Saturday, January 23, 2010

Prospeirty - In 2010 - Read Emotional Intelligence 2.0

If you had to select a person “most likely to succeed,” how would you go about making your choice? According to authors Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves, you would miss the mark, if you based your choice on IQ, education, achievements or experience. The main criteria instead, is a set of social skills known as  Emotional Intelligence or EQ.

EQ is a skill that helps people interact effectively with others. When you are emotionally intelligent, your emotions work for – not against – you. Even the most emotionally challenged can boost their EQs by practicing the skills outlined in the book. Specific examples illustrate how to bring your EQ to bear in a variety of situations in relationships at home and at work.

Learn how to leverage your EQ to improve job performance by 60% besides helping you in every other aspect of your personal life including your health.

The quality of relationships will determine the effectiveness of your communication. If you have good relationships, you will be able to get your point across successfully. Emotions play a significant role in relationships. Unless the emotional aspect of a relationship is addressed not much progress can be made.

Emotional Intelligence is made up of four intelligences: Self awareness, Self management, social awareness and relationship management.

Self Awareness is the ability to be conscious of your own emotions as they are occurring. This requires that you be become aware of what you are thinking about and what you are feeling in any situation. Emotions are a cue that something that you deem important has happened in your surroundings be it with a person, people or situations. Emotions do not arise from nowhere. They are internal reactions to beliefs, thoughts, memories and strong feelings. By understanding where your emotional reactions come from and why, you will be in a strong position to stay on top of your emotions in any situation.

Self Management is being aware of your own emotions, acting on your self awareness adjusting your attitude and behavior based on an observation of your own emotions as they occur. Together self awareness and self management make up the personal competence of an individual. Your EQ reflects your personality and identity that you have created and project.

Social Awareness is the ability to be in-tune and to read other people. It is skill to be aware of attitudes and behaviors that reflect what the other person is thinking and feeling. It is being in the other person listening meaning being focused and attentive, as well as becoming aware of their points of view and perspectives. This is an art that can be developed.

Relationship Management relies on the preceding three skills and has to do with how you build and maintain your interpersonal relationships. By becoming aware of your own emotions and that of others you can manage your own thoughts, attitude, behavior and words in response to different points of views and perspectives. You are now in a strong position to develop, nurture and leverage any relationship.

Listening is the most important skill you need to practice and build up your EQ. When you listen, you must stop thinking. Many listen to anticipate the person's point and a reaction occurs. Learn to listen without trying to prepare a response to send out as soon as the other person has stopped talking. Mastering your listening skills and techniques will transform 90% of your social awareness and relationship management.

Travis Bradberry, Ph.D. and Jean Greaves, Ph.D. are co-founders of EQ training and experts in industrial-organizational psychology.

To Your Success
To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity

Saquina Akanni