Friday, November 26, 2010

Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing - Yoga Therapy

There is a elixir of life and it is found within you locked in your consciousness, thoughts, beliefs, feelings, words and intention. Tap into it.  - Saquina Akanni

Yoga Therapy is both a self-care energy healing method and a new form of energy healing discipline emerging out of the current popularity of yoga practices. 

Yoga is Alternative Medicine, Quantum Medicine and energy healing techniques using ones own consciousness and intention to transform health and well-being - mind, body, spirit, soul and emotions.

Yoga Therapy is both a self-care approach to energy healing wellness and a new form of energy healing discipline emerging out of the multitude of yoga practices. Yoga is Alternative Medicine, Quantum Medicine and energy healing techniques using ones consciousness and intention to transform health and well-being, mind, body, spirit, soul and emotions. Yoga has always been a preventative approach to health and wellness and it works.

Yoga Therapy is also a new form Alternative Medicine created by the merging of traditional yoga practices, Quantum Medicine and energy healing with intention, combined with modern medicine therapeutic disciplines. Medical assessments are taken into consideration to tailor yoga practices to individual therapeutic needs. This new discipline of yoga practices makes Yoga Therapy more effective for specific conditions with the help of a professional. Self-care yoga practices have always been energy healing medicine with intention for balance, concentration, meditation, breathing or exercise conditioning.

Since yoga is a therapeutic technique within itself using consciousness and intention from ancient traditions, makes it a form of Quantum Medicine and energy healing self-care approach to energy wellness and balance and a medical discipline. It is easy to see how yoga can be integrated with Western medicine therapeutic methods. It is widely known that Yoga can enhance mental, physical and emotional well being as a self-care approach to wellness that can help anyone to achieve a balance between mind, body, spirit, emotional and soul states of being. Yoga has been practiced for more than 5000 years. It has its earliest roots in the Yoga tradition of Patanjali and the Ayurvedic Alternative Medicine system of health care.

Yoga is one of the more popular types of Alternative Medicine and energy healing for self-care treatment and growing rapidly every year. Yoga is commonly known as a form of physical therapy, however it is a spiritual therapy as well, an integration of mind, body and spirit. Hatha yoga is one of the more popular forms of yoga that exists in practice. 

For some Americans the initial impression of yoga is that of a quasi-exercise regime for upper middle class, affluent women or “spiritual” types.  This is a misconception.  It is estimated that around 11 million Americans practice yoga and enjoy the benefits of yoga growing in numbers every day. Classes are popping up in American cities and around the world.  Yoga enthusiast have classes for babies and children.

Baby yoga or shall I say Yoga Baby is on the rise. Itsy Bitsy Yoga is the brainchild of Helen Garabedian who resides in Sudbury, Massachusetts, USA.   It really does help the kids with sleeping, and helps parents with bonding," she says. It helps you just feel better as a parent, to be able to be present as a parent, teaching techniques that calm and comfort the child. And the environment is kind of special. It's a great time for like-minded parents to come together and get to know one another. - Helen Garabedian
Many new mothers looking for a gentle exercise class that will not only help them ease their post-pregnancy bodies back into shape, but will also improve their confidence, posture and flexibility are using self–care Yoga Therapy. In fact, studies have shown that the more babies are touched, the more secure and loved they feel. Needless to say, the faster a new mom gets back to her pre-baby shape after giving birth, the better she feels as well. Therefore, Baby yoga is a win-win for both baby and mom. Yoga is also on the rise for seniors and children. 

Researchers at Indiana University released a study today that showed older adults who practice Hatha yoga may be less afraid of falling—which is important, the study says, because that fear can limit physical and social activity, ultimately diminishing the quality of life. Participants in the study, 14 men and women with an average age of 78 years, took Hatha yoga classes from a yoga therapist twice weekly for twelve weeks. They reported a 6 percent reduction in fear of falling and 34 percent increase in lower body flexibility. - Yoga Journal

Most forms of yoga are also natural pain relievers.  Hatha yoga is great for beginners as it begins with the basics and teaches the inner workings of meditation, posture and breathing techniques to prepare the body for its spiritual journey. This is accomplished with intention, meditation, physical discipline and breathing exercises. The reason it is believed to be a physical therapy exercise is because this form of yoga requires more physical exercise than many of the other forms of yoga. One of the physical benefits for seniors is that it is a natural pain reliever.

In today’s complex world, it does not take much to experience stress in the daily demands of life taking over.  Before long we can find ourselves simply checking off our "To Do" lists and wondering where our time has gone.  Many of my clients describe feelings of stress coupled with a depressing sense of never really accomplishing anything. It is not long before health issues associated with stress and anxiety manifest into diseases labeled high blood pressure, depression and heart disease called Lifestyle Diseases.  Yoga is an excellent tool to help anyone to get back in sync with ourselves, who we are and where we are going. 

The main factors for Hatha yoga are concentration on the fundamentals, which are meditation, breathing and posture. The purpose of practicing a great posture is to practice great meditation.

Yoga is a healing system of theory and practice. It is a combination of breathing exercises, physical postures, and meditation that has been practiced for more than 5,000 years.Training the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility that is achieved through the three paths of actions and knowledge and devotion. - Amazing Only

For beginners meditation and concentration may seem difficult however, once one has practiced and masters concentration, posture and the positions of meditation, it is easy to move to the next level. It is time to master breathing patterns and once one masters breathing patterns, than mastering the mind is not far out of reach. It takes discipline and many steps to reach each level of meditation with yoga. With practice and concentration anyone can experience the benefits of self-care energy healing not matter what level one is on. 

Check it out. Yoga is being practiced by children, teens, adults as well as seniors to maintain balance, strength and flexibility. Be amazed and experience self-disciple that can be fun. Take time out with this self-care natural approach to energy healing. Be amazed at what you can do and what can be accomplished with continued practice.

Yoga was originally a spiritual energy healing treatment for centering and harmonizing to bring into balance the mind, body, spirit, emotions and soul. 

Yoga provides an opportunity to become acquainted with our essence, in tune with the Oracle at Delphi's command: Know thyself.  From a psychological standpoint, therapy is defined as the possibility of accessing self-knowledge that will enable us to change that what we consider dysfunctional.  A number of research studies have proven the effectiveness of Yoga Therapy as developing exactly that type of awareness. - Antonio Sausys "Yoga Therapy: Unlocking the Hidden Vitality"

Physical practices seem to be in demand in America. There is one new type of yoga, created by Bikram Choudury in California, using Hatha yoga postures worth mentioning. It is called "hot yoga" or Bikram yoga and is practiced in hot rooms. These rooms are normally at an average temperature of 90 to 106 degrees Fahrenheit. This form of yoga focuses on balancing and stretching and used to create pressure in the body. One feels the blood rushing through the veins with the release of the stretch. One can feel veins being flushed out and cleansed. This is one of the main points of hot yoga.

The reason that this form is performed in a hot room is to maintain heat in the entire body and keep it warm. This allows one to work deep into your muscles and tendons to heal with exercise from the inside and out. Bikram yoga, like many others, is a natural pain reliever and aids in decreasing many chronic pain conditions.  As one would imagine you can also reduce stress, lose weight and more with this form of yoga. You will find yourself in great physical and mental health by practicing hot yoga. The 90 minute meditation, while performing 26 postures in a heated room are for those who believe "no pain no gain".  You will love this form of yoga. With Bikram yoga you will experience some pain, excess sweating, discomfort from the heat and the aerobic challenge in a heated room. You will either love or hate it!

Yoga is a natural pain reliever. Quantum medicine and energy healing with Yoga Therapy. Use this alternative medicine with intention to address a wide variety of conditions such as pain, arthritis, respiratory, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome as well as multiple sclerosis, hypertension, anxiety, depression, chronic, fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.

Yoga therapy can be applied during pregnancy to help women to prepare for childbirth and also to help with any health conditions women may experience during pregnancy such as edema, headaches, low back pain, nausea, well as be beneficial to the elderly, helping them to maintain and promote good health.  

Yoga Therapy  as a medical discipline feeds from virtually all styles and branches of yoga, combining the tools and methodologies to address specific conditions. Yoga Therapy adapts the basic practice of Yoga to the requirements of health conditions, that can not be addressed in a group class and require professional guidance of a health practitioner. It can be adapted to help individuals facing specific health challenges and apply the appropriate techniques to address health conditions. Application of techniques can reduce symptoms, restore balance and harmony, increase vitality, improve clarity, adjust attitude and well-being. The greatest health benefits of yoga include by its very nature an enhancement in flexibility, strength and balance. Yoga can be integrated alongside any other form of treatment from mainstream Western medicine treatments to Alternative Medicine such as, acupuncture and Food Therapy. 

Yoga can be a self-care approach and fun for all including your pet or by adding therapeutic intention for specific conditions, and applying the ancient science of Yoga can be use as a medical discipline. If there are health conditions that need treatment, it is not necessary to have experience of yoga before beginning Yoga Therapy.

Try this energy healing approach to energy wellness.

Thank you for you consideration and contribution to Yoga Therapy

Co-author: Carol Marturano-Becker, The URGENT Coach IMPACT Learning inc.
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor