Monday, January 16, 2012

Prosperity Doctor - Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing: What is the Law of Attraction?

What is "The Law of Attraction (LOA)" and how does it work?

What is the Law of Attraction?
Everything is Energy. Law of Attraction is simply energy. This type of energy is like a magnet that pulls things to you from consciousness. You create the alignment with the  frequencies and vibrations that you are on with other energies on that frequency or vibration. It is quantum medicine and energy healing from consciousness.

First level of activation is from thought and belief. 

Consciously or unconsciously you are pulling things toward you like a magnet. The next level to increase the power is feelings. This creates a stronger magnetic attraction to you. Now the vision. Hold the vision in your mind and speak it. The vision creates a force to pull from the "waves" of possibilities and the "Word", is a breath that creates a powerful force that feeds and fuels your focused thought from the the energy field of infinite possibilities. Once you collapse on the one (what you specifically want) you start the manifestation process. 

How does The Law of Attraction work? 

Law of Attraction is like wanting to go to Hawaii in 90 Day. It starts with a thought, checking flights, choosing one and buying a ticket on-line for your trip to Hawaii in 90 days. The thought, search, research and purchase of the ticket on-line is energy. You print out your itinerary and on-line ticket, but the reality of Hawaii won't manifest for 90 days. What makes this work?  You believe.  You know you are going to Hawaii, because you booked your reservation, paid for your ticket and have a piece of paper in your hand. Hawaii however is all energy until the physical reality manifest! You Believe it! Therefore it is real.

Law of Attraction works like planting a seed in soil and checking on it (the thought that you collapsed on).  You water, feed and cultivate (belief, vision and focus) the dirt expecting your little plant to sprout out into a fruit tree.  This starts the manifestation process. There is no exact day for the sprout to pop out of the soil, yet you continue to water,  fertilize and pull out an weeds. Just as you expected one day the sprout tunes into a little tree and bears a fruit. Overjoyed you eat the fruit. The next season it bears two fruit. You eat one and share one. The next four, then eight then your tree all grown up bears such abundance of fruit you have to give baskets of fruit away.

Law of Attraction is Yin and Yang (pronounced In and Yong). Giving and Receiving. What goes around come around. What leaves the source always returns to source. Besides being a magnet, the Law of Attraction works in a 1 to 10 relationship from positive energy. Give one of anything positive away and Law of Attraction will yield a return 10 fold! You will begin to experience the abundance the more you practice and create the habit of abundance. Start with Thought, Belief and add some feeling. Try it with a smile and look for smiles. Then look for parking spaces appearing for you or drive around and come back and the space will be waiting for you. Someone always pulls out of your parking space. Now you are ready to call forth physical stuff! Start with giving away a cup of coffee, chocolate or roses. You will be amazed at how giving expands your ability to receive in abundance.

Sending Love and Light
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor