Thursday, December 31, 2009

Prosperity - New Years Eve Blue Moon 2009

New Year’s Eve 2009 is truly Once in a Blue Moon.

New Years Eve 2009 will be the first blue moon on New Year's Eve in 19 years.

The term Blue Moon does not refer to the color but rather the timing of a full moon that occurs twice in the same month. It is the second full moon in December as we had a full moon back on December 2nd.

In Blue Moon folklore the term Blue Moon dates back at least 400 years. In some philosophies the moon phases are associated with the maiden, the mother and the crone. Therefore the Blue Moon is said to be the transition of the crone or grandmother phase to the divine level of existence a spiritual transforming event.

This odd numbered moon would allow for the re-alignment of the remaining moon’s and seasons. Legends state during a full Blue Moon the moon has a face and spoke to those in its light, imparting wisdom for the coming year.

Native and farming cultures observed the seasons and the moon. Most years have 12 moons and 12 different names, but in the years with 13 full moons the monthly season influenced by the moon would be expected to come too early. Hens were said to recommence laying eggs at the third full moon, but during a thirteen full moon cycle they would not begin until the fourth. They determined it to be too cold for laying eggs; therefore this early moon was called the blue moon. The term Blue Moon was used when describing events that happen rarely if ever, hence Once in a Blue Moon.

A Blue Moon offers a rare opportunity to accelerate manifestation of whatever we want. This year it occurs on New Years Eve and that is especially significant. The full moon in itself is a time every month where the energies are amplified; however a full Blue Moon's energy vibrations are increased dramatically. The year 2009 is ending with cosmic fireworks and a Lunar Eclipse of mythical proportions. This is indeed a time to use the power of the Blue Moon to give an added boost to new years’ resolutions. A deep love relationship is being cemented. We are one with the universe, one with all that is and all that will be.

Follow our hearts desires, passion and your bliss to create abundance in all aspects of your life. For those who have not yet found their true love, soul mate or spirit partner, this the is time to know deep in your heart that this being already exist in your life on an inner plane. Are your ready? Your certainty will create the vibration to attract him/her on a physical level. Know this - you must already "be" what you want in a soul mate. In your “being”, the Law of Attraction will manifest the connection for you. Whatever it is that you want - you have to be that already. Evaluate "who are you being" and "how are you being". Don’t let this time pass you by. There won't be another Blue Moon on New Year's until 2028.

Wishing you Love, Joy, Peace, Health, Wealth and a Prosperous 2010!

Thank you, Michelle Karén M.A., D.F.Astrol.S, Tyhychi Healing and Jerry O'Neill. Your inspiration to me is illustrated in this blog.


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Prosperity - Infinite Possibilities - Tao Teh Ching #4 - Lao Tzu

Prosperity is part of your being. We are one with the universe possessing infinite possibilities.

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.
- Lao Tzu

Translations of Tao Tech Ching number FOUR

The Tao is (like) the emptiness of a vessel; and in our
employment of it we must be on our guard against all fullness. How
deep and unfathomable it is, as if it were the Honoured Ancestor of
all things!

We should blunt our sharp points, and unravel the complications of
things; we should attune our brightness, and bring ourselves into
agreement with the obscurity of others. How pure and still the Tao
is, as if it would ever so continue!

I do not know whose son it is. It might appear to have been before
God. - Translated by James Legge

The subtle Way of the universe
appears to lack strength,
yet its power is inexhaustible.
Fathomless, it could be the origin of all things.
It has no sharpness,
yet it rounds off all sharp edges.
It has no form,
yet it unites all tangles.
It has no glare,
yet it merges all lights.
It harmonizes all things
and unites them as on integral whole.
It seems so obscure,
yet it is the Ultimate Clarity.
Whose offspring it is can never be known.
It is that which existed before any divinity.
- Translated by Master Hua-Ching Ni

Thursday, December 17, 2009

ENERGY - From Two Magic Words

The Power of the Universe is captured in the energy of Two Magic Words. A Breath of Qi or energy transforms your universe with language.

Prosperity is a State of mind, body and spirit created from thought, feelings and words.

The two magic words are I am. I am what I believe, think, feel and say I am. As I evaluate my beliefs, I change my thinking, adjust my attitude and chose my words. I change my state of being, thoughts, feelings, behavior and my reality. I am intentional in the process and practice to train my mind, instruct my thoughts, discipline my behavior, guide my emotions, adjust my attitude and guard my language. I awaken my soul to take charge of my life and I set my spirit free - Free to be. Free to re-create my life in love and in service. - Love Saquina

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Prosperity - A Favorite Quote - Know you are

"Don't think you are, know you are."

- Morpheus
Neo's spiritual guide and leader

The Matrix for many is just another sci-fi movie production, but for those who appreciate the philosophy of The Matrix, it presents a spiritual wake-up call and process of transformation. It challenges our beliefs, concepts, thinking, understanding, perception and perspective of reality and illusion.

Prosperity, success, purpose and destiny are created from a state of mind, a state of being… a state of knowing. One must know what one wants, before one can manifest it. We can take a thought, an obstacle, a challenge or a seemingly bad situation and transform it into something wonderful. We transform our self in the process.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Prosperity - Ten Basic Universal Laws of Prosperity

Heard of Zero Point Field Energy ? Take my Tour
Ten Universal Laws of Prosperity

Here are the ten basic Universal Laws of Prosperity.

We are all governed by the same universal laws and the greatest law is rooted in the law of unconditional love. Here is a glimpse of ten basic laws of the universe.

1. The Law of Love
Unconditional love for self and others.
2. The Law of Attraction
Your thoughts and feelings manifest your reality.
3. The Law of Pure Potentiality
You are the source of infinite possibilities.
4. The Law of Effort
Be present with effortless acceptance.
5. The Law of Kharma
Cause and Effect. You reap what you sow.
6. The Law of Being
You are the Supreme, being sourced by the Divine within.
7. The Law of Intention
You are a creator with the power to intend reality.
8. The Law of Giving
Give what you seek to receive your hearts desires.
9. The Law of Detachment
Send it out and let it go. It will return.
10 The Law of Dharma
Fulfillment. Your purpose is yours for the awakening.

Have you heard of Zero Point Field Energy?
Here Sam Adams tells you all about it.Click.
Zero Point Field Energy - Found Out from Sam
Thank you for your great Solar System picture:

Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Prosperity - A Favorite Quote - Free Your Mind

"I'm trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it."

- Morpheus - The Matrix

Prosperity is a state of being. For some it is innate, for others it must be created. For some it is a quick paradigm shift, for others it is a journey. Cultivating prosperity starts with a shift in belief, a state of mind, an attitude. It's a transformation. Knowing is not enough. One must go through it and walk the road less traveled within your own reality.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Universal Laws and Chi or Qi

The Universal Laws are based on Chi (or Qi), a metaphysical air, breath or energy. Qi is life-force that which animates the forms of the universe and sustains life. It is the vibratory nature of phenomena that ebbs and flows continuously at every level of life; molecular, atomic and sub-atomic levels. It is all Qi, which is energy, information, frequency and vibrations that exist in everything in the universe: a galaxy, a star, the sea, a tree and you. A star, a tree, or a human body is simply Qi or energy, and information vibrating at different frequencies. In this belief system our bodies are not separate from the energy of the universe. You and I are simply an energy wiggle, or Qi in the larger quantum field, which makes you and I an extension of the universe. How awesome is that!

The Universal Laws are rooted in love

The Universal Laws of Prosperity are rooted in love and abundance and everything in the universe reflects the oneness of the universe. We are all one with the universe, therefore You are Me and I am You – simply in a different container and having a different life experience. I was first introduced to these concepts in my twenties, then again at Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It was just a fleeting concept most of it went right over my head. However, I was exposed to it over and over again by different people and books that came into my life. Now I’ve got it. It is my desire to impart it to you with unconditional love. I will plant the seed and you can water it – as you wish.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Prosperity - A Favorite Quote - Money

Never use money as a measure of wealth - Robert Duvall in Broken Trail

Set in 1898, Print Ritter (Robert Duvall) and his estranged nephew Tom Harte (Thomas Haden Church) become the reluctant guardians of five abused and abandoned Chinese girls.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Universal Laws of Prosperity

Universal Laws of Prosperity is a belief system rooted in ancient philosophies including Taoism, which states that all of creation, everything that exists in the physical world, is the result of the “unmanifest” (the unknown) transforming itself into the “manifest” (the known). We perceive the results of the transformation as the observer of the visible. Therefore, Universal Laws of Prosperity defined by Deepak Chopra in the The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success is the process by which the unmanifest becomes the manifest, where the observer becomes the observed, the seer becomes the scenery and the dreamer manifests the dream. In Conversations with God, Neale Donald Walsch wrote the source of all creation is the Supreme, Being. This is the Divinity Consciousness, Being or The Absolute, Being in motion becomes the relative. The relative is motion of waves of possibilities until it is observed, then it becomes a thing visible. You are a creator, the relative creating from waves of possibilities. Therefore, you are the relative of the Absolute creating from Universal Laws of Prosperity. Abundance. Ponder that for a minute.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What's a prosperity doctor?

Prosperity is a state of being and a state of mind being in abundance. By definition, prosperity is a state of being prosperous or propitious. That is being financially successful and flourishing in high economic activity. It also means being presented with favorable circumstances, being disposed to the promise of success or having an advantageous position such as: a propitious omen or a moment propitious for action. Prosperity relates to more than money. One can be rich with money, land and property and miserly with a poverty mentality. One can steal from others to acquire riches, but lives in fear of being discovered. One can have amassed material wealth, but in the process be a lost soul.

A prosperity doctor is qualified to use the Universal Laws of Prosperity in their practice to guide and assist one in the development, cultivation and transformation to the higher levels of ones self-awareness to awaken the soul and set the spirit free to create from one's true higher-self. One becomes a creator by intention to create the life and reality of health, wealth and prosperity.

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity DoctorTM