Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing - Chakra Therapy

Chakra Therapy is an Alternative Medicine approach using energy healing and also relates Quantum Medicine as its focus is on energy, consciousness and intention, hence Quantum Medicine and energy healing.

The word Chakra is derived from a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” of energy. The word Chakra is derived from a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel”. Each of the primary chakra are a “spinning wheel of light” energy. Therefore, Chakras are simply an energy system projecting outside our physical body, each one associated with a certain area of organs and endocrine glands. 

The energy of Chakra is rooted in Ayurvedic Medicine and called Prana and also relates to Chinese Medicine Qi/Chi and Quantum Physics energy healing called Quantum Medicine.

Charkas are energy centers that open and close like the lens of a camera, receiving and sending information and life force energy. There are nine chakras: The Foot Chakras root to earth for grounding oneself, the Hand Chakras are the seat of creative energy and used for communicating and healing. The main Chakras are connected to the “energy channel” and correspond with particular body organs, psychological patterns and emotional responses.

Chakra Therapy is an alternative medicine or self-care energy healing approach that uses crystals to ground, balance, center, protect, run and transform ones energy. The Chakra Therapy system also uses Aromatheraphy, Color Theraphy, Nature Therapy, Sound Therapy, Yoga Therapy and Reflexology as well. Chakra Therapy is easy to learn and one can increase energy levels by using basic Chakra meditation and crystal placement.

We are our atoms; we are our organs and our chemical physiology all with their unique systems. We do not end at our skin and our body is an energy system constantly changing that is affected by and affects the energy around us – the Quantum field. The magnetic energy that surrounds our body is called an “aura”. This aura is created by the energy of the charkas.

Even more common is the physical manifestation of the reactionary chakra. If the heart Chakra is “shrunken and dirty” a common compensation is for the Solar Plexus chakra to become out of balance or over active. The organs associated with the Solar Plexus (liver, pancreas, small intestine, gall bladder, spleen) could then eventually show outward physical signs of dysfunction such as indigestion, blood sugar imbalance and signs or symptoms of other liver or digestive problems.

The physical body mirrors the Chakra energy, the imbalance in a Chakra from an emotional or spiritual issue then can manifest into a physical ailment. Basically, our physical bodies are just a physical interpretation of our energy body. So wouldn't it be a really good idea to fix, balance and; harmonize our energy body?

Each chakra relates strongly to a specific part of the body, and specific emotions, mental, and spiritual concerns. Some people can see Chakras. Because each Shakra has a different vibrational frequency, they appear as different colors of the rainbow, starting with red at the ROOT Chakra or Chakra 1.

In Chakra Therapy gemstones and crystals are often used on the energy centers for their transformational qualities. The main purpose in working with Charkas is to integrate mind, body and spirit to create wholeness within ones self. The goal of understanding chakras is to become centered, balanced and in alignment with self and other beings. It is a means to guide one in the realization of unlimited potential and abundance.

In Chakra Therapy an Agate gemstone has many transformational qualities and works well on the 1st Chakra, because of its grounding energy, Black Tourmaline drives away fear and negativity, Red Coral brings stability and balance to the emotions, Red Jasper is a powerful healer for the physical body; strengthens blood and enhances vitality, while Garnet strengthens, purifies, dispels negativity and reduces feelings of insecurity. These all work well for the first Charka in  Chakra Therapy.

The seven primary Chakras deal with beliefs, thoughts, emotions, intentions and spirituality. The Chakras have enormous effect over health and wellbeing. The physical body mimics Chakra energy, when there is dysfunction in your Chakra energy, your physical body will reflect. For example, if the heart Chakra is distorted from previous relationship issues that are not resolved, eventually the energy will manifest physically as heart, lung or immune imbalance.

The Seven Primary Chakra Energy Centers
There are seven basic chakras, starting with level one the Root Chakra in the groin area and working up to the seventh at the crown of your head. The following is a simple reference to the colors, placement of crystal, and what healing and increased energy you can expect from each point. The following represent the 1st through 7th Chakra:

1) The Root Chakra. Sometimes called the “survival” Chakra and use the red color stones. Physical identity, earth, grounding, and self-preservation are governed by first Chakra, located at the base of the spine. This Chakra is our body’s foundation and is related to the sense of survival, grounding into the earth, money and abundance. Thoughts and beliefs are filtered, influenced and even obscured by our past, environment, traditions, race, education, religion etc. Beliefs regarding “survival” are associated with parents, “family scars, tribal mind, and concerned with love and loyalty. “Love, being confused with obligation to the tribe: “If you really loved me, you’d come visit your family and me more often.” Cording is an energy attachment and in 1st Chakra relates to emotional issues such as, “Help me survive.” “Emotional issues include: lack of commitment, operating out of fear, need for safety and security, and unfinished issues with parents. Health Issues: Sciatica, varicose veins, chronic low back pain, rectal tumors or cancer.” (Diemer, 13) Childhood programming can be re-evaluated, released and replaced with your own set of beliefs that reflect who you are today and serve you now. Working with 1st Chakra results in forgiveness, health, and a sense of grounding and security. The Color Therapy is red and Garnet stone is an excellent choice for this Chakra. Garnet strengthens and energizes the body and increases circulation. Place it on the tail bone when working with 1st Chakra.

2) Spleen Chakra. Uses the orange color. Located in the lower abdomen to navel area near the lower back, is concerned with day-to-day physical aspects of living and relating to others. Did you learn healthy relationship skills or dysfunctional ways of relating? It contains stored memories of how you related with others. We learn and experience relationships from parents, family and environment. The emotional identity represents sex, passion, creativity, and self-gratification. Emotional upsets, feeling, sensation, and issues such as self-confidence, self-respect, self-control, trust and authority issues can be addressed through 2nd Chakra. Needy vibrations can be drained and victim perceptions can be removed. “Health Issues: Sexual dysfunction, reproductive disorders, hemorrhoids, prostate and bladder problems” (Diemer, 14) manifest from blocked energy in 2nd Chakra. The Color Therapy is clear orange used to stimulate and renew energy. Working with this Chakra results in a greater depth of feelings, relationships, balance and the ability to accept change. Use gold stones, a Gold Topaz, a Carnelian, Hematite or tiger’s eye when working with 2nd Chakra.

3) Solar Plexus Chakra. Uses the yellow color. This Chakra the Center and Bridge between the Spleen and Heart Chakras, is the “distribution point for psychic energy and located above the navel area and below the chest. The yellow Chakra is a powerful Chakra that rules will, personal power, self-control, self-esteem and metabolism. It represents fire, ego identity, and how we perceive others. Blocked 3rd Chakra energy creates challenges integrating the heart emotion and sexual emotion, feeling cold and distant or being out of control. Emotional issues include fear of assuming responsibility, making decisions or intimidation. Health problems include digestive problems, indigestion, bulimia and ulcers.” (Diemer, 15) Yellow Color Therpahy warms, invigorates and relaxes. When a golden hue is added, it becomes a potent healing vibration. Use Amber or Citrine stones for a positive influence on the digestive system when working with this Chakra to clean out your energy field, regain control of yourself and your life, to respond rather than react to others, and to help ground you to respect the character and differences of others.

4) Heart Chakra. Uses color green. The center of the entire Chakra system it resides in the center of the chest near the heart. It is the Chakra of love, affinity, compassion and oneness with universal divine unconditional love. It connects the lower three physical Chakras, emotional centers to the higher mental and spiritual Chakra centers. It is the middle of the seven and represents love, self-acceptance, social identity, and air. Mind and body, male and female are represented here, and a healthy heart Chakra opens the doors of kindness and equality, compassion, peace, and centeredness. Emotional issues are grief, criticism, bitterness, and inability to give love or inability to receive love. Health issues manifest as Heart problems, emotional instability, breast cancer and lung cancer. Color Therpahy is Green to promote regenerataion and serenity. Use Emerald to strengthen the immune system, heart, liver, kidney and nervous systems. Use green Aventurine to release anxiety or Malachite stone for to balance all three levels; mental emotiona and physical and for weight loss. Open the 4th Chakra and fill yourself up with your own acceptance, unconditional love and validation. See the results in renewed joy, freedom, and serenity, as well as new creative energy flowing with clarity from your higher self.

5) Throat Chakra. The Blue Chakra is 5th Chakra and located in the throat at the base of the larynx, and the Chakra of communication, inspiration and self-expression. It is the energy center through which you receive your inner guidance to follow your path and fulfil your dreams. It is the bridge between the heart and the mind and holds the wisdom of the heart. It is an important chakra to speak your truth and to experience the world through the use of vibration. Emotional issues with self expression, following one’s dreams and powert to create your own reality in the physical world are associated with the 5th Chakra. Health issues may be “stuttering, chronic sore throat or TMJ (temporomandibular joint problems).” (Diemer, 16) The Color Therapy is blue opening you up to spiritual insights and truths. Working with this Chakra results in creative expression and clarity to communicate with your higher self, Higher Power and hear its guidance. Use Blue Topaz to enhance mental clarity and emotional healing or the Sodalite, which balances Yin and Yang (or female and male polarities within) when working with 5th Chakra.

6) Third Eye Chakra. The brow Violet Chakra is located in the center of the forehead between the eyebrows. It is violet or indigo blue and often referred to as the “third eye” Chakra. It is clairvoyant energy center of intuition, insight and vision. It is about archetypal identity (achieving work/life balance), light, and self-reflection; and is related to being able to awaken your imagination, to visualize and see a different perspective or see a deeper meaning for the higher good. Emotional issues may be fear of being vunerable, pensiveness, anxiety or inability to learn from life experiences, that is being involved in the same dysfunctional relationships, the same boring job or repeated health problems due to lifestyle decisions and poor choices. Health issues may arise as “eye problems, blindness, deafness, brain tumors, or mental confusion.” (Diemer, 16) The Violet Color Therapy opens the Chakra up for extrasensory perceptions. Working with 6th Chakra opens the third eye and allows one to see the truth, to embrace a holist view, see the big picture, tune up the intuitive and to see beyond the physical or intellect. Indigo blue opens and purifies the Chakra, while violet opens abilities for extrasensory perception. An Amethyst cleanse and renews all levels on consciousness, while the Lapis Lazuli stone “enhances psychic abilities and communication with your Higher Self” (Diemer,136). Have some fun and try them for this Chakra.

7) Crown Chakra. The Purple Chakra of the crown, is located on the top of the head called the “soft spot” in babies or Du20 in Chinese Medicine. It governs innate knowing, thought, universal identity, consciousness and pure intuition. This Chakra is the source of divine inspiration and divine creativity. It is the visionary center and must be open for all Chakras to integrate. It promotes healing, innate knowledge, wisdom, and a deeper understanding ourselves, of others and of our place in the universe. Emotional issues may be inability to trust life or its abundance, lack of inspiration or issues with giving generously. Health issues may be loss of “free will, paralysis, muscular system and nervous system diseases (multiple sclerosis and Lou Gehrig’s disease)” (Diemer, 18) When meditating, sit with a the stone of your choice on this spot, and during the rest of the day, wear it under your a cap. Quartz crystal or Diamond intensifies and activates the healing vibrations and power of 7th Chakra.

Chakra Therapy is quantum medicine and energy healing medicine where one can uses crystals to transform energy fields. One can ground themselves, balance, center, protect, run and transform ones energy with a variety of tools and techniques. The Chakra Therapy approach uses other natural healing which include Aromatheraphy, Color Therapy, Nature Therapy, Sound Therapy, Yoga Therapy and Reflexology as well. Chakra Therapy is easy to learn and fun to use. One can increase energy levels by using basic Chakra meditation, crystal placement and Yoga Therapy.

Thank you for your insight and contribution on Chakra:
The ABC's of Chakra Therapy by Deedre Diemer

Saquina Akanni