We had a death in the family yesterday.
My sister Amenah's (Power of One Team) husband David Curtis passed at 58 years yesterday. He had been ill for some time. Amenah is my number one MLMer and has a tax business. I am the oldest of 6 children born of a Latin mom - a Matriarch by nature. My mom is 79 years young and in excellent health.
Yesterday was her birthday 02/10/10 a blessed day! We celebrated two lives - grateful that my mom is here with us, healthy and happy going with the flow. And grateful David passed in a peaceful sleep surrounded by his loving family and a wife of 36 years. Our family is close and here for my sister. My brother is taking care of arrangements. We all have point of views and perspectives. My bother and I are two philosophers in our family of many (where every religion and point of view is honored and we finally have grown to find a place of agreement in our disagreements).
From my perspective, death is a birth. We are all pure spirit - Shen/The Light, Hun/soul with Qi/energy force, frequency and vibration. Death is a freeing transformation of the Shen/Spirit returning to the Source leaving behind the illusions of the earthly spirits: the "Crew Members"; the Yi/mind/Ego, the Zhur/emotions/Personality and the Po/body/five senses/Identity. Soul remains for awhile observing and preparing for it's next journey of infinite possibilities. It returns with the Shen/Spirits.
Loved ones left behind take time to process their loss, celebrate the transformed life and release the attachment. We all will return to the Source.
To the memory of David Curtis "Uncle Dad" to all the children in a generation who need a dad. He loved and was loving, kind and generous with all that he had. He loved his family, he loved his wife, loved nature, biking and fishing with his brothers. He is beloved. We will miss his presence in our lives and family.