Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing: Water Thearapy for Chronic Pain

Self Care Health Care is taking responsibility and being accountable for our own health and well being. The first step is listening to our body and being aware of its communication signals. One of the signals that the body is out of balance and dis-harmony is occurring is the thirst signals.

Not recognizing the thirst signals of the body will undoubtedly produce complicated problems during treatment of these conditions. It is all too easy to assume these signals as complications of a serious disease process and begin to treat signal-producing dehydration with complicated procedures. When water by itself will alleviate the condition, medications or invasive diagnostic procedures may be forced on the person. It is the responsibility of both patients and their doctors to be aware of the damage chronic dehydration can cause in the human body.
~F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. 

Consider this; our body fluids require water. Our brain, the control center of our body, is 76% water. Our blood, which transports nutrients for our body, is 82% water. Our lungs that provide oxygen are 90% water. Our muscles that move the body are 75% water and our bones are 25% water. Once we get that, our health is truly dependent on the quality and quantity of the water we drink, Water Therapy makes good sense.

In Dr. Batmanghelidj ( Dr. B) book “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water” the science Paradigm Shift is presented that states it is the solvent - the water content – that regulates all functions of the body, not the activity of the solutes (the solids)  that are dissolved in it. This is a Paradigm Shift from the old view based that the solids regulate the activities of the body illustrates the importance of water intake. The disturbances in water metabolism of the body produce a variety of signs and signals. When water dehydration signals are not understood, water regulation actions are blocked by the use of medication, usually histamine and its subordinate agents.  The role of water metabolism disturbance can be addressed with drinking water, before it is assumed that a disease is causing the signs and symptoms requiring medication. 

Water Therapy is one of the true meanings of preventive medicine and an approach to Quantum Medicine and energy healing Self Care Health Care. Once we become aware of the many signs and symptoms, including the aches and pains that indicate our body's cells are crying out for water we can take action.  Thirst or dry, parched mouth is not the only sign of dehydration. Our body gives us many signals of dehydration.