Sunday, November 7, 2010

Quantum Medicine and Energy Healing - Visualization Therapies

There is no logical way to the discovery of elemental laws. There is only the way of intuition, which is helped by a feeling for the order lying behind the appearance... The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. - Albert Einstein 

Visualization therapy involves your imagination and focusing your intuitive mind on what you would like to happen and believing with your rational mind that these images are real to your body.

Visualization therapies are powerful forms of quantum medicine and energy healing in action.  It is an alternative energy medicine where one can use the power of consciousness, intuition and energy from within or from Source to utilize ones thoughts, insights, imagination and ideas with intention to tap into ones own power to experience and access the past and the future; to create, manifest and make positive changes in any aspect of ones life. 

I am imagination. I can see what the eyes cannot see. I can hear what the ears cannot hear. I can feel what the heart cannot feel. - Peter Zarlenga

Visualization techniques using your own energy, conscious and subconscious mind to treat yourself: your mind, your body, emotions as well as, your soul has been part of ancient natural medicines for centuries. From Western point of view the brain and mind are often used interchangeably, where the brain is the physical anatomy, the mind generates activity and thought is the result of that activity. 

From Eastern point of view everything is energy and the mind is an energy type and generates a type of thought, however the entire body and all of its cells are energy and communicate.  Just a few decades ago Western science stated that it was impossible to control involuntary functions, such as heart rate, body temperature and blood pressure. However, with the study and use of biofeedback it is now an accredited method in the medical profession for controlling involuntary functions using the conscious mind with intention to communicate to the subconscious mind. Biofeedback is essentially a process for monitoring a body function such as breathing, heart rate, blood pressure and altering that function through relaxation, visualization or imagery. Biofeedback is essentially a training system or means to reinforce positive new habits, especially new ways of responding to stress.
Visualization may be difficult to understand if you have not tried it or practiced visualization techniques. I watched a program many years ago that documented Tibetan monks using energy, visualization and meditation to raise their body temperature as they sustained themselves overnight outside in the freezing cold. It was amazing. We may not understand it, we don’t have to – all we have to do is step into it and test it out. It is like trying to explain the flavor of an apple. This quote is apropos:

“The ultimate truth is like the flavor of an apple, which you can't see with the eyes or hear with the ear. The only way to experience it is to put the teaching into practice. Once you've tasted it, you'll no longer be in any doubt about its flavor, and you won't have to ask anyone else. The problem will be solved.” - Ajahn Chah

Children have a much easier time learning visualization techniques than adults. Many parents and teachers are aware of the benefits of using visualization. 

One of the greatest assets you have is your imagination. The imagination equips us to perceive reality before it's fully materialized. - Mark Victor Hansen   

The Chicken Soup for the Soul in the Classroom Series has been used by teaches to create an unique opportunity to inspire students to use their imagination, be goal-oriented, compassionate, confident and ambitious. Anna Unkovich made a difference in her student's lives through the daily use of stories from the this bestselling series. Many teachers have discovered the benefits of teaching students how to use their imagination in various subjects. Students are taught visualization techniques to help them better understand what they read. Students remember vocabulary through visualizing. They dramatize to write. Students learn to explore using all their sensory images to connect and infer and learn to focus to become proficient using visualization strategies with sensory images.

Sadly, some adults report that they don't use their visualization strength or understand how to use it. Often adults lose their sense of imagination, discount their insights and ignore their intuition or create black and white worlds of rules and absolutes. Children are open to learning and visualization is just another new and interesting thing to learn. Children are open to details and how to use all of their sensory perceptions to imagine, to create and experience the results. They weren't taught how to use visualization techniques or believed that it was not important. So, if you ever felt that teaching how to use all your sensory images has no value, consider reading a book, but not seeing any pictures in your mind. Imagine not being able to hold concepts in your long-term memory. It can happen to children, student and adults if they are not taught the value of their greats gift – imagination.

When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge. - Albert Einstein
Adults hold images in there mind and visualize all the time. If they have not learned the techniques to take their gift of fantasy and turn it into a powerful too. One can learn to use visualization as a tool instead of just thoughts flashing across the mind. The difference is how we visualize and often we are simply observers and without intention. There is a difference in being an observer outside of the experience of visualization and being within the experience of visualization. If you are familiar with the Law of Attraction, you know that everything is energy and a thought has a frequency and vibration and so does feeling. Your feelings precede you. You know this because you can feel a person’s vibration when they enter your space. You can feel if they are happy, sad, irritated, confident, or arrogant and so on. It is your own vibration that attracts something to you and you can always measure your vibration based on how you feel. If you feel good, you’re in a high vibration. If you feel bad you’re in a lower frequency of vibration. Add the sensor perceptions with feeling and the combined are more powerful.

Try this exercise: Imagine you are going on a trip to Hawaii. First, just be the observer at this point and imagine that you’re on the beach. Picture yourself sitting on the beach, lying in the sand staring up into the sky.  How do you feel?

This time visualize buy combining your imagination with your sensory perception. Actually step inside your body and look through your own eyes. Now feel the heat radiating from the sunshine shining on your face and the cool breeze kissing your face as you dig your feet into the hot sand. Hear the waves crashing upon the shoreline and the ice clinging against the glass as you sip your tropical drink. See the beautiful colors in the sky as it meets the horizon of the deep blue water of the Pacific Ocean.  How did you feel this time?

When you experience the vision in the first person through your own eyes, it creates stronger feelings. And that puts you in a higher vibration. By being the third person or observer you distant yourself from the experience and your feelings. If you don’t trigger feelings during your visualization, you won’t attract the things you want

Anyone can master visualization techniques using energy, imagination and your sub-conscious mind, creatively and constructively, to provide all the options, opportunities and avenues for getting to what you want and where you want to be. My mentor Mark Victor Hansen is a master of visualization. “Greatness exists in all of us, but often our fears and preconceptions keep us from taking those steps that will allow us the health, wealth, leisure time, spiritual riches and mental acuity we deserve. First one must discover their subconscious mind. Many are aware of the difference in the conscious and subconscious mind, however were never taught how to harness the most powerful tool given as a natural gift.”

With Visualization Therapy one can focus the minds eye (Third Eye) onto the successful completion of any particular intention, goal or desired outcome one wishes to achieve. The technique includes focusing the mind on what you would like to happen as if it has already happened therefore one must believe that these images are real. One uses the energy of the five senses in conjunction with the mind to experience the environment, the feelings and body interactions.

Visualization Therapy is very precise and detailed. You create an image or imagine how something looks, feels, smells, taste and sounds. Your imagination empowered with your sensory perceptions will allow you to experience it as real. It really is that simple. Your body goes where your mind takes it and through visualization you will experience the reality. You can improve your health, eliminate stress and create the life of your dreams by creating the reality in your mind first.

There are numerous cases where visualization therapy has helped people to combat their illness and lead normal lives again. There are Comprehensive Epilepsy Centers which combine traditional therapy along with visualization to help their patients to decrease activity and prevent a further spread of a seizure.

There are several Chronic Pain Clinics in California which use Visualization therapy to help manage and to achieve control pain with high success rates. Research over the last five years has documented the incredible power of the imagination in the healing process. It is still not understood exactly how this therapy works, just that it does.

There are so many different visualization techniques available to assist you in achieving what ever you want. Below are some techniques which I use and believe will benefit you. Everyone is different and will have different methods depending on what they are trying to accomplish. It is a process and over time with practice you have come to the point where you can use visualization techniques any time,  in any place, be it in a mall or your favorite quiet place in nature.

1) Create a vision board. Write down what you want and create a script. Memorize your script and visualize it everyday. Record your script in your own voice. Say or listen to your script and see the images in your mind's eye.

2) Physically act out your goal. Use all of your senses and action moves. For example, with your eyes closed, envision yourself taking that trip to Hawaii. See yourself flipping through the travel book and search the internet for the best packages that include airfare, resort and sporty vehicle. Feel the smile on your face and the joy in your heart as you click the mouse and surf the net. Feel yourself buying the tickets and reading the itinerary, how do you feel as you put it in your desk drawer? See yourself arriving at the airport. What are you waring are your shoes comfortable? Feel the weight of the luggage, how many pieces are you checking it at curb side. What color is your luggage? Notice the smells of coffee and food as you go to your gate. Do you stop to pick up a snack or buy a book? Feel the excitement as hear them call you seating group, feel your carry on bag as you are boarding and going to your first class seat. You must see, hear, feel and taste the details. This may seem silly, and you may feel like a kid playacting, but this is a great visualization technique, not to mention a great stress reliever. Use your imagination and all five senses and have fun with this. Go through all the motions and experiences, as if they were really happening. Notice your emotions, and don't forget to laugh along the way! Allow yourself 5 to 30 minutes every day for 30 days visualizing your dream or goal. Set aside time to rest and remove yourself from everything else going on even if it is only 5 minutes - take time for your dream. Find a quiet, uninterrupted area to perform your visualization techniques. Remember, the more you focus on your dream or goals, the sooner you will achieve them.

3) View The Secret

4) Try the Silva Method: Although there are many self-mastery visualization programs available worldwide, the Silva Method is unique. In my research so many people that I know and respect rave about the  step-by-step training method. Change the way you think, change your life!

How you think, believe and behave dictates your living experience. By learning to effectively use the invisible, intangible parts of your self, and by making simple, positive changes, you can live a powerful life of your own design. The Silva Method teaches you how to use more of your mind and activate its untapped areas, while learning to think, believe and behave in ways that will attract more of what you want. Quickly learn visualization techniques that have proven results. In my research Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield and my mentor Mark Victor Hansen have all done and recommend the Silva Method. Even one of my favorite authors "Living in the Light" has this to say:

“One of the earliest workshops I took was the Silva Mind Control Course… The most important technique I learned in that course was the basic technique of creative visualization… Our rational mind is like a computer… The intuitive mind, on the other hand, seems to give access to an infinite supply of information. It appears to be able to tap into a deep storehouse of knowledge and wisdom..
- Shakti Gawain, Silva Graduate & Bestselling Author Of Creative Visualization

Thank you for you insight and contribution to visualization therapies
Creative visualization picture: - kawasakiracing and dabeebe2000

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni

The Prosperity Doctor