Kinesiology draws from ancient Chinese Medicine philosophy, principles and practices by applying various techniques in which to test the muscles in order to determine the energy imbalances in the body. They also used a number of various techniques to restore balance. Kinesiology not only works on the body as it is influenced by Chinese Medicine practices it can restore balance to the mind and spirit, which are reflected in symptoms of anxiety and depression. In Chinese Medicine, everything is Qi/Ch or energy and any imbalance of physique, emotion, diet, mental or chemistry can be detected by the variation of energy in stress resistance in various muscle groups. From the results, the "Muscle Test" the Kinesiolosist can treat by employing various methods including acupressure using Chinese Medicine meridian points on the anatomy to readjust the energy flow and nervous system.
The word "Kinesiology" conventionally means the study of motion, in particular the study of how muscles act and coordinate to move the body. However, in the natural holistic health field, the term kinesiology is seen and used in a different way. Here, muscles become monitors of stress and imbalance within the body where 'Muscle Testing', the key technique in Kinesiology. Muscle Testing is used as an effective and versatile tool for detecting and correcting various imbalances in the energy of the body, which may relate to stress, diet, emotional issues, and injury or learning problems.
Kinesiology also known as human kinetics, is a regulated profession that uses applies science-based medical principles to the analysis, preservation and enhancement of human movement in all settings and populations. Kinesiological information is applied in such fields as physical therapy, occupational therapy, chiropractic, osteopathy, exercise physiology, kinesiotherapy, massage therapy, ergonomics, physical education and athletic coaching. The approach of these applications can be therapeutic, preventive or high-performance sports medicine.
Aristotle and his students studied the human muscular system, however many anatomical philosophers, thinkers and doctors have contributed to Kinesiology Therapy development over the years.
Since 1988, Dr. Neumann author of Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System directs a four-day human gross anatomy dissection course for a wide range of medical and health professionals. This very popular course, presented on the campus of Marquette University, combines anatomy dissection and lectures on kinesiology.
The muscle testing techniques used in kinesiology are non-invasive and uses of the body’s natural feedback system. The limbs of the body are placed in various positions and then light pressure is applied. There is no pain, only a slight discomfort if there is stagnation or an imbalance. If the muscle does not respond properly, that is an indication of the patient needing therapy. The condition is evaluated and treatment for the specific diagnosis to treat the root of the problem. Pain is a symptom of energy stagnation and various relief methods can be achieved; by acupressure, by chiropractic to realign, by strength training. With kinesiology the practitioner can determine the treatment(s) and the order in which they should be received to holistically and completely alleviate the pain and return the body back to balance pain free. Treatments are specific to each individual and usually include reflex massage. Other types of treatment may be preformed such as Rolfing®, an original and scientifically validated system of body restructuring and movement education.
Nutrition also plays an important role in kinesiology therapy as well. The patient’s current diet, supplements, mineral and vitamin intake are charted and adjustments made to the diet in order to ensure the proper food is nourishing the muscles. A chart is also used to determine possible food allergies. Herbal remedies are used to treat various emotional imbalances like depression and anger management issues. These treatments are used as preventative measures along with treating problems presenting at the time of the initial consultation.
Kinesiology should not be confused with Applied Kinesiology (AK) a Chiropractic therapy. While an understanding of Kinesiology Therapy is fundamental for the analysis and treatment of problems in the musculoskeletal system, it is a different therapeutic system. Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a chiropractic method used for the diagnosis and treatment of illness using manual “muscle testing” for muscle strength, flexibility and other testing. According to Chiropractic practitioners Applied Kinesiology techniques provides feedback on the functional status of the body. AK draws upon many similar therapies including kinesiology and used as an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to Chiropractic health care. Chiropractic and other health practitioners use a few Kinesiology diagnostics and treatment techniques as an adjunct in their practice.
Thank you for your insight and contribution on Kinesiology Therapy:
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor