Saturday, September 25, 2010

Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing - Osteopathy Craniosacral Therapy - CST

The key to health and wellness lies in the Qi/Chi or energy within you and around you. You are the source of pure potentiality and can tap into the "waves of possibilities" to focus on the ones that work for you to create anything you desire. First, you must believe you can." - Saquina Akanni

“Why should it surprise us that we can tap into the body’s own inner wisdom to facilitate a positive response through the use of our hands and an innate desire to help? In my mind, this is health as it was meant to be—a natural collaboration between two human beings on a multitude of different levels, all simply allowing the body to do what it was born to do best.”
- John E. Upledger, from the Introduction Craniosacral Therapy

Oseopathy Craniosacral Therapy is based in osteopathy. Osteopathy does more than just address problems of the musculo-skeletal system. Osteopaths use a wide variety of approaches to treatment and can bring relief or improvement to many conditions affecting, children and women, problems during or after pregnancy, the elderly and sportsmen through energy healing. 

Osteopathy Craniosacral Therapy (also called Craniosacral Therapy or CST, and also called CranioSacral bodywork or therapy) is an holistic Alternative medicine and a form of Quantum Medicine and energy healing practice that uses very light touching to balance the craniosacral system in the body, which includes the bones, nerves, fluids, and connective tissues of the cranium and spinal area. CST is used by osteopaths, naturopaths, chiropractors, physical therapist, massage therapist, and occupational therapists.

CST was originally developed by physician John E. Upledger at Michigan State University after an eight-year study as a professor of biomechanics. Dr. William Sutherland pioneered the idea through his work in cranial osteopathy. Dr. Upledger was assisting with a neck surgery when he noticed rhythmic movement of a system later to become known as the craiosacral system. CST evaluates and helps the functioning of the craniosacral system-the membranes and fluid-that surround the spinal cord and brain. In his book, the founder of craniosacral therapy tells the story of its development in the 1970s and outlines its methods, practices, and differences from similar therapies, and superiority to invasive treatments such as surgery. Dr. Upledger uses stories from his patients' and his own experiences to describe the methods and benefits of this fast-growing therapy.

CDT is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the function of the craniosacral system; the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord.  CST boosts the bodys natural healing processes and has proven efficacious for a wide range of medical problems from migraines, learning disabilities, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

A Craniosacral Therapy energy healing session involves the therapist lightly placing their hands on the patient, which allows them to tune into the energy rhythm or the craniosacral rhythm, which is called “listening with the hands”. The practitioner gently works with the spine and the skull and its cranial sutures, diaphragms, and fascia.  The intention is to release the restrictions of energy along the nerve passages and to set them at ease, the movement of energy and cerebrospinal fluid through the spinal cord is optimized, and any misalignment in fascia and bones are restored to their proper position.

Oseopathy Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is used to treat many different types of symptoms including, mental and physical stress, neck and back pain, migraines, chronic pain, fibromyalgia and TMJ Syndrome, which affects the temporomandibular joint. This facial joint is susceptible to many of the conditions that affect other joints in the body, including arthritis, trauma, dislocations and developmental anomalies. TMJ disorders include, dull, aching jaw pain, clicking, popping, or grating sound when opening or closing the mouth.

Craniosacral Therapy improves the central nervous system, strengthens resistance to disease, enhances overall health, and treats a wide range of ailments, including learning disabilities, autism, post-traumatic stress, and cancer. Using a lighter touch than other techniques, this method mobilizes the pressure of cerebrospinal fluid and the bioelectrical connectivity of fascial tissue to affect sites of physical and emotional trauma.

Using extremely light pressure on the head, restrictions are released in order to improve the central nervous system flow and function by feeling the energy rhythm of the cranioscaral system. This method is used as a holistic, alternative medicine and preventative approach to energy healing and preventing central nervous system problems. CST is particularly helpful in alleviating the source of pain for migraines, chronic neck and back pain, and motor coordination problems. The techniques have also been reported as having a positive effect on relieving colic in infants and chronic fatigue.

In the practice of Oseopathy Craniosacral Therapy energy is released from stagnated locations referred to as energy cysts, where energy has built up and then become blocked, as in neck pain from holding ones neck at a particular angle for a long period of time such as looking at a computer al day at work. This has proven to be an effective and powerful technique, and can cause the recipient to relieve past injuries, emotional blockage as well as physical. Suppressed energy as in blocked emotions inhibits structural releases, therefore uncontrollable emotional outbursts or crying are common during therapy. An experienced and reputable carniosacral therapist will help one move through suppressed memories and sensations, which caused pain in the past yet, are being held onto in the present. Once energy cysts are unblocked and realigned, the patient may exhibit better listening and memory comprehension skills.

What will happen at your session? Wear loose clothing and feel free to remove your shoes. You will lie on a massage table and the lights will be dimmed. The therapist will typically sit at your head first, and place their finger lightly on either side of your temples. It is quiet and you must lie still, they are listening. They will pick up the tension in your temples or a clenched jaw line. They will then move down to your torso and work their way to your feet. What sensations you may experience during the session will be unique to each individual, but typically you will relax to the point of falling asleep. You may even begin to recall hidden memories and express emotion, as previously described. 

Many sessions use other types of therapy to complement the treatment plan and to strengthen the body’s systems. Chiropractic is often used to realign the spine, relieving pressure all the way to the clenched jaw or TMJ, acupressure or acupuncture is used to help increase the flow of energy or Qi (Chi) through the meridians or channels. This holistic approach and complementary medicine is also used for prevention to keep the body in ailment and is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to conventional methods of physical care, pain medication or invasive surgery with long convalescent post op care requirements.

Unfortunately, most medical insurance plans still do not cover most CST therapies. Acupuncture, massage and chiropractic are the leading Alternative Medicine therapies covered by health insurance.

There are certain conditions where CST is not helpful. These include conditions where increases in brain pressure would not enable the ailment to dissipate, acute aneurysm, cerebral hemorrhage or severe bleeding disorders. If you elect to see a CST provider, sessions will vary with the severity of your disorder, 2-3 treatments a week for several weeks is the average length of therapy. Do some research and you can determine if this Alternative medicine is suitable for you?

Thank you for you insight and contribution to Osteopathy Craniosacral Therapy (also known as Craniosacral Therapy or CST)

Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor