Sunday, February 21, 2010

Chinese New Year - The Tangerine Came from China - Mandarin Orange

Translated from original blog post at
Citrus 柑橘 GanJu has a scientific name of Citrus reticulata Banco. It has many varieties with different names, such as lemon, orange, pomelo, lime, tangerine, and so on. Here, Dr Li Ye Sen talks more about the tangerine, also known as mandarin, mandarin orange or mandarine.

Each year, during the seasons of autumn and winter is also the harvest season of mandarin orange. Mandarin orange is rich in fruitage. It is good in all aspects including colour, aroma and taste. The sweet and sour taste of mandarin orange is so delicious until on can not stop eating it. Often, people get discomfort and sick after eating too much of mandarin oranges. Why so?

Let us reveal the secret…
Mandarin orange is a type of tropical and subtropical evergreen fruit. It would be considered a food grade medicine. Everything in nature is considered medicine and has a grade: superior (food), medicinal (medicine) and fine (toxic). Each thing has its own properties and tastes. Properties include of cold, hot, warm and cool; while tastes include of five tastes i.e. sour, sweet, bitter, pungent, and salty. Mandarin orange tastes sweet and is hot in properties. Therefore, overeating of mandarin orange will often accumulate at stomach and intestine, causing gastrointestinal indigestion. This will trigger what is called: damp-heat or dampness-heat sickness, with symptoms such as diarrhea, pulpy stool, excessive phlegm and so on.

Then, how do we have the gourmet’s luck of eating a mandarin orange, satisfying our appetites but at the same time not harming our bodies? Let me tell you one of the most simple and most effective way — i.e. do not peel off all of the rind to make it too clean when eating mandarin oranges or tangerines. Eat the mandarin orange together with tangerine pith, i.e. the albedo art and the rind part. The rind will balance the properties of the flesh or fruit. Then, that problem is solved.

Perhaps you may ask, “Why it so?”

According to the Five Element Theory, everything in nature are in mutual generation and mutual restraint with another thing in nature. This relationship forms a balanced entirety or synergy. While each individual itself in nature is also a balanced entirety. Various parts among each individual are being in mutual generation and mutual restriction. Each other are mutually generated and constraint. In terms of tangerine, the fruit are hot and damp in properties, while its skin or rind is bitter and warm in properties. This is the dry tangerine peel of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Dry tangerine skin, especially the tangerine pith or rind has the functions of regulating the vital energy flow and removing obstruction toit; invigorating the Spleen; and removing dampness to reduce phlegm. It is a major herb in treating fullness of chest and gastral cavity. I is used less in eating, but still for vomit and diarrhea; coughing, excessive phlegm and other illnesses.

Therefore, theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine are from nature, and are applicable to human bodies and nature. The Five Elements are occurring in people as well. Five Elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water related to the Liver/Gallbladder, Heart/Small Intestines, Splee/Stomach, Lungs/Large Intestines and Kidney/Urinary Bladder. They effect the daily functions, but without one being aware or knowing about it on.

Thank You Dr Li YeSen for this informative article. Click on the link to see the original article it has more details as well as other informative articles.

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity