Friday, January 29, 2010

Prosperity - A Favorite Poem - IF

My mom suggested this poem for today and selected this picture:
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you
But make allowance for their doubting too,
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream–
and not make dreams your master,
If you can think–
and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ‘em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it all on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: “Hold on!”
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings–nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much,
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And – which is more – you’ll be a Man, my son!
                                            –Rudyard Kipling

Rudyard Kipling's (1865-1936) inspirational poem 'If' first appeared in his collection 'Rewards and Fairies' in 1909. The poem 'If' is inspirational, motivational, and a set of rules for 'grown-up' living. Kipling's 'If' contains mottos and maxims for life, and the poem is also a blueprint for personal integrity, behaviour and self-development. 'If' is perhaps even more relevant today than when Kipling wrote it, as an ethos and a personal philosophy. Lines from Kipling's 'If' appear over the player's entrance to Wimbledon's Centre Court - a poignant reflection of the poem's timeless and inspiring quality.

Thoughts from my mom who
selected this picture for this poem:
"Life is like a river constant obstacles that we have to learn to accept or circumvent."
                                    - Mae Garcia Conley Dickerson

To Your Success,
To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Prosperity in 2010 - Leverage Universal Timing

Heaven is signified by Yin and Yang, manifested as summer and winter and the changing of the four seasons. - Sun Tzu

With the beginning of the new millennium and the new decade, a new era is coming to the fore again. We are truly moving away from Yang, toward Yin.

The Universe, carrying Yin and Yang in Her bosom, infuses both forces with equal energy. Thus harmony is created. - Sun Tzu.

It is the way of the Tao

It is all about timing. We often say there is your time and God's time. There are two kinds of timing: personal timing of which you can control whether to make a move or decision or not. Then there is universal timing, which occurs when all the forces of nature are in alignment and flowing in one direction. Neither you nor anyone else can manipulate the universal flow. What you can do is USE it! You take advantage of it's energy. Being in sync with universal timing is like running with the wind at your back, rather than against it.

You can leverage Universal Timing. When you become in alignment with the natural forces, it gives you the edge, the advantage and the momentum. Momentum is power that you can harness. When you put yourself in alignment with an idea whose time has come, you are unstoppable! Seize The Moment.

The sun provides short and long days, and the moon has waxing and waning cycles. - Sun Tzu

Inspired by Chin-ning Chu's, The Art of War for Women. Chu dispels her wisdom for winning at work. Her sound advice is also applicable for men as well. A must read for all who want to leverage Sun Tzu's ancient strategies on The Art of War.

To Your Success
Saquina Akanni

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Prosperity - In 2010 Blossom With What You Have


Turn your liabilities into assets by blossoming where you are planted and taking everything that you have and leveraging it. Oprah Winfrey is a perfect example of this concept. Oprah (People Profiles, Time, Inc.) was born into poverty, grew up surrounded by bigotry, and got pregnant (but lost the baby) when she was fourteen. All of her early life experiences contributed to her sensitivity and enhanced her ability to relate to people of every walk of life. She blossomed from where she was planted. She blossomed with what she had.

Every experience we have; the good, the bad and the ugly, help create who we are in a moment in time. There is no accident. Nothing is wasted. There is no blame or shame. Your experiences shape you and it is your choice of how you perceive and choose to handle each challenge, situation or undesirable occurrence. It is all an illusion created in your mind. Create something wonderful.

Find a fresh perspective. Look around and get a new point of view. Explore all possibilities. Execute unconventional and outrageous strategies when you find yourself at a disadvantage. You already have what you need to take it to the next level. Don't let your Ego (lying mind), your Personality (drama, drama) or your Identity (putting on airs) get in your way. Use what you have. Create a new plan, take a new path, blaze a new trail and find a new way to do what you want to do. Do it yourself, rooted in your true self. Be natural and have fun. It will pay off.

As you can tell I have been inspired by Chin-ning Chu's, The Art of War for Women as she dispels her wisdom for winning at work. Chu's sound advice is also applicable for men. It is a must read for all who want to leverage Sun Tzu's ancient strategies on The Art of War.

To Your Success
Saquina Akanni

Photo by Sophia Negesti

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Prosperity - In 2010 - Take The Five Element Quiz

Ever wonder what your innate greatest strength is?
What about your greatest weakness?
What if you could identify this strength in yourself and others?
What if you could use it to improve relationships or even repair one?

According to the Five Elements you have all five energy traits. Most people have a dominant energy trait and a deficient trait that creates a reality of how they experience life and relationships. This Five Element Energy Quiz will help you discover your dominate energy trait and your weakest trait to help you uncover where your greatest strength lie. Take this Quick Five Element QUIZ. Set up a consultation appointment. I will help you turn you Liabilities into Assets.

Which is your innate energy type? Place a number by each starting with your strongest energy trait as #1 and weakest as #5.

1. The Pioneer: You desire purpose, are driven by adventure, seeking a challenge, fearless, battling adversity, drawn to travel unexplored paths, explores the stars in an astronaut suit, can launch a new business from scratch, eager to innovate, reform and revolutionize. Feels invincible yet fears vulnerability. Likes the struggle, can become agitated, irritated and angry.

2. The Wizard: You desire fulfillment, a free spirit that lives in the moment, ready access to your intuition, seeking intimacy, affectionate, expressive and wanting excitement. The superior communicator, you are optimistic, open, friendly, generous, charismatic and seductive, you can transform self and inspire others. Can camouflage yourself and hide in excess, joy, bliss or become illusive and  will burn bridges.

3. The Peacemaker: You desire harmony, you hold your world together with practical, down-to-earth intelligence, seeking community, anticipating and meeting the needs of family, friends and co-workers. The negotiator, you nurture relationships, a master of positioning and leverage. A deep thinker. You can be prone to concerns and worry, want change but feels stuck or a victim of your own decisions of generosity.

4. The Alchemist: You desire order, You are immaculate, impeccable, and seeking purity. You are well organized, a master of ceremony, disciplined, seeking perfection and beauty. Your talent is discrimination and reason. You can distill and transform coarse and primitive into refined beauty. A keeper of standards.and innately knows what is right, but may accept what is safe. Can be controlling and judgmental, wants relationships, but needs distance, wants joy but fears spontaneity, will settle for utility and prone to sadness or grief.

5. The Philosopher: You are a visionary, with insight and wisdom, on a relentless quest for truth and discovery, seeking to expose the unknown, curiously uncovering new knowledge, offering insight to the hidden, a keen imagination, at home in the dark and mysterious. Goes with the flow and can create a new path. Yearns for the truth, but may fear exposure, wants the connection yet intolerant of contact, enjoys being alone but can become detached in solitude.

What is your #1 and 2 strongest trait? Why?
What is #5 your weakest trait? Why?

Email me at for detailed answers to your questions.

To Your Success,
To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity

Monday, January 25, 2010

Prosperity - In 2010 - Turn Liabilities into Assets

Pull From The Power Within
The Most Important Assets Are In Your Head

Take into account what you believe about yourself, your strengths and weaknesses. Observe how well you deal with differences of opinion and different points of view. How are your relationship skills with yourself and with others? How well do you interact with your colleagues, clients, competition, bosses, employees, family and friends. You can not begin to deal effectively with the external terrain until you deal with your internal terrain, that is, what is going on inside your head. Your success depends on how well you utilize your own resources, both your strengths and your weaknesses. No attribute is purely positive or negative. It all depends on what you do with the hand you are dealt.

Know Thyself
Success or failure starts with knowing who you are. Know your strengths and weakness and leverage them. Whatever your innate personal energy strength is, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal or Water - Know it and is use it. You have all Five Element energy sources within you. Discover the deeper levels of yourself. One Element innately dominates and one is second in command naturally. One is weak and one is deficient. Maximize your most powerful energy Element and develop your weakest energy Element. Then you can pull from any part of yourself when you need to use it. Remember:

- Wood: The Pioneer spirit seeking a challenge and purpose
- Fire: The Wizard free spirit seeking fulfillment and intimacy
- Earth: The Peacemaker seeking harmony and community
- Metal: The Alchemist seeking order and organization
- Water: The Philosopher revelation and vision

Whatever your personal qualities are: adventurous or safety, charismatic or detached, gentle or aggressive, elegant or sporty, collaborative or competitive - pull from your strengths and leverage your weaknesses. Don't be afraid to use the power within.

To Your Success
Saquina Akanni

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Prosperity - In 2010 - Blog

Start a Blog.  It is fun. It's FREE.
You can even sell stuff on your blog.
I like Google Blogger as I find it to be easier than WordPress.

Getting Start
I suggest you create a Gmail account from where you want to Blog (but you can use any email account). Then type in the URL Blogger. Watch the video illustrate how to create a Blogger Account.

Once that is done you can start Blogging. Select a Template (you can change it later). Work in Compose or HTML. Compose is very easy like using Word. Type in your Text. Add Photos. Change Font size and color.

Then click PUBLISH POST. View Blog.

Make Changes
Now you can Customize it. Customize lets you add stuff and change the way your blog looks. Try playing with the gadgets to add Text, Pictures and HTML code from YouTube. After you make changes, don't forget to Publish Post. View it. You got a BLOG!

Here is my FAMILY HERB blog. Benita wants me to at Xango so you can buy 1 bottle if your funds are tight. I'll do that next week.

Have A Blog?
Need a Blog?
Needed it like Yesterday?
Don't have time to go to a class, read an eBook or webinar?
Contact me and I will help you get it up in 55 minutes.
Subject: Urgent Blog!

To Your Success,
To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Love Saquina

Prospeirty - In 2010 - Read Emotional Intelligence 2.0

If you had to select a person “most likely to succeed,” how would you go about making your choice? According to authors Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves, you would miss the mark, if you based your choice on IQ, education, achievements or experience. The main criteria instead, is a set of social skills known as  Emotional Intelligence or EQ.

EQ is a skill that helps people interact effectively with others. When you are emotionally intelligent, your emotions work for – not against – you. Even the most emotionally challenged can boost their EQs by practicing the skills outlined in the book. Specific examples illustrate how to bring your EQ to bear in a variety of situations in relationships at home and at work.

Learn how to leverage your EQ to improve job performance by 60% besides helping you in every other aspect of your personal life including your health.

The quality of relationships will determine the effectiveness of your communication. If you have good relationships, you will be able to get your point across successfully. Emotions play a significant role in relationships. Unless the emotional aspect of a relationship is addressed not much progress can be made.

Emotional Intelligence is made up of four intelligences: Self awareness, Self management, social awareness and relationship management.

Self Awareness is the ability to be conscious of your own emotions as they are occurring. This requires that you be become aware of what you are thinking about and what you are feeling in any situation. Emotions are a cue that something that you deem important has happened in your surroundings be it with a person, people or situations. Emotions do not arise from nowhere. They are internal reactions to beliefs, thoughts, memories and strong feelings. By understanding where your emotional reactions come from and why, you will be in a strong position to stay on top of your emotions in any situation.

Self Management is being aware of your own emotions, acting on your self awareness adjusting your attitude and behavior based on an observation of your own emotions as they occur. Together self awareness and self management make up the personal competence of an individual. Your EQ reflects your personality and identity that you have created and project.

Social Awareness is the ability to be in-tune and to read other people. It is skill to be aware of attitudes and behaviors that reflect what the other person is thinking and feeling. It is being in the other person listening meaning being focused and attentive, as well as becoming aware of their points of view and perspectives. This is an art that can be developed.

Relationship Management relies on the preceding three skills and has to do with how you build and maintain your interpersonal relationships. By becoming aware of your own emotions and that of others you can manage your own thoughts, attitude, behavior and words in response to different points of views and perspectives. You are now in a strong position to develop, nurture and leverage any relationship.

Listening is the most important skill you need to practice and build up your EQ. When you listen, you must stop thinking. Many listen to anticipate the person's point and a reaction occurs. Learn to listen without trying to prepare a response to send out as soon as the other person has stopped talking. Mastering your listening skills and techniques will transform 90% of your social awareness and relationship management.

Travis Bradberry, Ph.D. and Jean Greaves, Ph.D. are co-founders of EQ training and experts in industrial-organizational psychology.

To Your Success
To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity

Saquina Akanni

Friday, January 22, 2010

Prosperity in 2010 - Read Our Iceberg Is Melting

Changing and Succeeding 
Under Any Condition

The 8-Step Process of Successful Change

1. Create a Sense of Urgency
Help others see the need for change and the importance of acting immediately.
2. Pull Together the Guiding Team. 
Make sure there is a powerful group guiding the change—one with leadership skills, bias for action, credibility, communications ability, authority, analytical skills.

3. Develop the Change Vision and Strategy
Clarify how the future will be different from the past, and how you can make that future a reality.

4. Communicate for Understanding and Buy-in
Make sure as many others as possible understand and accept the vision and the strategy.
5. Empower Others to Act 
Remove as many barriers as possible so that those who want to make the vision a reality can do so.
6. Produce Short-Term Wins
Create some visible, unambiguous successes as soon as possible.
7. Don’t Let Up
Press harder and faster after the first successes. Be relentless with instituting change after change until the vision becomes a reality.

8. Create a New Culture 
Hold on to the new ways of behaving, and make sure they succeed, until they become a part of the very culture of the group.

Author: John Kotter

To Your Success in 2010
To Your Health Wealth and Prosperity


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Prosperity - In 2010 - Lao Tzu #10

Can you always embrace Oneness
  without the slightest separation of
  body and mind?
Can you maintain undivided concentration
  until your vital force is as supple as a
  newborn baby's
Can you clarify your inner visio to be flawless?
Can youlove your people and serve your state
  with no self-exaltation?
As Life's Gate opens and closes
   in the performance of birth and death,
  can you maintain the receptive,
  feminine principle
  when yin and yang are changing?
After achieving the crystal clear mind,
  can you remain detached and innocent?

Give birth to and nourish all things
 without desiring to possess them.
Give of yourself,
  without expecting something in return.
Assist people, but do not attempt to control them.
This is how to realize the eep virtue of the universe.
- Lao Tzu #10

The Complete Works of Lao Tzu
Tao Teh Ching & Hua Hu Ching
Translation and Elucidation by
Hua-Ching Ni 

Monday, January 18, 2010

Prospeirty - In 2010 - Tune Up your Health

People ask me all the time what do I take for my health. I recommend the Five Elements Superior Food Grade Herbs Tune Up - Five Elements and High Performance.

These herb formulas are from the Ni family the doctors that endow my university. Our family has been eating Traditions of Tao Tune Up foods since 1990. The Five Elements Prime Pak Food Grade Herbs are the main stay of our diet. It is the tune-up food to regenerate all of your systems at the cellular level. I eat it and all of my family eat them including baby Einstein Jabril!

It is the first meal of the day to nourish and repair organ systems. and my mom is 78 years young and in excellent health. She would not start her day without Five Elements tune-up. It is the food for life to sustain and maintain good health. I can not say enough here. You just have to try "Five Elements Tune-up" for yourself.
Superior Food Grade Herbs for Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water Elements.
They cleanse, balance, repair and regenerate all five organ systems at the cellular level.

WOOD: the Liver and Gallbladder System
FIRE:    the Heart, Cardio-Vascular and Small Intestine System
EARTH: the Spleen, Stomach and Digestive System.
METAL: the Lungs, Large Intestines, Colon and Immune System.
WATER: the Kidney, Urinary Bladder and Hormonal System.

The Original PRIME PAK
Five Elements, High Performance, Regenerating Cream, Small Tonic Oil, Ancient Treasures Tea and Frosties Crytals. Remember the retail price $189.00?

 Go to my website and get the complete Prime Pak Tune Up Kit.

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
click on Health on the side bar, click on the Tonic Oil picture
(We are featuring our Miracle Oil - Acupuncture in a Bottle)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Prospeirty - In 2010 - Read Lao Tzu - Here is #9

A bow that is stretched to its fullest capacity may certainly snap.

A sword that is tempered to its very sharpest may easily be broken.

A house that is full of jade and gold cannot remain secure for long.

One who proudly diplays his wealth invites trouble.

Therefore, resign from a hight position when your mission is complete.

This is the Universal Way of life of deep virtue.

- Lao Tzu #9

Prosperity in 2010- Favorite Quotes from Lao Tzu

Lao Tzu - Mystical World

The universe hears the music of your soul.

Anticipate the difficult by managing the easy.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.

If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Prospeirty - In 2010 - What is Your Innate Spirit?



The Five Spirits within
HUN (Soul), SHEN (Light), YI (Mind), and ZHUR (Emotions/Will-power)

WOOD: Adventuring spirit. The Pioneer: You are driven by adventure, fearless battling adversity, drawn to travel unexplored paths, explores the stars in an astronaut suit, can launch a new business from scratch, eager to innovate, reform and revolutionize.
FIRE: Free spirit. The Wizard: You live your life in the moment, ready access to your intuition, affectionate, expressive, superior communication, optimistic, open, friendly, generous, charismatic and seductive to transform self and inspire others.
EARTH: Nurturing spirit. The Peacemaker: You hold your world together with practical, down-to-earth intelligence, anticipating and meeting the needs of family, friends and co-workers. You nurture relationships, a master of positioning and leverage.
METAL: Transmuting spirit. The Alchemist: You are immaculate, impeccable, organized, a master of ceremony and disciplined. You can create something from nothing, distill and transform the coarse and primitive into refined elements, a keeper of standards, always seeking order, perfection and beauty.
WATER: Visionary spirit. The Philosopher: You have the foresight and use your insight and wisdom to uncovering new knowledge, dispelling unknown. You are on a relentless quest for truth with keen imagination, comfortable being alone, at home in the dark and mysterious.

Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Prosperity In 2101 - Five Elements - Know Thyself


The Five Spirits within...


It is all about perspective and points of view.

Ahhh different attitude, thoughts and feelings...
Every energy or spirit has a different perspective.

Food for thought.
Consider each elements attitude on RULES:

WOOD: Bends the rules ;)
FIRE: Rules - What rules? ;-)
EARTH: Obeys the rules :-)
METAL: Makes the rules!

WATER: Flows around the rules :)

Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Prospeirty In 2010 - Be Aware of Your Five Elements


Liver/Gall Bladder, Heart/Small Intestines, Spleen/Stomach, Lungs/Large Intestines and Kidney/Urinary Bladder.


These are the Five Elements relating to your health, organ systems and energy force within. Each element also has a spirit related to it.
You have all Five Elements. You can manage your five energy forces or spirits.

First is to be aware of your attitude, how you are feeling, what you are doing and how you are behaving.

Food for thought:

Wood: Where there is irritability and anger,
               I am calm and tranquil.
Fire: Where there is distress and distraught,
           I am happy and centered.
Earth: Where there is concern and worry,
              I am confident and intentional.
Metal::Where there is sorrow and regret,
               I am joyful and grateful.
Water: Where there is anxiety and fear,
                I am focused and courageous.

Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Monday, January 11, 2010

Prosperity In 2010 - Read The Art of War for Women by Chin-ning Chu

Still reading Ching-Ning Chu’s version of  
The Art of War for Women,
Sun Tzu's Ancient Strategies and Wisdom for Winning at Work.

Regardless of whether you want to move up in your company, start your own business, buy a franchise, join or start a MLM company - you must know thyself. You must start with where you are, where you want to go, what you have to work with and what you have to do to get there.

A must read if you want to know the other side of war!

Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Prosperity - In 2010 - Fire Elements and Art of War

Before waging a war, the Five Elements that govern success within you must be examined: Wood (your Pioneer spirit), Fire (The Wizard within), Earth (your Peacemaker), Metal (the Warrior within) and Water (the philosopher within). Only then can a proper assessment be done in relationship to yourself, others and a strategy put in place

According to Chinese Taoist philosophy and The Art of War business is war! The goal is to be in the Tao, (meaning virtue, ethics and integrity) and to "Win, Before You Fight". Art of War was written by Sun Tzu in the mist of a 500 year civil war. That quote means, in relationship to business we must know every part of the business:  the plan, the mission, goals, objectives and strategies. For victory all strategies, systems, marketing, training and contingencies must be in place before we begin.

Preparation for any battle in business includes anticipating everything that could possibly happen after the launch (initial attack). We must know and have the ability to alter the course once we are out of the gate (the battle is under way). We must remain flexible and be able to change once we start (the fighting begins). How? We tap into the Power within. We must "Know Thyself".

According to Sun Tzu, as illustrated by Chu, we must consider Ji (The Five Elements or Strategy): 1) Tao (The Way, moral values or ethics), 2) Tien (timing), 3) Di (resources or terrain), Jiang (leadership) and Fa (method). We will encounter things that we didn't plan for. Things will occur including unexpected frictions within the ranks. Resolve before there is destruction from within.

How? Know what you can control and what you can not! Everything around you will change, what remains the same is You! Your inner truth, inner force, your integrity, vision, your will and resolve will lead you to victory, if you are guided by your spirit or Light within. Victory is a state of mind, body, soul and emotions.

Whatever your venture is the soul knows, guided by your spirit or Light – your true self. Listen to the whisper and you will know when to go forward and when not!  You will know when to forge ahead, when to retreat and when to move on.

Those who carefully calculate their strategies will be led to victory.
Those who carelessly calculate their strategies will be led to defeat.
Art of War -Sun Tzu

To Your Success,
To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity

Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Friday, January 8, 2010

Prosperity In 2010 - The Art of War for Women

A must read for women and men alike who want to tap into their inner strength and take the holistic, road less traveled approach to empowering themselves and others. Learning the art of self discipline, self cultivation and self development is an art.

Forget everything you think you know about strategy, strength and success in the workplace. Chin-Ning Chu’s adaptation of the ancient masterpiece The Art of War in simply brilliant. The Art of War is not about war, but rather how not to war. It is about the Art of how to win without fighting.

Chin-Ning Chu uses Sun Tzu’s, the man who wrote The Art of War some 2,500 years ago, Taoist philosophy in showing women how to understand the basic principles and practices behind Chinese thinking and Taoism in every aspect of their lives.

It is a book about transformation of mind, body, spirit, soul and emotions. The workplace is a battlefield, and according to author, speaker and businesswoman Chu every women can master the tools and techniques presented in The Art of War.

Chin-Ning Chu distills The Art of War, in vivid battlefield terminology. Chu covers everything from promotions and work attire to dealing with sexual harassment and male chauvinist co-workers.

One of the keys elements of strategy that Chu advances is "Know Thyself," because "how well you know the world around you is directly proportional to how well you know yourself."

To Your Success,

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Prosperity In 2010 - Google Wave

What is Google Wave?
Google Wave is a hosted conversation.
Better than email but it's no fun,
if your friends don't have it.

Created by AlphaBettaFilms's Channel

Could not re-size this video,
if you know how, hit me up on twitter

Created by

I got an invite!
Do you need one?
Let's Wave!


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Prosperity In 2010 - Tweet

Follow Me On Twitter!
We hear this everywhere now on CNN, your local news, on your local radio stations and even part of some signatures on emails! There is an avalanche of new twitter users signing up every second looking to connect with like minded people.

They connect, share and promote themselves on twitter to create relationships and generate new fans, leads, news hounds, music listeners and market product and services.

Twitter is HOT!
Consider doing the same in 2010!

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity

Follow Me and I'll follow you back.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Prosperity - A Favorite Quote - Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it.
The Art of War - Sun Tzu

Reading The Art of War. There are so many versions.

Most authorities have translated The Art of War and Sun Tzu’s philosophy for strategic planning and execution for battle, conflict, terrain and casualties.

The Art of War stresses strength and weakness, the unpredictability of battle, timing, resources, deception and the high costs of war.

It also stresses the futility of seeking hard and fast rules, the subtle paradoxes of failure and success.

Sun Tzu directs us to take a holistic approach, do less, not more and how to simplify activities rather than making them complicated.

Actually, it is about the art. The Art of War is all about the art, not the war. It is all about how well you know yourself, before you can know and access others and your terrain.

Know Thyself.

See the beauty in all things.

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity

Monday, January 4, 2010

Prosperity In 2010 – Power of One - I'll Be There

The Power of One
It'll Be There.

Sometime you just need a little help.
I'll Be There.

We all have something to offer,
it may be diamonds, roses or a smile,
but be assured it is all Qi (Chi).
Someone can benefit from yours.
Be the Power of One.
Be There for someone.

Follow me on Twitter

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Propeirty - In 2010 - The Power of One - It's Your Time


It's your time.
You are the power of one.
Still have work to do?

Make a peaceful space for yourself.
Be an observer of your way of being.
Be aware of your thinking and personality.
Be aware of your attitude and identity.

Be aware of being annoyed or frustrated.
Be aware of critiquing and judging.
Be aware of pain and suffering.
Be aware of anger, shame and blame.

Let go of the past.
Live in the moment.
Make a better place for yourself.
Awaken your soul and you will fly.

It is your time.
Feel it in your soul.
Feel the love and joy in your heart.
Set your spirit free and you will soar!

Filled with love, joy and happiness,
You can heal your world.
You will make it a better place
for yourself, your family, your community
and for the entire human race.

It is your time.
Seize the moment.
Be the Power of One!

Love You
Follow me on Twitter

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Prosperity - In 2010 - The Oneness in All - Ommm

Wishing you love, joy, peace, happiness, health, and wealth.

See the oneness in all things. We are pure spirit.

I am you. I always was and always will be.
You are me. There is inside of me a place of confidence,
quietness, and security where all things
are known and understood. I perceive the
Magnificent Dweller at the center of my
consciousness and I know Her/Him to be my very self.

I am confident. I am serene. I am sure. I am grateful.
For each day brings a constant demonstration
of the power and wonder of the universe and myself.

I am sourced by God and live in faith.
For faith is the great mover.
God lives in me. In my heart.

Have a Happy and Prosperous 2010!
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Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!


The Blue Moon and Lunar Eclipse is of mythical proportions.

2010 is indeed a time to use the power of the New Year's Eve Blue Moon.

This Blue Moon ushers in a new decade offering a rare opportunity to accelerate manifestation of whatever you want. We are blessed with a Lunar Eclipse of mythical proportions and this year 2010 is indeed a time to use the power of the Blue Moon to give an added boost to New Years Resolutions. We start with a clean sheet and an unsoiled page. We can create whatever we want. A deep love relationship is being cemented with this day and 2010. We are one with the universe, one with all that is and all that will be. We are powerful!

This is the time to consider creating the reality that you want. Ponder the questions of your soul. What is it that you really want for yourself and in you life? What would you like to contribute to yourself, to others and to the world? Where do you feel the happiest? Where is your true home? Where do you feel safe and nurtured? What do you want to do? What do you really want? What would it take to make your heart sing and your soul soar?

This is the time to re-evaluate any old conditioning, belief systems or untruth that have been binding or constricting you. Shed them all like an old caterpillar shell. This is the time to become aware of the power of our beliefs, thoughts, feelings and words. Become a true co-creator of your life to manifest a whole new world of possibilities. Spread your wings and fly. You can create from infinite possibilities. Create a new reality.

In 2010 seek tranquility in nature, in quiet spaces created in your environment and home. Seek a silent moment to meditate and center yourself throughout the day. It is important to regenerate at a cellular level. Be aware of the quality of your food and drink; what you put into your body; of how you treat yourself; of your thoughts, feelings and environment. Everything has Qi (Chi) or energy. Some positive and some negative. With 2010 we are being opened wide internally to a new era, a new dawn and to the magic of the cosmos. It is a time for re-connecting to the sacredness of your soul. Find love, peace, joy, and happiness in all that you do. Reconnect with your true self; with the creativity of you childhood. Make everything a labor of love and don’t forget - Have fun!

Be - Do - Have - Results! Be the best that you can be. Do the work. Have fun! Journal - your Results every day. Follow your heart and your passion in creating health, wealth and financial abundance. Live in Gratitude and Great Exceptions!

Wishing you Love, Joy, Peace,
Health, Wealth and a Prosperous 2010!

Thank you, Michelle Karén M.A., D.F.Astrol.S, Tyhychi Healing and Jerry O'Neill. Your inspiration to me is illustrated in this blog.


Dedicated to Kenneth R Adams - Thinking of you