Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Prosperity Doctor - Dr MaoShing Ni Forecast 2012, The Year of the Dragon

Chinese Year of the Dragon -  A Year of Dragon Prosperity
Dr. Mao ShingNi Forecast for 2012
Dr. Mao ShingNi Forecast for 2012

Golden Prosperity Imperial Dragon
What is a Prosperity?
By definition, prosperity is a state of being prosperous or propitious. Often we think of it as favorable circumstances or being disposed to the promise of success. Often we believe it relates to money or having an advantageous position such as: a propitious omen or a moment propitious for action. It is much more than money success.

"Prosperity is a state of being in mind, body and spirit of flourishing and thriving in joy and happiness."

"Prosperity is a experience and feeling of success or good fortune in all aspects of ones life. In essences, it is a state of joy and bliss. It is a state of abundance." ~ Saquina Akanni

What is a Prosperity Doctor?
"A Prosperity Doctor is one who has the wisdom of the ages and knowledge of the Universal Laws of Prosperity and the Five Elements to guide and direct to a state of balance and abundance in mind, body, soul, spirit and emotions." ~ Saquina Akanni

Imperial Dragon
Dr Dao and Mao ShingNi are two of my mentors. I look forward to the Yo San University's Chinese New Year Celebration every year. I arrived early on Sunday, January 29, 2012.  It was wonderful to see old and new faces. Dr. Dao Shing Ni lead the spiritual presentation, invocations, meditation and prayer to call upon Heaven, to awaken  the Divine within, to release the past, to ask for guidance, be open to direction for the new and listen for the answers being in stillness, silence and a state of love and balance.

Dr. MaoShing Ni's gave the presentation on the Year of the Dragon at the Yo San University Chinese New Year Celebration. We always look forward to Dr Mao's enlightening words of wisdom on what to expect and how to remain in balance and harmony with the new energy of the new lunar year. Dr Mao gave us the characteristics and forecast for the Water Dragon energy occurring in an Earth year.

Imperial Dragon Beijing
Here is the link to the Forecast for 2012, The Year of the Dragon.
2012 The Year of the Dragon by Dr Mao ShingNi

I will take this opportunity to thank both Drs. Mao and Dao ShingNi for being my mentors for health, wealth and prosperity. Words can not express the gratitude my family, mom, Benita Fortner, Shaheed Abdullah, nieces, nephews to my four year old grandson Little Einstein Jabril our appreciation for the Ni family. I am forever grateful to the Ni family. Sharing Dr. Mao ShingNi's wisdom and forecast for the Year of the Dragon.

2012 The Year of the Dragon by Dr Mao ShingNi

Sending Love and Light
Your Student
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

More info:

Monday, January 30, 2012

Prosperity Doctor - 2012 Year of the Dragon How did the Chinese New Year animals get chosen?

2012 The Year of the Dragon

Stories of How the Animals Got into the Chinese Calendar

First, the  Chinese Calendar is not a "zodiac" at all. It is not based on constellations or ecliptics. The history of the calendar is based on observation of cycles related to the ancient Chinese use of "heavenly steams" and twelve "earthly branches, which were used as time cycle for the month, year, day and hour. Each Chinese New Year is linked to one of the twelve animals in the calendar. There are many stories of the origin of the calendar and the animals in the animals.

The Chinese New Year is determined by the Lunar calendar, therefore the New Year usually begins between January 21st and February 20th. There are endless variations of the folklore story and legends explaining how the order of the animals of the zodiac were chosen. A few are below.

One story credits the calendar to the famous Yellow Emperor as the first to use the Chinese Zodiac. He introduced it in the year 2,600 B.C. to begin the Chinese Lunar Year. In ancient China, the emperors were well schooled in astrology. It was believed that one had to know the ways of the stars and the heavens to be a worthy ruler.

The first story I hear is one of the popular tales:

When it came time for the Jade Emperor in heaven to decide the order of the zodiac, he invited all the animals to participate in a race. The order of the calendar would be decided by the order in which animals finished the race.
When the competition started, the ox was leading the pack, but the rat jumped on his back. Since the rat was so light and small, the ox did not realize that the rat was hitching a ride. As the ox approached the finish line, the rat leap off his back and was crowned as the first animal to complete the race.
After all the creatures finished the race, the order was finalized: ratox,tigerrabbitdragonsnakehorsegoatmonkeyroosterdog, and pig.
According to legend, those born in a particular year of an animal are said to possess particular character traits associated with that animal.
A second version of this story narrates how the beasts argued over who should come first in the yearly cycle. So the Jade Emperor told them to race across a river and whoever reached the other side first would win. The rat mounted the ox and won by sticking out its nose at the finish line. The snake too, was dishonest – it frightened the horse to get ahead of it. The dragon would have won easily since it had wings. But it paused to help the tiny rabbit cross the river. This legend suggests the dragon was held as the noblest of all the Chinese animals.

Here is another popular Legend has it that one day the gods ordered that animals be designated as signs of each year and the twelve that arrived first were selected. At that time, the cat and the rat were good friends and neighbors. When they heard of this news, the cat said to the rat: 'We should arrive early to sign up, but I usually get up late.' The rat then promised to awaken his friend and to go together. However, on the morning when he got up, he was too excited to recall his promise, and went directly to the gathering place. On the way, the rat encountered the tiger, ox, horse, and other animals that ran much faster. In order not to fall behind them, he thought up a good idea. He made the straightforward ox carry him on condition that he sang for the ox. The ox and the rat arrived first. The ox was happy thinking that he would be the first sign of the years, but the rat had already slid in front, and became the first lucky animal of the Chinese zodiac. Meanwhile his neighbor the cat was too late so when it finally arrived, the selection was over. That's why other animals appear behind the little rat and why the cat hates the rat so much that every time they meet, the cat will chase and kill the rat.
Wishing You a Health, Wealth and Prosperity
2012 The Year of the Dragon
Saquina Akanni
The Dragon Trainer
The Prosperity Doctor
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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Prosperity Doctor - Happy Chinese New Year of the Dragon 2012

Kung Hee Fhat Choy - Cantonese

Celebrated Chinese New Year of the Dragon yesterday. Went to Yo San University in the morning and off to Chinatown yesterday for Year of the Dragon Celebration.

Found this video. Well done with beautiful music and choreography of the 2012 Chinese New Year Dragon.

Sending Health, Wealth, Prosperity
Love and Light for an Enlightened and Prosperous 2012

Saquina Akanni
 ~The Prosperity Doctor

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Prosperity Doctor - Happy Chinese New Year with Words of Wisdom

Happy Chinese New Year 2012

As Above So Below

The Age of Enlightenment

To Your Health Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Monday, January 16, 2012

Prosperity Doctor - Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing: What is the Law of Attraction?

What is "The Law of Attraction (LOA)" and how does it work?

What is the Law of Attraction?
Everything is Energy. Law of Attraction is simply energy. This type of energy is like a magnet that pulls things to you from consciousness. You create the alignment with the  frequencies and vibrations that you are on with other energies on that frequency or vibration. It is quantum medicine and energy healing from consciousness.

First level of activation is from thought and belief. 

Consciously or unconsciously you are pulling things toward you like a magnet. The next level to increase the power is feelings. This creates a stronger magnetic attraction to you. Now the vision. Hold the vision in your mind and speak it. The vision creates a force to pull from the "waves" of possibilities and the "Word", is a breath that creates a powerful force that feeds and fuels your focused thought from the the energy field of infinite possibilities. Once you collapse on the one (what you specifically want) you start the manifestation process. 

How does The Law of Attraction work? 

Law of Attraction is like wanting to go to Hawaii in 90 Day. It starts with a thought, checking flights, choosing one and buying a ticket on-line for your trip to Hawaii in 90 days. The thought, search, research and purchase of the ticket on-line is energy. You print out your itinerary and on-line ticket, but the reality of Hawaii won't manifest for 90 days. What makes this work?  You believe.  You know you are going to Hawaii, because you booked your reservation, paid for your ticket and have a piece of paper in your hand. Hawaii however is all energy until the physical reality manifest! You Believe it! Therefore it is real.

Law of Attraction works like planting a seed in soil and checking on it (the thought that you collapsed on).  You water, feed and cultivate (belief, vision and focus) the dirt expecting your little plant to sprout out into a fruit tree.  This starts the manifestation process. There is no exact day for the sprout to pop out of the soil, yet you continue to water,  fertilize and pull out an weeds. Just as you expected one day the sprout tunes into a little tree and bears a fruit. Overjoyed you eat the fruit. The next season it bears two fruit. You eat one and share one. The next four, then eight then your tree all grown up bears such abundance of fruit you have to give baskets of fruit away.

Law of Attraction is Yin and Yang (pronounced In and Yong). Giving and Receiving. What goes around come around. What leaves the source always returns to source. Besides being a magnet, the Law of Attraction works in a 1 to 10 relationship from positive energy. Give one of anything positive away and Law of Attraction will yield a return 10 fold! You will begin to experience the abundance the more you practice and create the habit of abundance. Start with Thought, Belief and add some feeling. Try it with a smile and look for smiles. Then look for parking spaces appearing for you or drive around and come back and the space will be waiting for you. Someone always pulls out of your parking space. Now you are ready to call forth physical stuff! Start with giving away a cup of coffee, chocolate or roses. You will be amazed at how giving expands your ability to receive in abundance.

Sending Love and Light
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Friday, January 6, 2012

Prosperity Doctor: Happy New Year 2012 - Age of Enlightenment


As Above So Below ~ I Ching (pronounced E hi or Yi Jing), Lao Tzu
Each person is a microcosm of the universal macrocosm. All creation is an energy force. Human is a reflection of that energy force. We adjust according to the laws of the universe and adapts to the various seasons of change. ~ Traditions of Tao, Mao Shing Ni

The foundation of my book started with a report that I wrote for a class in my last semester ofmedical school. My Professor, Ken Rose at Yo San University gave me an “A” and told me I should write a book. I have been adding to the report for years. After meeting Mark Victor Hansen at his Mega Book event in 2005, I was introduced to Maria Ngo and Ray DuGray by Gregg Reid, The Millionaire Mentor.  Maria and Ray helped me transform my book on Chinese Medicine into the first version of this book originally titled: Alternative Medicine A to Z: Mind, Body, Spirit, Soul and Emotions in 2006. I updated and revised it in 2010 to submit in a "Cash Call" book contest with my mentor Robert G. Allen. I also submitted a short version to Mark Victor Hansen for the Wealthy Writers iPhone app project in January of 2011.

Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step. ~ Dr Martin Luther King Jr., The Secret

In August of 2011 I was notified that I won the book contest. By the time you read my book it will be revision 101. My belief and first step in faith changed my life and my success will change yours. Happy New Year - The Age of Enlightenment is here.

Many philosophies believe there are no coincidences and that you are reading this for a reason. You are reading it now. This is The Law of Attraction in action. Therefore, this book was written for you. The current title of my book The Art of the Heart - Awaken Your Heart, Inspire Your Soul and Heal Your Body. It contains guidance on how you can become an observer and witness of your life, beliefs, thoughts, emotions, feelings, desires, attitude, behaviour and actions to affect change. It will guide you to become self-aware for self-care to improve your life and health. You can reclaim your balance, harmony and power as well as your health. All aspects of your life will shift once you become aware of the "Who you are" and “Knowing How to” create from your Source. You can use your own consciousness, your innate intuition and intelligence for self-aware self-care. You can awaken the Heart to inspire the Soul to transform your Life and heal your body. That is the focus and subject of Book 1 in the Health, Wealth and Prosperity Book Series. We all have heard the term, “Put your heart and soul into it.” Many do not know what that really mean or how to do it at will. Some do not know the difference between Spirit and Soul. Spirit is Light or Heaven and Soul is conduct to fulfill purpose on earth.

According to Chinese philosophy the soul must be in an intimate relationship with the Source, the Light to know the unknown. This is called the “Knowing How” or Intuition. In essence it is how to tap into the universal consciousness or using the language of Quantum Physics tap into your Primary consciousness.

You Must Be the Change You Want to See in the World. ~ Ganhdi

Everything is Energy. Life is Change. Heaven and Earth. Time and Space. Matter and Substance and You! The Secret is Being the change you want to see in yourself. Change starts with you.

You are the Power of One and your power is rooted in “Knowing how to Be”. All ancient wisdoms know energy as a healing method. Energy healing is used in Alternative Medicines from Ayurveda to the new medicine from Quantum Physics. Energy is the foundation of Life and health. Note that you can note see thoughts, feelings, attitude or words, but you experience the reflection of them and translate them based on your perspective, perception and point of view. What you believe and think impacts your thoughts, feelings, attitude and behavior. Before one can create change one must evaluate their beliefs, thoughts, feelings and attitude about the subject of change. It is energy that you perceive. We have entered the new and exciting era of, The Age of Enlightenment. It is the era of “Knowing How” from the Heart. The new science Quantum Physics and new technologies using Quantum Medicine and energy healing are already here. Be still. Look around you. Be an observer. Feel the energy shift. Be aware of the babies and be a witness to the children. They are “Being”. They are being the Power of One. So can you.


Sending Blessings Love and Light
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

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