Friday, September 3, 2010

Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing - Journal Therapy

Journal Therapy is a form of  energy medicine as it unleashes your pure potentiality from consciousness.

Journaling is Alternative Medicine, a form of energy healing as it gives one an opportunity for self discovery of ones authentic self by simply putting thought and feelings down on paper. 

Journaling opens the mind and puts one into a state of awareness. By taking time to put ones attention and focus on self, new realms of possibilities open up; new discoveries for intention open up.  

Journaling is a self-help tool that allows you to "Tell Your Story" and to be fully self expressed without concerns of judgment. Therefore, Journal Therapy qualifies to be included in the field of the medicine of the future: Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing. You are free to be. When say what you want and how you want in your journal, you relieve and release tension and stress. This introspective therapy can help anyone better understand self to solve problems. My mentor says it best:

Journaling Helps You Understand Your Thoughts and Beliefs              By Mark Victor Hansen

"If you’ve never done it before, I can assure you – journaling can open up a whole new world to you. It’s not just for the weak or lily livered either, so get that thought out of our mind immediately. This is not a Jane Austen endeavor – this is your life.

Just writing down your thoughts, ideas, plans and goals can open the window to your mind. It can show you the train of your thoughts, your fears and your hopes so that you’ve got something there that shows you, indicatively, what you’re really thinking.

See, journaling lets you release the thoughts in your mind that you might not even be consciously aware of. When you start journaling, don’t be self-conscious about what you write – just let it flow.
After a week or month or so, take some time to review your entries. Note your hopes and your fears. Don’t let those good ideas get away from you – they’re there in paper, now put some action to those ideas. Get clearer on your hopes and goals, and note where you need to deviate yourself from any negative self talk.

Action Step:
Keep up on your journal entries, jotting just a few words every day if possible. Over the next year, you’ll see the difference a personal journal can make."

Yours in goal-setting success,"
Mark Victor Hansen

Journal Therapy Contributors
"The most widely recommended tool by therapists and counselors to supplement therapy is journaling. People who consistently journal report better understanding of themselves, being more in touch with feelings, and being better able to deal with the past. Journaling can be done by all ages, without worry of grammar, spelling, or vocabulary. It is the ultimate self-help tool and also the most cost efficient." - Kathy Reed O'Gorman

"The Center for Journal Therapy is the premier source of education and training on the power of writing to heal body, psyche and soul.
Journal therapy -- the purposeful and intentional use of reflective writing to further mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health and wellness -- is an effective means of providing focus and clarity to issues, concerns, conflicts and confusions. Journal therapy transforms the traditional diary into a genuine, unique therapeutic method that offers cost-effective, holistic self-management. Through the introduction of style, technique, creativity, intimacy and mastery, your life journal is an ongoing companion and guide." - Kathleen Adams

"When you start and keep your own regular, preferably daily, Journaling for the Health of It™ practice, you discover who you really are, (it's nowhere close to who you think you are), and realize that you have the power, talents and abilities to solve your problems, heal your psychophysical wounds and Get a Life!...

You and your Journal Therapist work on letting go of your past, learn how to live in the present and create the future you want to live. With your customized Journaling for the Health of it practice, you begin to understand how you create your diseases and start curing them....
Journal writing therapy is an intimate and imaginative way to explore the world in and around you--and create a richer, more vibrant life. All it requires is a pen, a journal notebook and making time for You!

Step 1: Drain the swamp
Step 2: Ask not what to write, but why
Step 3: Imagine the worst, then imagine the best" - Mari McCarthy

"Visual journals are essentially "art diaries." They often contain both images [usually drawings] and words. Like an actual diary, their contents may be rough drafts that may later become finished artworks. And like an actual diary, they are meant to document day-to-day experiences, activities, and emotions and are often autobiographical in nature. Although they are defined as an art form, visual journals have been used for centuries as records of ideas and imagination. Da Vinci's drawing journals of flying machines and physicist Stephen Hawking's diagrams of the space-time continuum are just a couple of well-known examples."
- Cathy Malchiodi
Visual Art by Traci Bunckers

"In 2007, Health Net Federal Services launched a children’s initiative in an effort to provide additional resources to help children successfully navigate the unique challenges military families face. My Life, a kid’s journal, was developed to help children with a parent or loved one deployed easily express complicated emotions and serve as a tool for children and parents to establish important dialogue before, during and after deployment. This journal can be saved as a keepsake or completed and sent as a gift from a child to his or her deployed loved one.

Health Net Federal Services created My Life Continued, a bereavement journal for military children who have lost a parent or loved one who served in the military. The journal is a private place to write down thoughts and feelings and was created to help children remember and honor their loved one and help them apply that love in a productive way as they move forward in their lives. " - Health Net Federal Services

Thank for your insight and contribution on Journal Therapy
Mark Victor Hansen - Visual Journal

Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor