Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Favorite Book - Power of Now

If you have already read it, would inspire you at a deeper level the next time around. 

Read the review where you among a series of spiritual teachers along with Deepak in Newport Beach presenting their understanding of non-duality. I am among the many who believe it to be the essential truth at the core of all spiritual teachings and traditions... and Eckhart Tolle were the only one to receive a standing ovation! Now that is an accomplishment:-)

In the Power of Now Eckhart Tolle's has a profound understanding of the expression of "nondual realization" and is a pearl in the millennium of spirituality.

I was inspired to write what I have learned from many of these enlightened authors in my own book. Will be finished soon... look out Deepak and Tolle:-)


Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor