatment. Practitioners and patients both report that the use of Reiki helps reduce the negative energy brought forth by conventional western medicine, but often necessary, such as chemotherapy, AIDS related medication and other drug adverse side effects. It also can be used on anything that has energy, another aspect that differentiates Reiki from other forms of alternative medicine, such as cars.

It is important to note that while Reiki practitioners send energy healing from far away, a Reiki practitioner will not do it without the person’s permission, and in fact, the energy will not have any effect as the recipient draws the energy. In order for Reiki Therapy to work both healer and patient must communicate and sending and acceptance must occur. Belief is the main factor in energy healing process, for even the most powerful energy source can not be received by someone who does not believe or want accept a healing energy or “laying” of hands over their body. You are the most powerful energy force and you can repel any energy.

Jessica Miller shares with us the birthplace of Reiki at Mount Kurama, also known as Kurama Yama. It is the sacred mountain in Japan, where Mikao Usui, the founder of Usui Reiki, first encountered the spiritual energy that has evolved into a healing art called Reiki and is practiced by millions worldwide.

There are many places of natural healing power within nature. "Whether it be a cliff overlooking an ocean, a waterfall, desert, or mountain, people have found solace in the dramatic presence of nature. Such a place of power is created outwardly by a combination of forces that together form an ambiance of unusual beauty and peace. Inwardly perceived, there is also an attracting focus of subtle energies, energies that refresh and renew and draw one up into spiritual realms. Some of these places remain in their natural state, wild, raw, and untouched while others are graced by temples, shrines, and holy cities that honor the energy, focus the power, and provide a sanctuary for meditation and worship. Kuramayama is such a place of power. Sloping between two peaks and covered with cedar trees, this gentle mountain refuge is home to many temples and shrines. A trail leads to the top of the mountain on the village side, passing several small waterfalls and each of the spiritual sites. At the top, other trails lead through the forest, allowing the spiritual seeker opportunity for solitude and communion with nature." - William Lee Rand

Reiki Therapy works and there are no side effects. Reiki Therapy will help you in stressful situations, emotional sadness, suffering a loss of friend or relative. Remember with an open mind, one can create infinite realms of possibilities and unlimited opportunities. Do your research. Try it.

Thank you for your insight and contributions to Reiki:
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Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor