Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Prosperity Doctor: Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing - Self-Aware Self-Care: You are already wealthy

Facebook Post
My Mentor posted on WEALTH

Fancy cars, cash in the bank, big houses- These things are just the by-products of wealth, not Wealth itself.

Working on updates for my book "Self-Aware Self Care - Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing - 26 Alternative Medicines to Leave the Disease with the Doctor" from the Literary Group. Received feedback for changes and awesome suggestions for different titles. Inspiration hit me:

Prosperity Doctor: from Robert Allen, "Things are just the by product of wealth - not wealth itself."... Food for Thought: We are already wealthy and prosperous. Our "Life" is our greatest treasure, our health is our greatest possession and our mind is our greatest gift. It is up to the soul to value the treasures, gifts and presents of Life. I am creating from the unlimited abundance from my very Source, the Light within my the Heart. My soul only need believe to achieve. I am already successful for my mind Knows from the Source. I am already wealthy as my soul is Being successful by intention. I am Doing what is necessary to win empowered by my Will to Have it all: Health, Wealth and Prosperity... Being. Believing. Knowing. Doing with Will Power creates the Having. and So It Is. Sending Love and Light ~ Saquina (OMG -That just poured out of me. I guess I am in the Zone LOL) 

Check out Chinese character for ABUNDANCE. What do you see?
To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni, The Prosperity Doctor Tp.D.
Sending Blessings, Love, and Abundance