Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Universal Laws and Chi or Qi

The Universal Laws are based on Chi (or Qi), a metaphysical air, breath or energy. Qi is life-force that which animates the forms of the universe and sustains life. It is the vibratory nature of phenomena that ebbs and flows continuously at every level of life; molecular, atomic and sub-atomic levels. It is all Qi, which is energy, information, frequency and vibrations that exist in everything in the universe: a galaxy, a star, the sea, a tree and you. A star, a tree, or a human body is simply Qi or energy, and information vibrating at different frequencies. In this belief system our bodies are not separate from the energy of the universe. You and I are simply an energy wiggle, or Qi in the larger quantum field, which makes you and I an extension of the universe. How awesome is that!